Tag: air

1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Glorious Meeting

Afterwards we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Truth to Learn

Living Christians will join the “dead in Christ” at the rapture.


Behind the Words

“Afterwards” is from the Greek word epeita, which is made up of epi meaning “upon” or “at” and eita, a particle of succession. Hence, epeita means “then,” “afterwards,” or “next.”

The words “who are alive” are translated from dzao, meaning “to live.” It is preceded by the plural definite article oi, thus it could be translated “the living ones.”

“Remain” is from the Greek word perileipō, which we saw a couple verses back, meaning “the ones left behind” or “the remaining ones.” When we combine this with oi dzaō, which we just talked about, it means “the remaining living ones.”

“Shall be caught up” is the translation of the Greek verb harpadzō. This verb means “to seize by force” or “to snatch away.” In the Latin translation of the Bible it is translated as a form of rapare, from which we get the English word rapture.

The words “together with” are from two Greek words. They are hama, meaning “at the same time” and sun, meaning “with.”

Nephelē is the word translated “clouds.” This is the diminutive form of nephos, meaning “clouds.” Thus, nephelē literally means “little clouds” or “cloudiness.” The Greek text does not contain the definite article (the), so a more accurate translation would be “in clouds,” not “in the clouds.”

“Meet” is from apantēsis, a form of apantaō, meaning “to meet, coming from different directions.” The form of apantēsis used here literally means “a meeting.”

“In the air” is from eis aera, meaning “into air” or “into the atmosphere.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that those “who sleep in Jesus,” Christians who have died physically, will be raised from the dead first. Now we learn that right afterwards, Christians who have not yet died will be snatched away from the earth. These two groups of Christians will be joined together in clouds. This could be a description of the weather conditions at the time (cloudiness) or, more likely, it means that there will be clouds of people being raised up off the earth for a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This glorious meeting will take place “in the air” or “in the earth’s atmosphere.” This is a significant statement because it indicates that our Lord will not come to the surface of the earth, just into the atmosphere. In other words, this is not “the second coming of the Lord,” which occurs on the “Day of the Lord.” According to the prophet Zechariah, on the day of the Lord, the Messiah will come to the surface of the earth and stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-4). Remember, the day of Christ (the rapture) is a time of celebration and joy, whereas the Day of the Lord is a day of judgment and woe.

From the moment of the rapture, for the rest of eternity, we will be with our Lord. Also, note again that Paul says “we who are alive.” Paul expected to be alive for the rapture.



If you have committed yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ through belief of His death and resurrection, you will be part of the rapture. Are you looking forward to this event which could happen any day now? I sure am!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:2 – Who’s Your Master?

in which you previously walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience,

Truth to Learn

Christians are no longer under Satan’s authority. We are now in God’s family and under God’s authority.


Behind the Words

“Walked” is translated from the Greek verb peripateō. This is composed of peri, meaning “around” and pateō (based on patos, meaning “a path”), which means “to walk.” Thus, peripateō literally means “to walk around.” Metaphorically it refers to “how one lives one’s life.”

Aion is the Greek word translated “course.” Generally, this word refers to a timeframe, a period of time, or an “age.” Here, however, it is used as a metonym referring to the people and customs of the “world system.” [A metonym is a word or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated. For example, Washington is a metonym for the federal government of the United States of America.]

The word “world” is from the Greek noun kosmos, which is indirectly based on the word kolumbos, meaning “to tend or to take care of.” Kosmos refers to “an orderly arrangement” or “a system of order.” It is the word from which we get our English word “cosmetics.” As it is used here, kosmos refers to “the orderly arrangement or ‘system’ of this world.”

“Ruler” is translated from archon, which refers to someone who is “first in authority or power.”

The word “air” is aēr, which refers to “the lower atmosphere” or “the air surrounding the earth.”

The word “disobedience” is translated from the Greek word apeitheia, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and peithō, meaning “to convince or persuade.” Thus, apeitheia refers to “those who are not convinced” or “those who are not willing to be persuaded,” which by extension means “those who do not obey God.”


Meaning Explained

The first two words of this verse, “in which,” are a reference to “trespasses and sins,” mentioned in the previous verse. So, Paul is saying that we Christians used to live our lives in a manner characterized by trespasses and sins. He goes on further to say that we used to live our lives in accordance with the ruler of the power (authority) of the atmosphere. This is a reference to Satan, who Jesus referred to as “the ruler of this world” (see John 16:11).

But, Paul doesn’t stop there with his description of Satan. He tells us that he is a spirit being who is currently at work in the unsaved people of this world (the sons of disbelief or the sons of disobedience). As a spirit being, Satan is not only the ruler of the world system in which we live, he also has access to the throne room of God in heaven. We know this from the book of Job, where Satan is characterized as appearing before God:

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. And the LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" So Satan answered the LORD and said, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it." (Job 1:6-7)

Satan will continue to have access to Heaven until he is cast out during the seven year tribulation, as described in Revelation chapter twelve.



