Tag: ginosko

Romans 11:34 – The Greatest Mind

"For who has known the mind of the Lord? or who has become His adviser?"

Truth to Learn

God is infinitely more intelligent and wise than we are; therefore, we have no reason to question his actions or plans.


Behind the Words

“Known” is from ginōskō, which means “to know, either in a beginning or completed sense.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action that occurred in the past at a point in time. It does not express the process of gaining knowledge of God, but of having such knowledge.

The word translated “mind” is noun, which refers to “the consciousness that precedes actions or recognizes and judges them. That is, intelligence and understanding.”

“Adviser” is from the Greek word, sumboulos, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of boulē, meaning “advice or counsel.” Together they indicate “someone who is called together to give counsel or advice.”


Meaning Explained

A parallel verse to the current one is 1Cointhisns 2:16:

For "who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

Both our current verse and this one above appear to be paraphrases of Isaiah’s words:

Who has measured the Spirit of the LORD, or instructed Him as His counselor? (Isaiah 40:13)

Paul is teaching us that God is infinitely more knowledgeable and wise that any man. No man can teach God anything nor could any man ever give counsel to the infinitely wise God. Earthly rulers have advisors to consult in times of difficulty or danger, but God needs no such council. He sits alone on His throne, ruling over all His creation with perfect wisdom.

Before we were saved, we did not know God’s mind, his intentions, or His plans. It is only since we have received His gift of grace that we now have “the mind of Christ” as we see in 1Corinthians 2:16. Therefore, who are we to question His plan of pruning out the Jews and grafting in the Gentiles until the fullness of the Gentiles comes? Who are we to question why He will once again turn to the Israelites and lead them in the ways of salvation? Who are we to question why God allows some to suffer the consequences of their sinful ways and bestows His grace on others, choosing them to be saved when they don’t deserve it? Who are we to ask Him “Why?” when He allows sorrow or heartbreak or tragedy to come into our lives? Who are we to question anything that God does?

Instead of trying to make God’s words say what we want them to say, let us accept His teaching as truth – God’s truth! Instead of questioning Him, let us humble ourselves before Almighty God, submitting ourselves to His will and committing ourselves to living His way.



Instead of asking “Why?” let us simply ask, “What? What do you want me to learn from this, God? Teach me, for I am here to do Your will, O God!”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 7:15 – That Thing You Do

For the thing I do, I do not understand. For what I determine to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

Truth to Learn

Paul battled his sin nature just as you and I do.


Behind the Words

The words “the thing I do” are from the Greek verb katergadzomai, meaning “to work fully, to finish, or to fully accomplish.” In other words, it is not simply something that Paul comes close to doing or that he does a little bit of, it is something that he does completely.

“Understand” is from ginoskō, which means “to come to know completely or to understand thoroughly.”

 “Practice” is from the Greek word prassō, meaning “to practice, to do habitually, or to do repeatedly.”

The word translated “but” is alla. It is an adversative participle which can best be expressed here as “but on the other hand.”

 “I do” is translated from the Greek word poieō, which means “to make or do.” It is expressed in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood, implying continual action.


Meaning Explained

This is one of the most important verses of the entire book of Romans. It is Paul expressing the frustration concerning the power that his sin nature has over him. He starts out this verse by confessing that he doesn’t understand why he acts the way he does. The thing which he wants to do (be obedient to God) he doesn’t always do. He is not saying that he never does the things he wants to do. He is saying that he doesn’t consistently do them. Paul wants to obey God and do those things which will glorify Him, but he doesn’t always do them.

Instead, Paul finds that the thing which he hates is the very thing that he continually finds himself doing.

This is a very revealing (and to the rest of us, comforting) aspect of Paul’s walk with God. He is the Apostle to the Gentiles, the most prolific writer of the New Testament and probably the finest example of “Obedience to God” in the entire New Testament. And yet, he has a constant battle with his sin nature and has not reached a state of perfect submission to Christ. Allow me to paraphrase this verse,

I don’t understand my actions. For that which I want to do I don’t always do. On the other hand, that which I hate to do, I keep on doing.



Can you identify with Paul? Of course you can! Any Christian who is completely committed to God will undergo this same sense of frustration as he or she contemplates his or her daily walk with God. We want to be obedient, but we don’t always obey and we don’t understand why.

The answer, my friend, is our sin nature. It is constantly battling against us to produce sin in our lives, even when we want to be totally obedient to God.

