Tag: eis

Romans 8:21 – Curse Begone

Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption unto the glorious freedom of the children of God.

Truth to Learn

The curse on God’s creation will be lifted when we are glorified as the children of God.


Behind the Words

“Delivered” is translated from eleutheroō, which is the verb form of the noun eleutheros, meaning “free to move about, unrestrained, or independent.”

The word “corruption” is from phthora, which refers to “decay” or “spoiling.”

“Into” is from the Greek word eis. This preposition is most often translated “into” but it can have a lot of nuance translations as well. When this word is used in relation to time, it can be translated as “unto” or as “in expectation of.” This is very likely the use of the word in today’s verse.


Meaning Explained

We recently learned that the whole of creation was placed in a state or condition where it is not fully useful; it is perishable, and it is decaying. We also learned that God subjected creation in hope. This hope is explained in today’s verse.

Paul tells us that the reason creation was subjected “in hope” is because creation will be set free from this bondage of decay at the glorious freedom of the children of God. In other words, when God completes the final judgment and we who are saved are all given our eternal bodies, all of creation will also be freed from the bondage of corruption and it will be re-created. Here’s how the Apostle John described it in the book of Revelation:

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." (Revelation 21:1-5a)

I am eagerly looking forward to that day when all sin and all sinners will have been judged and the current heavens and earth are no more, when the new heavens and the new earth have been created and we will spend eternity in peace and joy (in Matthew 25:21, 23 it’s called the joy of the Lord). There, in God’s new creation which will have been freed from the bondage of decay, we will be serving and praising God eternally, for He is worthy!



When you see corruption and decay all around, don’t despair. Some day in the not too distant future God will give His children glorified bodies, and He will recreate the heavens and earth as a perfect place for us to serve Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:5 – Working for God

Through whom we received grace and apostleship to obedience of faith among all nations for His name,

Truth to Learn

Paul received his salvation and apostleship from Jesus.


Behind the Words

“Received” is from the Greek verb lambanō, meaning “to take” or “to receive.”

The word translated “to” is the Greek word eis, which means “to or toward.” The root meaning of this word is “rendering something to or toward an end point or conclusion.” It focuses the attention not so much on the process as on the end result.

The word translated “obedience” is hupokoē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under” and akouō, meaning “to hear.” So, literally it means “to hear under.” This is a picture of a student learning from his teacher. It carries the idea of one who is “listening attentively and obeying what he is taught.”


Meaning Explained

Paul has been talking about the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. He now says, “Through whom we received grace and apostleship.” This grace has been shown to all of us who are saved, as he tells us in Ephesians 2:8:

For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

Not only did Paul receive grace just as you and I did when we were saved, but he claims that he received apostleship from Jesus as well. We find this described further in Paul’s letter to the Galatian Christians:

But on the contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumcised, even as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter (for He working effectively in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised also worked effectively in me toward the Gentiles), (Galatians 2:7, 8  )

The next phrase in today’s verse is a little bit awkward in English: “to obedience of faith among all nations” In the original Greek text there is no definite article (the) before the word “faith.” Based on this and on our interpretation of the word eis (see Behind the Words), we should translate this as, “resulting in obedience of faith among all nations.” That is, God’s plan for Paul’s salvation and apostleship is ultimately to produce obedience and faith among all nations.

Finally, Paul gives the credit and glory to whom it belongs, “for His name;” Paul recognizes that the whole purpose of the Christian faith is not our personal glory or satisfaction. It is not simply to obtain a free ticket into heaven. In the final analysis it really has nothing to do with us at all; it has everything to do with God! It is for the glory of His name. The whole purpose of our salvation–totally underserved and freely given to us by the grace of God–is to bring praise and glory to God Himself.



As Paul tells us in the Ephesians verse quoted above and the verses that follow, we have been saved by grace. Our salvation is a gift from God. We didn’t do any works to deserve it. In fact, God’s purpose for our salvation is that the works we do, we do for His glory.

So our sole responsibility as Christians is to be hard at work for Him, and He will get all the glory. That should humble us all.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 3:7 – Fiery Reservation

By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept unto the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

Truth to Learn

Though God will not bring another worldwide flood, He will judge the world and unbelieving people by a fiery judgment.


Behind the Words

The word, “reserved” is translated from thesauridzō. This is based on the word thesauros from which we get our English word thesaurus, meaning “a stored up treasure.” The word thesauridzō is a participle meaning “being laid up,” or “being kept in store,” or “being held in reserve.” This is an accounting term that often refers to treasure that is being kept in reserve for future use.

