Tag: clouds

2 Peter 2:17 – Refreshing, Cleansing Water

These men are dry wells and clouds driven by a storm, for whom the blackest darkness is reserved.

Truth to Learn

The Bible is like refreshing, cleansing water to the soul.


Behind the Words

The word “clouds” is translated from omichlē, meaning “a mist, a fog, or a cloud.” Peter’s meaning is most likely “a cloud.”

“Driven” is from alaunō, which means “to carry or to drive.”

The word “storm” is translated from lailaps, meaning “a whirlwind or a storm.”

“Blackest” is the translation of dzophos, meaning “doom or blackness.”

Finally, the word “darkness” is from the Greek word skotos, which means “obscurity or darkness.”


Meaning Explained

Peter has said many unkind things about these false teachers; now he boils it down to a couple of very picturesque images. He says that they are “dry wells,” that is, wells without water and he says that they are “clouds driven by a storm.” These are both descriptions of something full of promise that never delivers. Imagine a person wandering in the arid wilderness who sees a well with the anticipation of securing a much needed drink of water only to find the well is dry. Likewise, imagine a farmer who has planted his crops in anticipation of a bountiful harvest seeing clouds appear with the promise of rain only to have the clouds blown away by a strong wind without dropping a bit of water.

Water is a necessity of life that is both soothing and refreshing, and it has a cleansing effect on dirty things. The Word of God is like water to us, refreshing and soothing our souls and cleansing us as we read and understand the message of the God of the Bible. Thirsty souls come to church to be refreshed and strengthened. However, when these false teachers get up to preach, instead of providing the refreshment and cleansing that the people need, they provide no water, only dried up words.

These false teachers promise the refreshing and cleansing effect of the Word of God, but what they deliver is “waterless,” like an empty well or a cloud without rain.

Peter then makes a proclamation about the end state of these false teachers. He says that the “blackest darkness is reserved for them.” The final state of these false teachers will be the enveloping darkness of eternity without the light of God. We often think of the fiery torture of the lake of fire as the worst punishment that can happen to a lost soul, but the total separation from the light of God (for God is light according to 1 John 1:5) with no prospect for reconciliation for all of eternity is worse yet. Blackest darkness, indeed!



Let me encourage each of you to earnestly desire the light of the Word of God. Learn to crave it as you do food and water. Make it part of your every day diet, not just an occasional snack. Let me also encourage you to seek out a church where the word of truth is preached, holding fast to the fundamental truths contained in the Bible, where those who open up the Word to you each week do so because it is their ministry, not their source of income!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Glorious Meeting

Afterwards we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Truth to Learn

Living Christians will join the “dead in Christ” at the rapture.


Behind the Words

“Afterwards” is from the Greek word epeita, which is made up of epi meaning “upon” or “at” and eita, a particle of succession. Hence, epeita means “then,” “afterwards,” or “next.”

The words “who are alive” are translated from dzao, meaning “to live.” It is preceded by the plural definite article oi, thus it could be translated “the living ones.”

“Remain” is from the Greek word perileipō, which we saw a couple verses back, meaning “the ones left behind” or “the remaining ones.” When we combine this with oi dzaō, which we just talked about, it means “the remaining living ones.”

“Shall be caught up” is the translation of the Greek verb harpadzō. This verb means “to seize by force” or “to snatch away.” In the Latin translation of the Bible it is translated as a form of rapare, from which we get the English word rapture.

The words “together with” are from two Greek words. They are hama, meaning “at the same time” and sun, meaning “with.”

Nephelē is the word translated “clouds.” This is the diminutive form of nephos, meaning “clouds.” Thus, nephelē literally means “little clouds” or “cloudiness.” The Greek text does not contain the definite article (the), so a more accurate translation would be “in clouds,” not “in the clouds.”

“Meet” is from apantēsis, a form of apantaō, meaning “to meet, coming from different directions.” The form of apantēsis used here literally means “a meeting.”

“In the air” is from eis aera, meaning “into air” or “into the atmosphere.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that those “who sleep in Jesus,” Christians who have died physically, will be raised from the dead first. Now we learn that right afterwards, Christians who have not yet died will be snatched away from the earth. These two groups of Christians will be joined together in clouds. This could be a description of the weather conditions at the time (cloudiness) or, more likely, it means that there will be clouds of people being raised up off the earth for a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This glorious meeting will take place “in the air” or “in the earth’s atmosphere.” This is a significant statement because it indicates that our Lord will not come to the surface of the earth, just into the atmosphere. In other words, this is not “the second coming of the Lord,” which occurs on the “Day of the Lord.” According to the prophet Zechariah, on the day of the Lord, the Messiah will come to the surface of the earth and stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-4). Remember, the day of Christ (the rapture) is a time of celebration and joy, whereas the Day of the Lord is a day of judgment and woe.