Keep in mind that Paul wrote this letter toward the latter part of his life. He was not a “young Christian.” He was an experienced, mature Christian who was as submitted to God as any Christian has ever been. And – he struggled with obedience to God and submission to His will. Paul battled his sin nature until God took him to paradise. So don’t feel defeated when you have the same kind of struggles with your sin nature.

But you must understand that doesn’t excuse us! We are still guilty of the sin, but confession, and forgiveness through the grace of God, will restore our fellowship with Him even when we do that thing which we hate!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 7:7 – The Revealing Law

What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! I did not know sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness except the law said, "You shall not covet."

Truth to Learn

The Law reveals our sinfulness to us.


Behind the Words

The word translated “know” is a form of ginōskō, which means “to acquire knowledge” or “to have full knowledge.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense indicating action completed at a point in time in the past. Therefore, it should be translated as “I had not known” or “I did not know.”

“Covetousness” is from the Greek word epithumia, which we saw back in Romans 6:12, meaning “to have overly strong thoughts or desires.” It is often translated as “lust.”


Meaning Explained

Any good Jewish Christian having read or heard what Paul has just said about the Law might be inclined to say, “Are you saying that the holy Law of God is not only insufficient to sanctify us, but that it causes sin to increase? Does the Law increase sinful passions, and actually make people worse than they were before?” This is the theoretical objection that Paul is responding to here.

So Paul asks another of his rhetorical questions: “Is the law sin?” And he responds in typical Pauline style with the two Greek words, “me genoito” meaning, “May it not be!” or “No way!” As he will go on to say later in verse twelve, the law is holy and just and good! The evil is not in the law but the law brings out evil in us because of our sin nature.

Look very carefully at what Paul says here about the Law. He says, “I did not know sin except through the law.” You will notice that he did not say that he was not a sinner without the law, just that he did not know about his sin without the law. He then goes on to give an example from the Tenth Commandment, “For I would not have known covetousness except the law said, “You shall not covet.’” The law informs us about sin and, because of that, we become more aware of our own sinfulness. And, because of our sin nature, the knowledge of the sin makes us desire it even more, even though we know it is sin. This frustrates all of us at one time or another. Even the Apostle Paul was frustrated by this, which he will express later in this chapter.

In his letter to the Galatian Christians he explains the function of the Law this way,

So that the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. (Galations 3:24, 25)

The law reveals our sinfulness and amplifies it so that we will be unable to deny our need for a Savior. Fortunately, God’s plan includes our Savior and salvation through faith in His sacrificial death. So you see, the Law, though it produces death, leads us to Christ and to God’s gift of grace which produces life.



Are you still trying to keep the Law? Does it frustrate you because you can’t do it? Do you now recognize your need for a Savior? If so, then it has successfully done its work on you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:21 – Knowledge or Faith?

For it was better for them not to have recognized the way of righteousness, than having recognized it to turn away from the sacred commandment that was delivered to them.

Truth to Learn

Great works done in the name of God are not an indication of salvation. Real salvation comes only through true repentance and faith.


Behind the Words

In verse 20 we talked about the word ginōskō, referring to intellectual knowledge. It is the same word used in this verse translated “to have recognized.” There is a different Greek word that means experiential knowledge, the word oida. Had Peter used this word, he would have been referring to experiencing salvation rather than just knowing about it.


Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about these people who had escaped from the pollutions of the world system, and that their escape came about by their intellectual knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have many in our churches today who are there, not because they have a saving faith in Jesus, but because they have knowledge and they are doing everything they can to be a good Christian. However, they are doing it in their own power because they don’t have the power of the Holy Spirit. I have no doubt that they actually believe they are saved, which is a supreme tragedy.

In fact Peter shares that sentiment! He says that it would have been better for them not to have had full knowledge of the way of righteousness because in the end they will be more deeply entangled in the pollutions of the world. Our Lord, Himself, talked about such people. Here’s what He said of them:

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:21-23)

Also, speaking in a parable, our Lord said:

Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.' "But he will answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' Then you will say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.' But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!' There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth … (Luke 13:24-28)

Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn’t mean that they really are. In fact, a recent poll showed that over 60% of the people in the United States claim to be Christians. Unfortunately, less than 10% of them live like Christians.