The word translated “unto” in the expression “unto the day of judgment” is the Greek preposition eis, which means “into” or “unto.” It can also be translated “for” or “until.”

The word “ungodly” is translated from the Greek word asebēs made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of sebomai, meaning “to revere” or “to adore.” Hence, we see that this is a reference to those people who have no reverence for God.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Peter stated that the earth and its inhabitants were once judged and destroyed by a flood of water. This flood occurred some forty-five hundred years ago, according to God’s Word. In today’s verse he states that the earth and its inhabitants will someday be destroyed again. But, the judgment will not be by water this time, for God promised Noah that He would never do that again.

I have set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. And it shall be when I gather the clouds over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living soul of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. (Genesis 9:13-15)

The next judgment of the earth will be by fire and it will cause total destruction. Until that day, however, the current heavens and earth are being kept in store waiting for that day. And, according to Peter, the heavens and the earth are being held in reserve by the Word of God. Some day God’s patience and longsuffering will end and He will once again judge the world.

Peter’s point in these past few verses is that even though there are scoffers who think we are crazy to believe that there ever was a universal flood or that God will cause a catastrophic judgment of fire, the flood really did happen just as sure as the fire judgment will occur some day in the future. The best (unsaved) scientific minds today are telling us that neither could a universal flood have occurred nor could the earth be judged by great fire.

But we know better!



In light of this fact, what manner of people ought we to be in the presence of a loving God who continues to hold back His judgment so that everyone will have a chance to believe in His Son? Does that affect the way you live? It should!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:15 – Lovely Body Building

but, speaking the truth in love, that we may grow up unto Him in all things, who is the head—Christ—

Truth to Learn

We need to be truthful and loving as we minister to our fellow Christians.


Behind the Words

“Speaking the truth” is translated from the verb alētheuō, which is derived from alēthēs, meaning “truth.” Thus, alētheuō means “to be true, not counterfeit.” The word “speaking” is not in the Greek text, so the opening part of this verse should probably be translated as “but, being true in love …”

The word translated “love” is agape which refers to “perfect, self-sacrificing love.”

“May grow up” is from auxanō, meaning “to grow” or “to increase.” This word implies growth as a result of an outside power acting through the element of life within. This is different than the growth implied by the verb prokoptō, which indicates growth as a result of personal effort and achievement.

The words “unto Him” are translated from eis auton. The word eis means “into” or “unto” implying movement from outside to inside or movement from a separated position to a united position. The word auton is the second person, singular pronoun (him). In Greek, word order is important and in the Greek text of this verse, the words eis auton immediately follow the verb auxanō. This implies that the emphasis of growth is to grow “unto Him” and that “in all things” is a secondary characteristic of this growth.


Meaning Explained

In verse eleven Paul described some of the spiritual gifts given by Christ (specifically, church leadership gifts). He told us that these gifted people were given so that we, church members, would be equipped to do the work of the ministry, building-up the body of Christ (the church). One purpose of our building each other up is to develop unity and a complete experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God. The other purpose is that we might be fully grown, mature Christians not misled by false doctrines and the persuasive words cleverly crafted to mislead us.

In contrast to the deceitful methods used by those who teach doctrinal error, we are to be truthful and we are to do so in love, considering the good of others to be more important than our own. I am reminded of a time in my own ministry when I didn’t do this. I was worship leader in a church leading choir rehearsal. The accompanist, an accomplished pianist, did not follow my lead regarding the tempo of the songs we were singing. After rehearsal I took her aside and explained to her how her lack of following my lead was making it difficult on all of us. My intent was to improve the way we all worked together, but my delivery was not done in love. The result was not unity but further dissention.

Everything we do within the church should be done in such a manner that it encourages and builds-up others so that we all might become more Christ-like.



Are you using your spiritual gifts in your church? If not, you are being disobedient to our Lord. If you are, are you doing everything with the goal of making others more Christ-like and are you doing it in a Christ-like manner?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:2 – Administrator of Grace

if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you,

Truth to Learn

All Christians are commissioned to preach the Gospel.


Behind the Words

The word “if” is translated from ei. This is a conditional particle which introduces a conditional clause. In New Testament Greek (Koinē Greek) there are four types of conditional clauses, although only three of them appear in the Bible. The first class condition assumes the “if” clause to be true. The second class condition assumes the “if” clause to be false and the third class condition makes no assumption. In today’s verse we see a first class condition, so Paul assumes that his readers have heard of the dispensation.

“Indeed” is from ge, which is a particle of emphasis or qualification. It serves to strengthen or render more emphatic the word to which it is appended (if). It can be variously translated as “besides, doubtless, indeed, at least, or yet.”

