Tag: with

2 Thessalonians 1:6 – Righteous Judgment

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,

Truth to Learn

God will “pay back” those who cause Christians to suffer.


Behind the Words

The word “since” is translated from eiper. This Greek word is made up of ei, which is a conditional particle usually translated as “if” and per, meaning “concerning” or “with respect to.” Eiper assumes that the condition is true and therefore is most often translated as “if indeed” or “since.”

Dikaios is the Greek adjective translated as “righteous.” It is based on the noun dikē, which means “that which is right or just.” Dikaios means that whatever word it describes is the right thing, proper thing, or just thing to do.

“Repay” is from antapodidōmi. This is a double compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” or “opposing,” apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” When we put these all together we see that the idea of antapodidōmi is “to give back in return.” It is often used to mean “to repay a debt that is owed to someone.”

The word “with” is from para, meaning “to the side of” or “by.” Here it has the meaning “with respect to God” or “from God’s viewpoint.”

Both of the words “tribulation” and “trouble” are based on the word thlibō, which means “to press together, to squeeze, or to cause affliction.”


Meaning Explained

After opening with a typical Pauline greeting in this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul offered up thanks to God for their growth in faith and in love. On the surface, this spiritual growth may seem unusual because the Thessalonians were suffering under the persecution from those around them. However, we see that spiritual growth, like muscular growth, only comes from repeated difficult activities. Christians for whom life is easy do not grow in their faith because they have no need for God. But Christians who are suffering from persecution have to depend on God, and they grow as a result.

Paul then told them that this persecution and their subsequent growth was evidence of God’s righteous judgment because it indicated that they were being considered worthy of God’s eternal blessing. In other words, God’s decision to provide future blessing to His chosen children is the right and proper thing for Him to do.

Now Paul looks at the other side of the coin. Not only is it right to promise future blessing to those who believe God, but it’s just as right to bring judgment against those who reject God. The non-believers in Thessalonica were causing trouble for the Christians, so Paul says that it is just and proper for God to “pay them back” for the trouble that they caused His children. Not only is this a proper action for a righteous God, it is proper for a loving father to protect and defend His children.



If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, then God loves you as one of His children. Not only has He promised you eternal blessing, but He has promised to “pay back” suffering to those who cause you suffering.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:7 – Give Your Best!

serving with goodwill, as to the Lord, and not to men,

Truth to Learn

God gave us His best, so we should give Him our best.


Behind the Words

“serving” is translated from the Greek verb douleuō, which is derived from doulos (a bond servant or slave). Douleuō means “to be subject to and perform service for a master.” The verb is expressed here as a participle in the present tense, indicating continual action in the present.

The word “with” is from the Greek preposition meta, which indicates accompaniment. It is different than the Greek preposition sun, which implies “union with” or “integrated with.” Meta means “in the midst of, among, or along with.”

Eunoia is the Greek word translated “goodwill.” It is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of nous, referring to “the mind and its thoughts or feelings.” Therefore, we see that eunoia literally means “good thoughts” or “good feelings.” In the New Testament, eunoia refers to the actions which result from good thoughts; that is, benevolence or goodwill.

 “Lord” is from kurios. We saw in verse five that this refers to “a person who is in a position of authority over you.” When accompanied by the definite article as it is here, it is a reference to “the Lord,” that is to God, who is our Lord and our Master.


Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of teaching us how we are to behave at work. Nearly all of us have a boss, and even those of us who work for ourselves recognize that our customers are like a boss. A fortunate few of us have a boss whom we really like, but many of us have a boss that we don’t like or that is difficult to work for.

Paul makes no distinction between good and bad bosses, and Peter, in 1Peter 2:18, says we are to be submissive no matter what kind of boss he or she is. In yesterday’s verse we were instructed regarding how not to do our jobs. We are not to perform our work just to give the appearance that we are doing well, and we are not to do our job just to please someone (like our boss).

On the surface this seems a bit contradictory; if we aren’t selfishly doing our job just for appearance sake and we aren’t doing our job just to please our boss or someone else, then who are we doing it for? Today’s verse gives us the answer. We are to perform our job as if we were working directly for our Lord God.

In Exodus 35:35, Daniel 1:17, and Daniel 9:22, we see that God is the one who bestows abilities on us. Couple this with James 1:17 and we see that any gift, talent, or ability we have is a gift from God. Therefore, we should use the talents He has given us to the best of our ability as before Him and unto Him. And, Paul specifically tells us here that we are to do our jobs with good thoughts and with a servant’s heart.



As God’s children we are also God’s servants (bond slaves). We have been bought with the blood of Christ; He has purchased us and given us specific gifts and abilities. For these reasons, and in gratitude for all that He has done for us, we should perform whatever task we undertake as if we were doing it directly for Him. We need to give Him the best we have. After all, He gave His best for us, didn’t He?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 4:3 – The Master’s Judgment

But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself.