Are you sure of your salvation? Have you ever completely submitted your life and your will to God, confessing your sinfulness and your need for salvation? Have you accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross as the payment for your sins? Or do you believe you are saved because you followed some methodical process that finally made you worthy of salvation? There’s a big difference in these two. One leads to eternal life, while the other leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:22 – A Personal Comforter

whom I sent to you for this very purpose, that you might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

Truth to Learn

The church needs people of comfort and encouragement.


Behind the Words

“I have sent” is translated from the Greek verb pempō, which means “to send out” or “to dispatch.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action at a point in time. Thus it is translated as “I sent,” not “I have sent.”

The words “that you might know” are translated from the verb ginōskō, which can indicate either “to come to know” or “to know completely.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood indicating the probability or possibility of occurrence.

“Our affairs” is from ta peri hēmōn, which literally means “the things about us.” This is much like the expression Paul used in the previous verse (“the things concerning me”).

Parakaleō is the Greek verb translated “might comfort.” It is made up of para, meaning “beside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus, parakaleō literally means “to call alongside.” By application it means “to comfort” or “to encourage.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that Paul sent a man named Tychicus to the church in Ephesus so that the members of the church there might know how he was doing. It appears that Tychicus was used by Paul as a messenger. He apparently is the one who carried this letter to the church and he also possessed in depth knowledge of what was going on with the Apostle and all those with him.

We learned with yesterday’s verse that Paul was not in the habit of talking about himself in his letters to the churches. Instead, he sent trusted messengers who could relate in detail what was happening. He knew that anything communicated regarding his welfare would produce more questions. By sending someone like Tychicus, all the people’s questions could be answered in a calm and confident manner without having to wait for another letter.

This verse also highlights once again what a tender heart Paul had toward those with whom he had ministered in the past. We know from the nineteenth chapter of the book of Acts that the Apostle spent more than two years at the church in Ephesus. This appears to be the longest length of time that he spent with any one church. During that time he built strong personal ties with the members of that church. A large number of these people were likely led to the Lord as a direct result of Paul’s preaching ministry. For this reason, Paul wanted to make sure that his beloved friends in the church were well informed and comforted regarding what was happening to him while in a Roman prison.



There are some members of every church who are specially gifted in giving words of encouragement and comfort to those around them. This is an important ministry, especially as the church and its members are coming under increasingly strong attacks. If there is someone that you know with this gift in your church, be sure to tell them thank-you for using their gift in the body of Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:19 – Knowledge by Experience

and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.

Truth to Learn

You can only really know God’s love by experience.


Behind the Words

“And” is translated from the word te, which is a particle of connection meaning “and, also, or even.”

The word translated “to know” is the infinitive form of ginōskō, which refers to “knowing something completely, usually by experience.” So, we could say “to fully know.”

“Surpasses” is from huperballō, which is made up of huper (or hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus, we see that huperballō literally means “to throw beyond.” In general usage the meaning is “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” It is expressed here as a participle (being beyond).

“Knowledge” is from gnōsis. This is derived from ginōskō, which we just looked at.

Putting all this together we see that the opening part of this verse could be translated, “and to know by experience the love of Christ which is beyond knowing …”


Meaning Explained

We are in the middle of a worshipful prayer of the Apostle Paul which he is praying for his beloved friends in the church at Ephesus. By extension, this prayer is presented on behalf of all Christians. The first two of the four petitions in this prayer were that God the Father would strengthen our inner man by means of God the Holy Spirit and Christ might finally settle down and feel completely at home through faith.

The third petition began in verse seventeen and ends in today’s verse; it is “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.”

The crux of all this is in today’s verse: “for us to fully experience the love of Christ which is beyond intellectual knowledge”. Not only does Paul pray that we might understand how huge and all-encompassing (width, length, depth, and height) God’s love is, he also prays that we, through experience might know that which is unknowable.

There are many people (saved and unsaved) who talk about the love of God but who don’t really know God’s love. According to Paul, it is not something that you can study and learn about by reading books and listening to others talk about. Sure, you can recognize God’s love at work, but you can’t gain a full understanding of it that way. Only those who have experienced God’s love through His mercy, His grace, His miraculous provision, and His comfort in times of need can really know what it’s like.



If you’ve never gone through times of difficulty in your Christian walk, if you’ve never felt helpless and had to rely completely on Him, if you’ve never felt trapped by your own sinfulness, begging for His mercy, if you’ve never fallen before God with a completely broken spirit, then you don’t really understand His love. If you have, then you know by experience the kind of love that only God can show! Praise be to God!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 2:16 – Understanding God’s Wisdom

For "Who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

Truth to Learn

Christians can understand the wisdom of God, with His help.