You were once controlled by your sins and by Satan, but that is no longer true. When you were saved, you were placed into (baptized into) the body of Christ, where Jesus is now your Lord and Master; therefore, you are no longer under Satan’s power and authority. Praise be to God!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Glorious Meeting

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Truth to Learn

Living Christians will join the “dead in Christ” at the rapture.

Behind the Words

Then” is from the Greek word epeita, meaning “afterwards” or “next.”

The words “who are alive and remain” are translated from the same Greek words as in verse fifteen. They literally mean “the remaining, living ones.”

Shall be caught up” is the translation of the Greek verb harpadzō. This verb means “to seize by force” or “to snatch away.” In the Latin translation of the Bible it is translated as a form of rapare, from which we get the English word rapture.

The words “together with” are from two Greek words. They are hama, meaning “at the same time” and sun, meaning “with.”

Nephelē is the word translated “clouds.” This is the diminutive form of nephos, meaning “clouds.” Thus, nephelē literally means “little clouds” or “cloudiness.” The Greek text does not contain the definite article (the), so a more accurate translation would be “in clouds,” not “in the clouds.”

Meet” is from apantēsis, a form of apantaō, meaning “to meet, coming from different directions.” The form of apantēsis used here literally means “a meeting.”

In the air” is from eis aera, meaning “into air” or “into the atmosphere.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that those “who sleep in Jesus,” Christians who have died physically, will be raised from the dead first. Now we learn that right afterwards, Christians who have not yet died will be snatched away from the earth. These two groups of Christians will be joined together in clouds. This could be a description of the weather conditions at the time (cloudiness) or, more likely, it means that there will be clouds of people being raised up off the earth for a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This glorious meeting will take place “in the air” or “in the earth’s atmosphere.” This is a significant statement because it indicates that our Lord will not come to the surface of the earth, just into the atmosphere. In other words, this is not “the second coming of the Lord,” which occurs on the “Day of the Lord.” According to the prophet Zechariah, on the day of the Lord, the Messiah will come to the surface of the earth and stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-4). Keep in mind, the day of Christ (the rapture) is a time of celebration and joy, whereas the Day of the Lord is a day of judgment and woe.

From the moment of the rapture, for the rest of eternity, we will be with our Lord. Also, note again that Paul says “we who are alive.” Paul expected to be alive for the rapture.


When we hear the trumpet call at the time of the rapture, we will be filled with joy and we will be changed. Rejoice my friends, for the time of celebration is very near.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:2 – Who’s Your Master?

Ephesians 2:2  – Who’s Your Master?

in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,

Truth to Learn

Christians are no longer under Satan’s authority. We are now in God’s family and under God’s authority.

Behind the Words

Walked” is translated from the Greek verb peripateō. This is composed of peri, meaning “around” and pateō (based on patos, meaning “a path”), which means “to walk.” Thus, peripateō literally means “to walk around.” Metaphorically it refers to “how one lives one’s life.”

The word “world” is from the Greek noun kosmos, which is indirectly based on the word kolumbos, meaning “to tend or to take care of.” Kosmos refers to “an orderly arrangement” or “a system of order.” As it is used here, kosmos refers to “the system of this world.”

Prince” is translated from archon, which refers to someone who is “first in authority or power.”

The word “air” is aēr, which refers to “the lower atmosphere” or “the air surrounding the earth.”

The word “disobedience” is translated from the Greek word apeitheia, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and peithō, meaning “to convince or persuade.” Thus, apeitheia refers to those who are not convinced. In other words, it refers to “those who do not believe.”

Meaning Explained

The first two words of this verse, “in which,” are a reference to “trespasses and sins,” mentioned in the previous verse. So, Paul is saying that we Christians used to live our lives in a manner characterized by trespasses and sins. He goes on further to say that we used to live our lives in accordance with the ruler of the power (authority) of the atmosphere. This is a reference to Satan, whom Jesus referred to as “the ruler of this world” (see John 16:11).

But, Paul doesn’t stop there with his description of Satan. He tells us that he is a spirit being who is currently at work in the unsaved people of this world (the sons of disbelief or the sons of disobedience). As a spirit being, Satan is not only the ruler of the world system in which we live, he also has access to the throne room of God in heaven. We know this from the book of Job, where Satan is characterized as appearing before God:

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.” (Job 1:6-7)

Satan will continue to have access to Heaven until he is cast out during the seven year tribulation, as described in Revelation chapter twelve.


You were once controlled by your sins and by Satan, but that is no longer true. When you were saved, you were placed into (baptized into) the body of Christ, where Jesus is now your Lord and Master; therefore, you are no longer under Satan’s power and authority. Praise be to God!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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