Tag: huperballo

Ephesians 3:19 – Knowledge by Experience

and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.

Truth to Learn

You can only really know God’s love by experience.


Behind the Words

“And” is translated from the word te, which is a particle of connection meaning “and, also, or even.”

The word translated “to know” is the infinitive form of ginōskō, which refers to “knowing something completely, usually by experience.” So, we could say “to fully know.”

“Surpasses” is from huperballō, which is made up of huper (or hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus, we see that huperballō literally means “to throw beyond.” In general usage the meaning is “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” It is expressed here as a participle (being beyond).

“Knowledge” is from gnōsis. This is derived from ginōskō, which we just looked at.

Putting all this together we see that the opening part of this verse could be translated, “and to know by experience the love of Christ which is beyond knowing …”


Meaning Explained

We are in the middle of a worshipful prayer of the Apostle Paul which he is praying for his beloved friends in the church at Ephesus. By extension, this prayer is presented on behalf of all Christians. The first two of the four petitions in this prayer were that God the Father would strengthen our inner man by means of God the Holy Spirit and Christ might finally settle down and feel completely at home through faith.

The third petition began in verse seventeen and ends in today’s verse; it is “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.”

The crux of all this is in today’s verse: “for us to fully experience the love of Christ which is beyond intellectual knowledge”. Not only does Paul pray that we might understand how huge and all-encompassing (width, length, depth, and height) God’s love is, he also prays that we, through experience might know that which is unknowable.

There are many people (saved and unsaved) who talk about the love of God but who don’t really know God’s love. According to Paul, it is not something that you can study and learn about by reading books and listening to others talk about. Sure, you can recognize God’s love at work, but you can’t gain a full understanding of it that way. Only those who have experienced God’s love through His mercy, His grace, His miraculous provision, and His comfort in times of need can really know what it’s like.



If you’ve never gone through times of difficulty in your Christian walk, if you’ve never felt helpless and had to rely completely on Him, if you’ve never felt trapped by your own sinfulness, begging for His mercy, if you’ve never fallen before God with a completely broken spirit, then you don’t really understand His love. If you have, then you know by experience the kind of love that only God can show! Praise be to God!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:7 – Priceless Grace

that in the ages coming He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Truth to Learn

God’s grace is priceless.


Behind the Words

The word “ages” is from aiōn, which refers to a duration or continuance of time. As used here, it refers to “an indefinitely long period of time.”

“Coming” is translated from eperchomai, which is composed or epi, meaning “on, upon, to, over, or above” and erchomai, meaning “to come.” It is expressed as a present participle, so we could translate this as “coming upon us.”

The Greek word translated “He might show” is endeiknumi, which is made up of en, meaning “in” or “to” and deiknumi, meaning “to point out” or “to present for viewing.” We might translate this word as “to showcase.” It is expressed here in the middle voice (action done by the subject to the subject), so it could be translated as “He might showcase for himself.”

“Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond,” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

“Riches” is the translation of the Greek word ploutos, which refers to “wealth composed of valuable things.”

The Greek word translated “kindness” is chrēstotēs, which is based on chrēstos, meaning “usefulness” or “moral excellence.” Hence, chrēstotēs refers to “goodness” or “kindness.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that our merciful God did three things for us: He made us alive, He raised us up (resurrected us), and He caused us to sit in the heavenlies. Today’s verse explains why God decided to do this for us. Well, actually He didn’t do it for us. He did it for His own glory. Let me say that a little differently. God did not give us eternal life, raise us from the dead, and seat us in His presence for our sake. He did it for Himself to showcase His glorious grace.

According to the Apostle Paul, God did these things so that He could showcase, for Himself, the exceedingly great value of His grace, so that He would receive glory and praise. What is the value of grace? A couple of verses back we learned that God’s grace to us is undeserved “favor, good will, or kindness, especially that which causes joy and gratification.” Why is it undeserved? We are all sinners; that is, we are not righteous. And we know that the penalty for not being righteous is God’s wrath and eternity in hell. But, as a result of God’s grace, we who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior will not experience hell because we have been made alive, resurrected, and seated in His presence.

So, let me ask again, “What is the value of grace?” There is not enough money in all the earth to purchase eternal life, resurrection, and a seat in God’s presence. God’s grace is more valuable than all we have or could ever possess. It is exceedingly valuable, and we can’t afford it.



No, we can’t afford God’s grace. That’s why He freely gives it to us, not because we deserve it, but because we don’t. If we deserved it, it wouldn’t be grace; it would be something He owes us. God doesn’t owe us anything, but He gave it to us anyway, simply because He wanted to show how gracious and glorious He is!

I think it’s time once again to fall on our knees and thank God for His priceless grace. Thank you Lord!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:19 – Knowledge by Experience

Ephesians 3:19  – Knowledge by Experience

to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Truth to Learn

You can only really know God’s love by experience.

Behind the Words

There is a tiny Greek particle that is left out of our translation here. It is the word te, which is a particle of connection meaning “and, also, or even.” Thus, this verse should start out, “and to know …

The word translated “to know” is the infinitive form of ginōskō, which refers to “knowing something completely, usually by experience.” So, we could say “to fully know.”

Passes” is from huperballō, which is made up of huper (or hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus, we see that huperballō literally means “to throw beyond.” In general usage the meaning is “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” It is expressed here as a participle (being beyond).

Knowledge” is from gnōsis. This is derived from ginōskō, which we just looked at.

Putting all this together we see that the opening part of this verse could be translated, “and to know by experience the love of Christ which is beyond knowing …

Meaning Explained

We are in the middle of a worshipful prayer of the Apostle Paul which he is praying for his beloved friends in the church at Ephesus. By extension, this prayer is presented on behalf of all Christians. The first two of the four petitions in this prayer were that God the Father would strengthen our inner man by means of God the Holy Spirit and for Christ to dwell in our hearts through faith.