Behind the Words

Known” is translated from ginōskō, which we saw back in verse fourteen. It can mean “to come to know” or “to understand.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action.

The word translated “mind” in both instances of this verse is nous. This word can refer to the intellect or understanding. In general it is used to refer to “the brain” or “the mind.”

Sumbibadzō is the Greek verb translated “instruct.” It is composed of sun, meaning “together” and bibadzō, meaning “to lift up” or “to exalt.” It basically means “to unite” or “to join together.” Metaphorically it means “to put together in the mind” or “to instruct.”

Meaning Explained

Paul is now finishing this part of his message with a literary exclamation point by quoting the Prophet Isaiah. In today’s verse he paraphrases, in a summary form, what the prophet said in the well-known fortieth chapter of the book of Isaiah:

Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or as His counselor has taught Him? With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him in the path of justice? Who taught Him knowledge, and showed Him the way of understanding? (Isaiah 40:13-14)

In his letter to the Romans, Paul said:

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)

You may recall that in this second chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul has been talking about the natural man’s inability to understand the formerly secret things of God’s wisdom. A couple of verses back he said:

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

What arrogance on the part of man that he thinks he can know God or understand his ways by observation and logical reasoning! The reason a natural man can’t understand spiritual things is because such things can only be understood with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Without the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God’s wisdom appear to be foolishness.

On the other hand, he who is spiritual (a mature Christian) understands God’s wisdom because it has been revealed to him (or her) by the Spirit. Therefore, Paul can say, “We have the mind (or understanding) of Christ.”


No one can be debated or argued into believing the gospel message or God’s plans for mankind. As you witness to those around you, remember to pray for the right words to say and for God’s Spirit to open the understanding of those to whom you declare the Gospel. And, keep in mind that we are not responsible for saving others, only for witnessing to them. We are to declare the message. Salvation is of the Lord!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 2:14 – The Truth Revealed

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Truth to Learn

Christians understand the Bible because of the Holy Spirit.

Behind the Words

The word translated “natural” is psuchikos, which is based on psuchō, meaning “to breathe” or “to blow.” In this sense, psuchikos is very similar to pneumatikos (like a blast of air or a breeze). The distinction is between a natural breath and a spiritual breath. In Greek writings, man is distinguished from animals in that he has a psuchē (often translated as “soul”), the ability to reason and communicate. In the New Testament, especially here, psuchē (soul) is distinguished from pneuma (spirit), in that the latter implies the ability to reason and communicate in the realm of the divine.

Receive” is from dechomai, which means “to take to oneself that which is offered by someone else.” The closest English words to translate dechomai are “accept” or “receive.”

Dunamai is the Greek word translated “can.” It refers to the ability or power to do something.

The word “know” is from ginōskō, which can mean “to come to know” or “to understand.” The expression “nor can he know” in today’s verse could be translated as “he does not have the ability to understand.”

Discerned” is from anakrinō. This word fundamentally means “to examine” or “to scrutinize.” In a judicial sense, it is used of examining a witness in order to determine the facts.

Meaning Explained

In this chapter, Paul is defending his style of preaching and teaching, showing the distinction between his style and the style of the leaders and orators of the world system. In verse two he says, “my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Then, in yesterday’s verse, he said that his own words were not words of man’s wisdom, but those which the Holy Spirit of God teaches. Now he explains why the preaching of the truth from God’s word is looked on by the world around us as foolishness. In this verse and the next, he declares that there are two types of people in this world: “the natural man” (literally “a natural man”) and “he who is spiritual.” A natural man is someone who does not believe that Jesus Christ is God or that His death on the cross paid for our sins (he’s not a Christian).

Because he does not believe in this truth, a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. Instead, the things taught by the Holy Spirit are foolishness to him. Notice that Paul does not say that they seem like foolishness, but that they are foolishness. He also teaches us why such things are foolishness to unsaved people. A natural man does not have the ability to know (or understand) spiritual truths because such truths can only be examined and ascertained by the Spirit who lives within us (the Holy Spirit of God).


Have you ever been reading your Bible not understanding what it was saying? Did you pray to God to reveal the spiritual truths being taught there? When was the last time you thanked God for revealing the truth to you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 2:8 – Acts of Ignorance

which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Truth to Learn

Christians should not be ignorant of God’s wise plan.