The word translated “dispensation” is oikonomia, which is made up of oikos, meaning “house” and a form of nemō, meaning “to distribute or apportion.” In the first century, it was not uncommon for a land owner to have one slave who was steward (in charge) of his household. The word oikonomia refers to this position of household administrator, the work done by an administrator, or the process of administration. In today’s verse it refers to the “administration” or “stewardship” of the grace of God.

The word “for” is from the Greek word eis, which literally means “into” or “toward.” In this verse it refers to a direction of the mind. In other words, this information was given to Paul to relay it to us. In this sense, it was given to him “for” us.


Meaning Explained

Paul, like every believer in Jesus Christ, has been the recipient of God’s grace as he described it in the previous chapter:

For by grace you are saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8)

However, that’s not what he is specifically referring to in today’s verse. Here he is talking about “the dispensation of the grace of God” or the administration of the grace of God. God chose the Apostle Paul to be the administrator of His grace for the Gentiles. What he means by this is that God has entrusted him with the message of salvation by grace, through faith, and it is his responsibility to deliver it to the Gentiles. In Acts chapter twenty-six Paul described to King Agrippa how he received this responsibility directly from the Lord, who said:

But rise up and stand on your feet; for it is for this reason I appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness both of the things which you saw and of the things which I will yet reveal to you, delivering you from the Jewish people, and the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, (Acts 26:16, 17)

In fact, he told the believers in Corinth that he now has no choice but to preach the Gospel message:

For if I proclaim the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16)

Paul recognized his responsibility to administer the grace of God by proclaiming the Good News to people throughout the known world, and he performed that task until the day he died.



We, too, have been given a commission to preach the Gospel message. Are you carrying out that commission? Are you sharing the Good News with those around you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:22 – Living Building Blocks

in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

Truth to Learn

Every Christian has a specific function within the temple of God.


Behind the Words

The word “you” is translated from humeis, which is a second person plural pronoun (you-plural). This is one area where the antiquated language of the original King James Version is helpful. The words thee, thou, thy, and thine are second person singular pronouns, whereas you and your are second person plural pronouns.

The words “are being built together” are from the Greek verb sunoikodomeō, which is made up of sun, meaning “together,” oikos, which refers to “a dwelling place” or “a house,” and demō, meaning “to build.” Therefore, sunoikodomeō, literally means “to build a dwelling place together.” It is expressed here in the present tense (current action) and the passive voice (action being done to the subject). It is also expressed as a plural verb.

“Into” is translated from the Greek word eis, meaning “into” or “unto.” The primary idea of this word is of motion into a place or a thing. Sometimes, however, it is used to express motion to or toward a place or thing.

“A dwelling place” is from katoikētērion, which is made up of kata, meaning “down” but possibly used as an intensifier and oikētērion (a dwelling place). It refers to “a permanent dwelling place.”


Meaning Explained

At the time this letter was written, most houses were typically built with bricks. Temples, however, were usually built out of blocks of stone. The stones in the temple were all properly placed so as to form a complete structure to be a habitation for the Deity that was being worshipped there. Paul is telling us that we are being built along with others as a dwelling place for God.

There is some ambiguity introduced here, however, as to whom Paul was specifically referring. The fact that he uses the second person plural pronoun (you-plural) and a plural verb means that he is referring to a group of people who are being built together. In this verse He is not saying that each individual believer is being built together with others. So, he can either mean that you (members of the church at Ephesus, and by extension all believers) are being built together, or he means that you (Gentiles) are being built together. Based on the context of verses nineteen through this verse, it is most likely that he is talking about Gentiles.

What is clear is that Paul is talking about a temple that is being built. In the past few verses Paul has been talking about the construction of a building and in verse twenty-one he made it clear that he is talking about a temple. You may recall from our discussion of the word translated “temple” that it refers to the dwelling place of a deity. In the current verse, Paul makes it clear that he is talking about a temple which is the dwelling place of God. This temple consists of all believers since the beginning of time.



The living temple of God, which Paul refers to here, is an intricately designed and constructed building. We are each building blocks with specific talents and gifts to perform the function (or functions) that God has intended for us. If we are not allowing God to utilize those specific talents and gifts, then the temple is not as God designed it. Do you know what part of the temple you are? If so, are you performing that function?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 4:3 – The Master’s Judgment

But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself.

Truth to Learn

Don’t worry about what others say but what God says.

Behind the Words

With” is translated from the Greek preposition eis, meaning “to” or “into.” Thus, this could be translated as “But to me …”

The words “a very small thing” are from the word elachistos. This is the superlative or mikros, meaning “small.” The use of elachistos here could mean “the smallest thing,” but it is more likely that it means “a very little thing.”