From the moment of the rapture, for the rest of eternity, we will be with our Lord. Also, note again that Paul says “we who are alive.” Paul expected to be alive for the rapture.



If you have committed yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ through belief of His death and resurrection, you will be part of the rapture. Are you looking forward to this event which could happen any day now? I sure am!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Glorious Meeting

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Truth to Learn

Living Christians will join the “dead in Christ” at the rapture.

Behind the Words

Then” is from the Greek word epeita, meaning “afterwards” or “next.”

The words “who are alive and remain” are translated from the same Greek words as in verse fifteen. They literally mean “the remaining, living ones.”

Shall be caught up” is the translation of the Greek verb harpadzō. This verb means “to seize by force” or “to snatch away.” In the Latin translation of the Bible it is translated as a form of rapare, from which we get the English word rapture.

The words “together with” are from two Greek words. They are hama, meaning “at the same time” and sun, meaning “with.”

Nephelē is the word translated “clouds.” This is the diminutive form of nephos, meaning “clouds.” Thus, nephelē literally means “little clouds” or “cloudiness.” The Greek text does not contain the definite article (the), so a more accurate translation would be “in clouds,” not “in the clouds.”

Meet” is from apantēsis, a form of apantaō, meaning “to meet, coming from different directions.” The form of apantēsis used here literally means “a meeting.”

In the air” is from eis aera, meaning “into air” or “into the atmosphere.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that those “who sleep in Jesus,” Christians who have died physically, will be raised from the dead first. Now we learn that right afterwards, Christians who have not yet died will be snatched away from the earth. These two groups of Christians will be joined together in clouds. This could be a description of the weather conditions at the time (cloudiness) or, more likely, it means that there will be clouds of people being raised up off the earth for a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This glorious meeting will take place “in the air” or “in the earth’s atmosphere.” This is a significant statement because it indicates that our Lord will not come to the surface of the earth, just into the atmosphere. In other words, this is not “the second coming of the Lord,” which occurs on the “Day of the Lord.” According to the prophet Zechariah, on the day of the Lord, the Messiah will come to the surface of the earth and stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-4). Keep in mind, the day of Christ (the rapture) is a time of celebration and joy, whereas the Day of the Lord is a day of judgment and woe.

From the moment of the rapture, for the rest of eternity, we will be with our Lord. Also, note again that Paul says “we who are alive.” Paul expected to be alive for the rapture.


When we hear the trumpet call at the time of the rapture, we will be filled with joy and we will be changed. Rejoice my friends, for the time of celebration is very near.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:17 – Refreshing, Cleansing Water

2 Peter 2:17

These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.

Truth to Learn

The Bible is like refreshing, cleansing water to the soul.

Behind the Words

The word “mists” is translated from omichlē, meaning “a mist, a fog, or a cloud.” Peter’s meaning is most likely “a cloud.”

Driven” is from alaunō, which means “to carry or to drive.”

The word “storm” is translated from lailaps, meaning “a whirlwind or a storm.”

Blackest” is the translation of dzophos, meaning “doom or blackness.”

Finally, the word “darkness” is from the Greek word skotos, which means “obscurity or darkness.”

Meaning Explained

Peter has said many unkind things about these false teachers; now he boils it down to a couple of very picturesque images. He says that they are “wells without water,” and he says that they are “clouds driven by a storm.” These are both descriptions of something full of promise that never delivers. Imagine a person wandering in the arid wilderness who sees a well with the anticipation of securing a much needed drink of water only to find the well is dry. Likewise, imagine a farmer who has planted his crops in anticipation of a bountiful harvest seeing clouds appear with the promise of rain only to have the clouds blown away by a strong wind without dropping a bit of water.

Water is a necessity of life that is both soothing and refreshing, and it has a cleansing effect on dirty things. The Word of God is like water to us, refreshing and soothing our souls and cleansing us as we read and understand the message of the God of the Bible. Thirsty souls come to church to be refreshed and strengthened. However, when these false teachers get up to preach, instead of providing the refreshment and cleansing that the people need, they provide no water, only dried up words.

These false teachers promise the refreshing and cleansing effect of the Word of God, but what they deliver is “waterless,” like an empty well or a cloud without rain.

Peter then makes a proclamation about the end state of these false teachers. He says that the “blackest darkness is reserved for them.” The final state of these false teachers will be the enveloping darkness of eternity without the light of God. We often think of the fiery torture of the lake of fire as the worst punishment that can happen to a lost soul, but the total separation from the light of God (for God is light according to 1 John 1:5) with no prospect for reconciliation for all of eternity is worse yet. Blackest darkness, indeed!


Let me encourage each of you to earnestly desire the light of the Word of God. Learn to crave it as you do food and water. Make it part of your every day diet, not just an occasional snack. Let me also encourage you to seek out a church where the word of truth is preached, holding fast to the fundamental truths contained in the Bible, where those who open up the Word to you each week do so because it is their ministry, not their source of income!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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