Behind the Words

None” is translated from oudeis. This Greek word is made up of ou, which is the word of absolute negation, and heis, meaning the number one. Hence, oudeis literally means “not a single one.”

Archon is the word translated “rulers.” Back in verse six we saw that this word means “one who is first in rank or power,” that is, a ruler. There are two possible interpretations to this expression, which we will talk about later in today’s verse.

The word translated “knew” is from the Greek verb ginōskō. This word means “to know” either in a beginning sense of in a completed sense. It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the effect. Thus we can think of this as “they did not come to know in the past and as a result, they are ignorant of the fact even now.”

Crucified” is from the verb stauroō, which means “to impale on a stick or to hang on a cross.”

Meaning Explained

In the past couple of verses, Paul has been talking about the wisdom of God in His plan of salvation. In yesterday’s verse he talked about it as a mystery, one that has been hidden in the past, but that is now revealed. He contrasted it with the secrets of the mystery religions that were only revealed to those who had been fully initiated into those religions. The central truth of the gospel, that Jesus is the Messiah come to save the world by offering up His sinless life, was hidden in the past.

The Jews of the first century were waiting for their Messiah and they expected that He could come at any time. However, they were looking for a powerful conquering King who would save them from the oppression of the Romans. Instead, He came as a humble servant, wholly committed to doing the will of His Father. This included His paying the penalty for the sins of all of mankind by offering up His own innocent blood. Instead of welcoming their Messiah King, the Jews and their religious leaders crucified Him because He claimed equality with God. They did not know the truth. They were ignorant of God’s wise plan as they crucified Him:

Yet now, brethren, I know that you did it in ignorance, as did also your rulers. (Acts 3:17)

If they had known, Paul tells us in today’s verse, “they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

The expression “rulers of this age” in today’s verse may have a dual meaning. On the surface, it refers to the political and religious leaders who condemned Christ to the cross. However, Paul may also have been referring to the rulers of the spiritual darkness of this age, Satan and his demons. In a very real sense, they exert a strong influence on what is happening in the world system today. Had they known that killing the Messiah was part of God’s wise plan, they might not have done it.


Are you ignorant of God’s wisdom? Or do you understand God’s plan and proclaim the truth to those around you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 1:21 – Want to Please God?

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

Truth to Learn

Belief in the “foolish” gospel message pleases God.

Behind the Words

Since” is translated from the Greek word epeidē, which means “because indeed.”

The word “in” is translated from the preposition en, indicating a position within someone or something. It is similar to the preposition eis, indicating movement from outside to inside. En, however, has no implication of movement, but of position. Hence, Paul is not saying that these things are the result of God’s wisdom, but that they are contained within His wisdom.

The words “did … know” are from the verb ginōskō, which refers to gaining or having knowledge about something. It is expressed in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action. Thus, it refers to having attained knowledge or understanding about something in the past.

Pleased” is translated from eudokeō. This word is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Therefore, eudokeō means “to think good thoughts about something” or “to be pleased with something.”

Meaning Explained

Paul continues his discussion of wisdom and foolishness. In the previous verse he called attention to three groups of people. He identified the “wise,” that is, the philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, whom the Greeks held in high esteem for their brilliance and understanding of the world around them. He also identified the “scribes,” the highly regarded Jewish teachers of the Old Testament. Finally, he identified the “disputers,” those who were masters at discussing and debating any subject.

These esteemed men had acquired what was believed to be great wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. That which they had gained for themselves produced religious beliefs about the nature of life, God, and man’s destiny. However, none of this brilliance could bring them up to God’s position, nor could it defend them in the presence of the Righteous Judge of all things. From God’s perspective, all of their wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is foolishness, for it cannot save them. These highly revered men also considered the simple gospel message of salvation through faith to be foolishness.

On the other hand, our God did not have to acquire his wisdom through dedicated study and discussion. It is an integral part of who He is. In His infinite wisdom, God determined that salvation should come through faith, that through the “good news” all men are sinners and Jesus, the Christ, paid the penalty for our sins with His blood shed on the cross.

God does not derive pleasure from anyone acquiring great worldly wisdom about Him. That would bring pleasure to man and take the praise and glory away from Him. He derives pleasure from simple faith in the “foolish” gospel message, which gives God all the praise and glory.


Do you want to please God? If so, then give Him all the credit for our salvation by believing the “foolish” gospel message.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved