1 Corinthians 1:21 – Want to Please God?

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

Truth to Learn

Belief in the “foolish” gospel message pleases God.

Behind the Words

Since” is translated from the Greek word epeidē, which means “because indeed.”

The word “in” is translated from the preposition en, indicating a position within someone or something. It is similar to the preposition eis, indicating movement from outside to inside. En, however, has no implication of movement, but of position. Hence, Paul is not saying that these things are the result of God’s wisdom, but that they are contained within His wisdom.

The words “did … know” are from the verb ginōskō, which refers to gaining or having knowledge about something. It is expressed in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action. Thus, it refers to having attained knowledge or understanding about something in the past.

Pleased” is translated from eudokeō. This word is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Therefore, eudokeō means “to think good thoughts about something” or “to be pleased with something.”

Meaning Explained

Paul continues his discussion of wisdom and foolishness. In the previous verse he called attention to three groups of people. He identified the “wise,” that is, the philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, whom the Greeks held in high esteem for their brilliance and understanding of the world around them. He also identified the “scribes,” the highly regarded Jewish teachers of the Old Testament. Finally, he identified the “disputers,” those who were masters at discussing and debating any subject.

These esteemed men had acquired what was believed to be great wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. That which they had gained for themselves produced religious beliefs about the nature of life, God, and man’s destiny. However, none of this brilliance could bring them up to God’s position, nor could it defend them in the presence of the Righteous Judge of all things. From God’s perspective, all of their wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is foolishness, for it cannot save them. These highly revered men also considered the simple gospel message of salvation through faith to be foolishness.

On the other hand, our God did not have to acquire his wisdom through dedicated study and discussion. It is an integral part of who He is. In His infinite wisdom, God determined that salvation should come through faith, that through the “good news” all men are sinners and Jesus, the Christ, paid the penalty for our sins with His blood shed on the cross.

God does not derive pleasure from anyone acquiring great worldly wisdom about Him. That would bring pleasure to man and take the praise and glory away from Him. He derives pleasure from simple faith in the “foolish” gospel message, which gives God all the praise and glory.


Do you want to please God? If so, then give Him all the credit for our salvation by believing the “foolish” gospel message.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


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