Truth to Learn

Don’t worry about what others say but what God says.

Behind the Words

With” is translated from the Greek preposition eis, meaning “to” or “into.” Thus, this could be translated as “But to me …”

The words “a very small thing” are from the word elachistos. This is the superlative or mikros, meaning “small.” The use of elachistos here could mean “the smallest thing,” but it is more likely that it means “a very little thing.”

I should be judged” is from the verb anakrinō. It is made up of ana, meaning “up,” used here as an intensifier, and krinō, meaning “to discern, to decide, or to judge.” Anakrinō means “to scrutinize” or “to investigate.” It is expressed in the passive voice, indicating action done to the subject, and the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of action.

A human court” is translated from two words, anthrōpinos and hēmera. Anthrōpinos means “that which belongs to man” and hēmera means “day” or “daytime.” Thus, this literally means “man’s day.” Paul is making a contrast between man’s day (a human court) and the Day of the Lord.

Meaning Explained

This is a verse which is easy to misinterpret. Paul is not saying that he rejects personal opinion or the validity of a human court. And, the issue at hand is not whether Paul is more popular with the people than Peter or Apollos. He doesn’t care about such favoritism and, in fact, has criticized such actions. This is the very thing which has caused the divisions in the church. What he is saying is that regarding his own ministry, he is only concerned about what God thinks of him.

In Luke 12:35-48, Jesus teaches a parable about living a life focused on God and serving with Him in mind. In verses 42 through 48 he talks specifically about a wise steward (oikonomos, the same word translated “steward” in yesterday’s verse). He teaches that the wise steward performs his duties believing that his master is going to return some day and reward him for his faithful service. But, the unwise steward doesn’t believe his master will return soon and resorts to the ways of the world, focusing on immediate gratification. When the master does return, the unwise steward will receive harsh judgment, but the wise (faithful) servant will be rewarded. If a servant of God is faithful in his own personal life, in his home, and in his ministry, then as a wise steward he will be adequately rewarded by his Master when He returns.

In today’s verse, Paul is saying essentially the same thing about his own ministry. He is not concerned about how people will perceive him. He is focused on serving his Master and what He thinks of Paul’s service. In fact, Paul goes on to say that he is not concerned about his own judgment of himself. He knows his imperfections, but he is not biased by his own self-love in evaluating his ministry. The only judgment he is concerned with is that which the Lord will pronounce in His Day.


How do you perceive your ministry for God?  Are you concerned that it is unimportant or that others will think your service for God is foolishness? Don’t be! Serve the Master faithfully in the ministry He has given you. Keep your focus on Him, not on yourself or what others may think about you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved



2 Thessalonians 1:6 – Righteous Judgment

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,

Truth to Learn

God will “pay back” those who cause Christians to suffer.

Behind the Words

The word “since” is translated from eiper. This Greek word is made up of ei, which is a conditional particle usually translated as “if” and per, meaning “concerning” or “with respect to.” Eiper assumes that the condition is true and therefore is most often translated as “if indeed” or “since.”

Dikaios is the Greek adjective translated as “righteous.” It is based on the noun dikē, which means “that which is right or just.” Dikaios means that whatever word it describes is the right thing, proper thing, or just thing to do.

Repay” is from antapodidōmi. This is a double compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” or “opposing,” apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” When we put these all together we see that the idea of antapodidōmi is “to give back in return.” It is often used to mean “to repay a debt that is owed to someone.”

The word “with” is from para, meaning “to the side of” or “by.” Here it has the meaning “with respect to God” or “from God’s viewpoint.”

Both of the words “tribulation” and “trouble” are based on the word thlibō, which means “to press together, to squeeze, or to cause affliction.”

Meaning Explained

After opening with a typical Pauline greeting in this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul offered up thanks to God for their growth in faith and in love. On the surface, this spiritual growth may seem unusual because the Thessalonians were suffering under the persecution from those around them. However, we see that spiritual growth, like muscular growth, only comes from repeated difficult activities. Christians for whom life is easy do not grow in their faith because they have no need for God. But Christians who are suffering from persecution have to depend on God, and they grow as a result.

Paul then told them that this persecution and their subsequent growth was evidence of God’s righteous judgment because it indicated that they were being considered worthy of God’s eternal blessing. In other words, God’s decision to provide future blessing to His chosen children is the right and proper thing for Him to do.

Now Paul looks at the other side of the coin. Not only is it right to promise future blessing to those who believe God, but it’s just as right to bring judgment against those who reject God. The non-believers in Thessalonica were causing trouble for the Christians, so Paul says that it is just and proper for God to “pay them back” for the trouble that they caused His children. Not only is this a proper action for a righteous God, it is proper for a loving father to protect and defend His children.


If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, then God loves you as one of His children. Not only has He promised you eternal blessing, but He has promised to “pay back” suffering to those who cause you suffering.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Glorious Meeting

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Truth to Learn

Living Christians will join the “dead in Christ” at the rapture.

Behind the Words

Then” is from the Greek word epeita, meaning “afterwards” or “next.”

The words “who are alive and remain” are translated from the same Greek words as in verse fifteen. They literally mean “the remaining, living ones.”

Shall be caught up” is the translation of the Greek verb harpadzō. This verb means “to seize by force” or “to snatch away.” In the Latin translation of the Bible it is translated as a form of rapare, from which we get the English word rapture.

The words “together with” are from two Greek words. They are hama, meaning “at the same time” and sun, meaning “with.”

Nephelē is the word translated “clouds.” This is the diminutive form of nephos, meaning “clouds.” Thus, nephelē literally means “little clouds” or “cloudiness.” The Greek text does not contain the definite article (the), so a more accurate translation would be “in clouds,” not “in the clouds.”

Meet” is from apantēsis, a form of apantaō, meaning “to meet, coming from different directions.” The form of apantēsis used here literally means “a meeting.”

In the air” is from eis aera, meaning “into air” or “into the atmosphere.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that those “who sleep in Jesus,” Christians who have died physically, will be raised from the dead first. Now we learn that right afterwards, Christians who have not yet died will be snatched away from the earth. These two groups of Christians will be joined together in clouds. This could be a description of the weather conditions at the time (cloudiness) or, more likely, it means that there will be clouds of people being raised up off the earth for a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This glorious meeting will take place “in the air” or “in the earth’s atmosphere.” This is a significant statement because it indicates that our Lord will not come to the surface of the earth, just into the atmosphere. In other words, this is not “the second coming of the Lord,” which occurs on the “Day of the Lord.” According to the prophet Zechariah, on the day of the Lord, the Messiah will come to the surface of the earth and stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-4). Keep in mind, the day of Christ (the rapture) is a time of celebration and joy, whereas the Day of the Lord is a day of judgment and woe.

From the moment of the rapture, for the rest of eternity, we will be with our Lord. Also, note again that Paul says “we who are alive.” Paul expected to be alive for the rapture.


When we hear the trumpet call at the time of the rapture, we will be filled with joy and we will be changed. Rejoice my friends, for the time of celebration is very near.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:7 – Give Your Best!

with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men,

Truth to Learn

God gave us His best, so we should give Him our best.

Behind the Words

The word “with” is from the Greek preposition meta, which indicates accompaniment. It is different than the Greek preposition sun, which implies “union with” or “integrated with.” Meta means “in the midst of, among, or along with.”

Eunoia is the Greek word translated “goodwill.” It is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of nous, referring to “the mind and its thoughts or feelings.” Therefore, we see that eunoia literally means “good thoughts” or “good feelings.” In the New Testament, eunoia refers to the actions which result from good thoughts; that is, benevolence or goodwill.

Doing service” is translated from the Greek verb douleuō, which is derived from doulos (a bond servant or slave). Douleuō means “to be subject to and perform service for a master.” The verb is expressed here as a participle in the present tense, indicating continual action in the present.

Lord” is from kurios. We saw in verse five that this refers to “a person who is in a position of authority over you.” When accompanied by the definite article as it is here, it is a reference to “the Lord,” that is to God, who is our Lord and our Master.

Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of teaching us how we are to behave at work. Nearly all of us have a boss, and even those of us who work for ourselves recognize that our customers are like a boss. A fortunate few of us have a boss whom we really like, but many of us have a boss that we don’t like or that is difficult to work for.

Paul makes no distinction between good and bad bosses, and Peter, in 1Peter 2:18, says we are to be submissive no matter what kind of boss he or she is. In yesterday’s verse we were instructed regarding how not to do our jobs. We are not to perform our work just to give the appearance that we are doing well, and we are not to do our job just to please someone (like our boss).

On the surface this seems a bit contradictory; if we aren’t selfishly doing our job just for appearance sake and we aren’t doing our job just to please our boss or someone else, then who are we doing it for? Today’s verse gives us the answer. We are to perform our job as if we were working directly for our Lord God.

In Exodus 35:35, Daniel 1:17, and Daniel 9:22, we see that God is the one who bestows abilities on us. Couple this with James 1:17 and we see that any gift, talent, or ability we have is a gift from God. Therefore, we should use the talents He has given us to the best of our ability as before Him and unto Him. And, Paul specifically tells us here that we are to do our jobs with good thoughts and with a servant’s heart.


As God’s children we are also God’s servants (bond slaves). We have been bought with the blood of Christ; He has purchased us and given us specific gifts and abilities. For these reasons, and in gratitude for all that He has done for us, we should perform whatever task we undertake as if we were doing it directly for Him. We need to give Him the best we have. After all, He gave His best for us, didn’t He?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.