The third petition began in verse seventeen and ends in today’s verse; it is “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.”

The crux of all this is in today’s verse: “for us to fully know (by experience) the love of Christ which is beyond intellectual knowledge” [my paraphrase]. Not only does Paul pray that we might understand how huge and all-encompassing (width, length, depth, and height) God’s love is, he also prays that we might know that which is unknowable.

There are many people (saved and unsaved) who talk about the love of God but who don’t really know God’s love. According to Paul, it is not something that you can study and learn about by reading books and listening to others talk about. Sure, you can recognize God’s love at work, but you can’t gain a full understanding of it that way. Only those who have experienced God’s love through His mercy, His grace, His miraculous provision, and His comfort in times of need, can really know what it’s like.


If you’ve never gone through times of difficulty in your Christian walk, if you’ve never felt helpless and had to rely completely on Him, if you’ve never felt trapped by your own sinfulness, begging for His mercy, if you’ve never fallen before God with a completely broken spirit, then you don’t really understand His love. If you have, then you know by experience the kind of love that only God can show! Praise be to God!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Ephesians 2:7 – Priceless Grace

Ephesians 2:7  – Priceless Grace

that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Truth to Learn

God’s grace is priceless.

Behind the Words

The word “ages” is from aiōn, which refers to “an indefinitely long period of time.”

To come” is translated from eperchomai, which is composed or epi, meaning “on, upon, to, over, or above” and erchomai, meaning “to come.” It is expressed as a present participle, so we could translate this as “coming upon us.”

The Greek word translated “He might show” is endeiknumi, which is made up of en, meaning “in” or “to” and deiknumi, meaning “to point out” or “to present for viewing.” We might translate this word as “to showcase.” It is expressed here in the middle voice (action done by the subject to the subject), so it could be translated as “He might showcase for himself.”

Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond,” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

Riches” is the translation of the Greek word ploutos, which refers to “wealth composed of valuable things.”

The Greek word translated “kindness” is chrēstotēs, which is based on chrēstos, meaning “usefulness” or “moral excellence.” Hence, chrēstotēs refers to “goodness” or “kindness.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that our merciful God did three things for us: He made us alive, He raised us up (resurrected us), and He caused us to sit in the heavenlies. Today’s verse explains why God decided to do this for us. Well, actually He didn’t do it for us. He did it for His own glory. Let me say that a little differently. God did not give us eternal life, raise us from the dead, and seat us in His presence for our sake.

According to the Apostle Paul, God did these things so that He could showcase, for Himself, the exceedingly great value of His grace, so that He would receive glory and praise. What is the value of grace? A couple of verses back we learned that God’s grace to us is undeserved “favor, good will, or kindness, especially that which causes joy and gratification.” Why is it undeserved? We are all sinners; that is, we are not righteous. And we know that the penalty for not being righteous is God’s wrath and eternity in hell. But, as a result of God’s grace, we who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior will not experience hell because we have been made alive, resurrected, and seated in His presence.

So, let me ask again, “What is the value of grace?” There is not enough money in all the earth to purchase eternal life, resurrection, and a seat in God’s presence. God’s grace is more valuable than all we have or could ever possess. It is exceedingly valuable, and we can’t afford it.


No, we can’t afford God’s grace. That’s why He freely gives it to us, not because we deserve it, but because we don’t. I think it’s time once again to fall on our knees and thank God for His priceless grace. Thank you Lord!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Ephesians 1:19 – Incredible Mighty Power!

Ephesians 1:19  – Incredible Mighty Power!

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

Truth to Learn

God has already demonstrated how valuable we are to Him.

Behind the Words

Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond;” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

The word “greatness” is from megethos, which means “magnitude” or, as in this verse, “greatness.”

The word translated “power” is dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite). This word refers specifically to having the capability or authority to do something. So “power” is a good translation it as it is used here.

Believe” is from pisteuō, which we saw back in verse thirteen. It means “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “working” is translated from energeia (from which we get our English word energy). It refers to “active power” or “power in action.”

Mighty” is from kratos, which refers to “demonstrated power,” that is, “vigor or might.”

Finally, the word “power” is from ischus. This is made up of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.” Thus, ischus refers to someone “having strength.”

Meaning Explained

First of all, notice how many words Paul used in this one verse to express God’s strength and power. Each of these words can have a number of subtle nuances that produce very similar meanings. It is as if Paul is trying to use every word he can think of to describe the exceeding greatness and magnitude of God’s almighty power at work.

One of the difficulties in understanding the Apostle Paul is the fact that he writes such lengthy, complex sentences. This particular sentence takes up seven verses and it contains almost 140 words! He started out this thought in verse fifteen by expressing his thanks for the growing faith and demonstrated love of the Christians in the church in Ephesus. Then he expresses the content of his prayers for these believers and, by extension, for all Christians. He prayed that the Father would have the Holy Spirit impart wisdom and reveal truths to us. The first of these truths is that we might understand the hope and assurance we have in God’s inviting us to have eternal life. The second truth is the magnificence of the inheritance that Jesus will receive from the Father. We, the church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, are that marvelous inheritance.

In the current verse Paul tells us about the third truth which he prays will be revealed to us. It is the incredible greatness of God’s active and demonstrated power, which is mighty in strength. The greatest part is that His powerful strength is displayed toward us, we who believe in Jesus Christ.


Listen, God has demonstrated His incredible power for your sake because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Yes, you! You are incredibly valuable to Him!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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