I should be judged” is from the verb anakrinō. It is made up of ana, meaning “up,” used here as an intensifier, and krinō, meaning “to discern, to decide, or to judge.” Anakrinō means “to scrutinize” or “to investigate.” It is expressed in the passive voice, indicating action done to the subject, and the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of action.

A human court” is translated from two words, anthrōpinos and hēmera. Anthrōpinos means “that which belongs to man” and hēmera means “day” or “daytime.” Thus, this literally means “man’s day.” Paul is making a contrast between man’s day (a human court) and the Day of the Lord.

Meaning Explained

This is a verse which is easy to misinterpret. Paul is not saying that he rejects personal opinion or the validity of a human court. And, the issue at hand is not whether Paul is more popular with the people than Peter or Apollos. He doesn’t care about such favoritism and, in fact, has criticized such actions. This is the very thing which has caused the divisions in the church. What he is saying is that regarding his own ministry, he is only concerned about what God thinks of him.

In Luke 12:35-48, Jesus teaches a parable about living a life focused on God and serving with Him in mind. In verses 42 through 48 he talks specifically about a wise steward (oikonomos, the same word translated “steward” in yesterday’s verse). He teaches that the wise steward performs his duties believing that his master is going to return some day and reward him for his faithful service. But, the unwise steward doesn’t believe his master will return soon and resorts to the ways of the world, focusing on immediate gratification. When the master does return, the unwise steward will receive harsh judgment, but the wise (faithful) servant will be rewarded. If a servant of God is faithful in his own personal life, in his home, and in his ministry, then as a wise steward he will be adequately rewarded by his Master when He returns.

In today’s verse, Paul is saying essentially the same thing about his own ministry. He is not concerned about how people will perceive him. He is focused on serving his Master and what He thinks of Paul’s service. In fact, Paul goes on to say that he is not concerned about his own judgment of himself. He knows his imperfections, but he is not biased by his own self-love in evaluating his ministry. The only judgment he is concerned with is that which the Lord will pronounce in His Day.


How do you perceive your ministry for God?  Are you concerned that it is unimportant or that others will think your service for God is foolishness? Don’t be! Serve the Master faithfully in the ministry He has given you. Keep your focus on Him, not on yourself or what others may think about you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved



1 Corinthians 2:9 – They Can’t Understand

But as it is written: "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him."

Truth to Learn

Natural man can’t understand the mystery of salvation.

Behind the Words

The words “it is written” are translated from the Greek verb graphō, which literally means “to grave,” that is, to carve or to write. It is written here in the perfect tense, so it means “it was written in the past and, therefore, it is written (as a confirmed statement of fact).”

Seen” is from a form of the verb horaō, which means “to see” or “to perceive.”

Heard” is from akouō, which means “to hear something.” It is often used metaphorically, as it is here, to refer to someone understanding the truth of what is said.

The words “entered into” are from the verb anabainō, which literally means “to go up.”

Eis is the word translated “into.” It literally means “into.”

The word “prepared” is translated from hetoimadzō. This verb means “to make ready” or “to prepare.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is one that is often misunderstood. Many people think that it is a reference to the things in heaven which God has prepared for believers. This is precisely the problem that occurs when we quote verses out of context. If we look carefully at the context of this verse, we learn that Paul is not talking about heaven, but about something entirely different.

Upon looking at the preceding verses, we see that Paul is talking about the mystery of God’s wisdom regarding the gospel. He even contrasts that mystery with the secrets of some false religions. The difference between the mystery of God’s wisdom and the secrets of the mystery religions is the fact that this mystery is now openly revealed. In tomorrow’s verse, Paul will tell us that the things spoken of in today’s verse have already been revealed by the Holy Spirit.

The glories of heaven had not yet been fully revealed. There is a brief description of the heavenly scene found in Revelation chapters twenty-one and twenty-two, but the book of Revelation had not yet been written when Paul wrote these words. So, Paul is not referring to heaven in today’s verse; he is talking about the wonder of salvation through faith and the glorious fellowship we have with God as a result.

He tells us three things about the mystery that is now revealed. The first is that the eyes of natural man have not perceived it, the ears of natural man have not understood it, and the deepest part of natural man’s being (the heart) has not received it. The reason that the natural man (one who has not accepted the gospel message by faith and, therefore, does not truly love God) is explained by Paul in tomorrow’s verse.


The gospel message and fellowship with God cannot be grasped by human intellect alone. This understanding only comes once we have believed God’s truth about what Jesus Christ did on the cross. We can’t logically argue anyone into believing. We can only witness and pray. The rest is up to God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 1:21 – Want to Please God?

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

Truth to Learn

Belief in the “foolish” gospel message pleases God.

Behind the Words

Since” is translated from the Greek word epeidē, which means “because indeed.”

The word “in” is translated from the preposition en, indicating a position within someone or something. It is similar to the preposition eis, indicating movement from outside to inside. En, however, has no implication of movement, but of position. Hence, Paul is not saying that these things are the result of God’s wisdom, but that they are contained within His wisdom.

The words “did … know” are from the verb ginōskō, which refers to gaining or having knowledge about something. It is expressed in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action. Thus, it refers to having attained knowledge or understanding about something in the past.

Pleased” is translated from eudokeō. This word is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Therefore, eudokeō means “to think good thoughts about something” or “to be pleased with something.”

Meaning Explained

Paul continues his discussion of wisdom and foolishness. In the previous verse he called attention to three groups of people. He identified the “wise,” that is, the philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, whom the Greeks held in high esteem for their brilliance and understanding of the world around them. He also identified the “scribes,” the highly regarded Jewish teachers of the Old Testament. Finally, he identified the “disputers,” those who were masters at discussing and debating any subject.

These esteemed men had acquired what was believed to be great wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. That which they had gained for themselves produced religious beliefs about the nature of life, God, and man’s destiny. However, none of this brilliance could bring them up to God’s position, nor could it defend them in the presence of the Righteous Judge of all things. From God’s perspective, all of their wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is foolishness, for it cannot save them. These highly revered men also considered the simple gospel message of salvation through faith to be foolishness.

On the other hand, our God did not have to acquire his wisdom through dedicated study and discussion. It is an integral part of who He is. In His infinite wisdom, God determined that salvation should come through faith, that through the “good news” all men are sinners and Jesus, the Christ, paid the penalty for our sins with His blood shed on the cross.

God does not derive pleasure from anyone acquiring great worldly wisdom about Him. That would bring pleasure to man and take the praise and glory away from Him. He derives pleasure from simple faith in the “foolish” gospel message, which gives God all the praise and glory.


Do you want to please God? If so, then give Him all the credit for our salvation by believing the “foolish” gospel message.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 1:9 – Called Into Eternal Fellowship

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Truth to Learn

Christians are called into fellowship with God, forever.

Behind the Words

Pistos is the Greek word translated “faithful.” It is based on the verb peithō, meaning “to win over” or “to persuade.” The word pistos means “worthy of belief, trust, or confidence.”

The words “you were called” are from the verb kaleō, which literally means “to call to someone in order that he may come or go somewhere.” It is expressed here in the passive voice, indicating something done to the subject (you) and in the aorist tense, indicating an action that was done at a point in time in the past.

The word “into” is translated from the preposition eis. It literally refers to motion into, or unto, a place or thing. It carries the idea of moving from outside to inside. There is another Greek preposition, en, which indicates a position “in a place or thing,” but it does not contain the idea of movement as eis does, only the final position.

Fellowship” is translated from koinōnia, which is based on the verb koinōneō, meaning “to share with, to participate with, or to have things in common with.” Thus, koinōnia refers to a condition in which someone shares things in common with others.

Meaning Explained

Paul has just told the Corinthian Christians that God will preserve them as blameless until Jesus Christ comes to give them their eternal bodies and take them home to His Father. He now tells us another marvelous truth about God: He is faithful. In other words, whatever God promises, He fulfills. Faithfulness is part of who God is and He never changes. Therefore, He is always going to do what He says He will do. This adds more firmness to the statement in the previous verse that God will preserve us blameless until the end.

Now Paul couples God’s faithfulness with our calling. Although the word kaleō sounds to us like simply an invitation, when used of God it always represents an effectual call. Paul gives us a little more information about this calling in his letter written to the Romans:

Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. (Romans 8:30)

This verse tells us that God determined ahead of time that we would be saved. It also tells us that those whom He predestined, he also called. And, it tells us that those whom He called, he also justified. In other words, everyone who is called by God is given the righteousness of Christ; we are justified, that is, declared to be guiltless of any and all sin. This is sometimes referred to as God’s effectual call.

Today’s verse tells us a little more about our calling. We have been called into fellowship with Jesus Christ. This is important, especially given that Paul is about to scold the Corinthians for all the factions and divisions within their church.


Every Christian has been called by God for a purpose. That purpose is to serve Him in spreading the Gospel and building up the body of Christ. God will never give up on you, so don’t give up on him. Get to work and give Him your all!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved