Tag: eiper

Romans 8:17 – Suffering Heirs

and if children, also heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer together with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Truth to Learn

We are God’s heirs and we will suffer for it.


Behind the Words

The word translated “heirs” is the Greek word klēronomos, which means “one who is receiving an inheritance.”

“if indeed”  is translated from the Greek word eiper, which carries with it the notion of “if it is so, and it probably is.” By implication it means “since.” So, Paul is saying “since we suffer together …”

The word translated “glorified together” is sundoxadzō, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and doxadzō, meaning “to give honor” or “to make glorious.” It is expressed in the passive voice indicating that it will be done to us.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we saw that it is the Spirit of God who gives witness to our spirit that we are the children of God (if we have been saved). Now Paul goes on to say that if we are children of God (as confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God living in us), then we are heirs.

Note here that only legitimate children can be heirs, and under the Jewish laws of the times adopted children were legitimate children. In fact, an adopted child could not be disowned or dis-inherited the way a natural born child could be. So the fact that we are adopted children means that our inheritance is guaranteed!

So what are we inheriting? Some say we are inheriting heaven, but that’s not all we will inherit. This verse says we are heirs (inheritors) of God himself. That is not to say that we will become gods as some religions believe. It simply means that we are heirs of the eternality of God. Just as Jesus (the man) received an eternal body and shares in eternal fellowship with God the Father, we also will receive an eternal body as God’s heirs and will share eternal fellowship with Him.

Paul now throws a bit of a wrinkle in here. He says “since we suffer together with Him, we also may be glorified together (with him).” This should be both a challenge and an encouragement to us all. It says that we will suffer as Christians! But it also says that Jesus Christ suffers with us when we suffer. Here is another verse from Paul’s second letter to Timothy that talks about that suffering:

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2Timothy 3:12)

We should be prepared to suffer because we will if we are His children and we are pursuing a godly life. But when we do, He is right there with us. He knows the most intimate details of the trials that we’re going through because He is suffering with us.



If you are a Christian then you have been legally adopted into God’s family, and you are an heir to all that God has to offer. Because you are in His family, however, his enemies will hate you like they hate Him and you will suffer for it. Are you ready for that? Consider this: He suffered to pay for your sins. Are you willing to suffer for Him?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 3:30 – Faith for All

since it is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

Truth to Learn

God will justify anyone who comes by faith.


Behind the Words

The Greek word starting off this verse is different depending on which Greek text is used. Some have it as epeiper, meaning “since indeed” whereas others have it as eiper, meaning “if on the whole.” Although the epeiper is a stronger assertion, they both imply that what follows is a true statement.

The word “by” is from the Greek word ek, meaning “out of, from, or by means of.” In other words, it implies origin.

“Through” is translated from dia, meaning “through,” or “through which.” In other words, it implies instrumentality.


Meaning Explained

Since Paul has just demonstrated that Jehovah is the God of both the Jews and the Gentiles and that man is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law, he now takes the next step in his explanation. He says that it is one God who will justify both the Jews and the Gentiles and that justification comes not from keeping the Law but through faith.

The construction of this verse is a little confusing and has been argued back and forth for centuries (in my opinion it is an example of senseless quibbling). Some say that even though the prepositions are different, they are used to express the same thing. They would interpret this phrase as, “… who will justify circumcision by faith and uncircumcision by the same faith.”

Others would argue that the Jews are justified by (out of) the faith which Abraham had and which they now also have, whereas the Gentiles must acquire such faith independently in order to receive justification through such faith. If you think that this is an unnecessary splitting of hairs, I agree with you. The point is that God will declare a person righteous based on faith, whether a Jew or a Gentile.

The two points that Paul has been making all along in this chapter are: 1 – There is no difference between Jews and Gentiles when it comes to justification, and 2 – The only way to obtain justification is by faith.

If you look back through the Old Testament you will see a number of examples where men were justified by faith. For instance, Noah believed God was going to send a flood and demonstrated that faith by building an Ark. Abraham believed that he was going to have a son even when he and Sarah were too old to have children. Moses believed God was going to release the Israelites from bondage when he went in and challenged Pharaoh to “let my people go.”

Throughout the ages, men (and women) have been saved by faith, not by works. That is precisely what Paul is teaching these Jewish Christians in Rome.



The message of salvation is very simple: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. It’s not, believe and keep the Ten Commandments. It’s not, believe and join the church. It’s not, believe and be baptized. It’s simply “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” That’s all there is to it – just believe.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 1:6 – Righteous Judgment

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,

Truth to Learn

God will “pay back” those who cause Christians to suffer.


Behind the Words

The word “since” is translated from eiper. This Greek word is made up of ei, which is a conditional particle usually translated as “if” and per, meaning “concerning” or “with respect to.” Eiper assumes that the condition is true and therefore is most often translated as “if indeed” or “since.”

Dikaios is the Greek adjective translated as “righteous.” It is based on the noun dikē, which means “that which is right or just.” Dikaios means that whatever word it describes is the right thing, proper thing, or just thing to do.

“Repay” is from antapodidōmi. This is a double compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” or “opposing,” apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” When we put these all together we see that the idea of antapodidōmi is “to give back in return.” It is often used to mean “to repay a debt that is owed to someone.”

The word “with” is from para, meaning “to the side of” or “by.” Here it has the meaning “with respect to God” or “from God’s viewpoint.”

Both of the words “tribulation” and “trouble” are based on the word thlibō, which means “to press together, to squeeze, or to cause affliction.”


Meaning Explained

After opening with a typical Pauline greeting in this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul offered up thanks to God for their growth in faith and in love. On the surface, this spiritual growth may seem unusual because the Thessalonians were suffering under the persecution from those around them. However, we see that spiritual growth, like muscular growth, only comes from repeated difficult activities. Christians for whom life is easy do not grow in their faith because they have no need for God. But Christians who are suffering from persecution have to depend on God, and they grow as a result.

Paul then told them that this persecution and their subsequent growth was evidence of God’s righteous judgment because it indicated that they were being considered worthy of God’s eternal blessing. In other words, God’s decision to provide future blessing to His chosen children is the right and proper thing for Him to do.

Now Paul looks at the other side of the coin. Not only is it right to promise future blessing to those who believe God, but it’s just as right to bring judgment against those who reject God. The non-believers in Thessalonica were causing trouble for the Christians, so Paul says that it is just and proper for God to “pay them back” for the trouble that they caused His children. Not only is this a proper action for a righteous God, it is proper for a loving father to protect and defend His children.



If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, then God loves you as one of His children. Not only has He promised you eternal blessing, but He has promised to “pay back” suffering to those who cause you suffering.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 1:6 – Righteous Judgment

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,

Truth to Learn

God will “pay back” those who cause Christians to suffer.

Behind the Words

The word “since” is translated from eiper. This Greek word is made up of ei, which is a conditional particle usually translated as “if” and per, meaning “concerning” or “with respect to.” Eiper assumes that the condition is true and therefore is most often translated as “if indeed” or “since.”

Dikaios is the Greek adjective translated as “righteous.” It is based on the noun dikē, which means “that which is right or just.” Dikaios means that whatever word it describes is the right thing, proper thing, or just thing to do.

Repay” is from antapodidōmi. This is a double compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” or “opposing,” apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” When we put these all together we see that the idea of antapodidōmi is “to give back in return.” It is often used to mean “to repay a debt that is owed to someone.”

The word “with” is from para, meaning “to the side of” or “by.” Here it has the meaning “with respect to God” or “from God’s viewpoint.”

Both of the words “tribulation” and “trouble” are based on the word thlibō, which means “to press together, to squeeze, or to cause affliction.”

Meaning Explained

After opening with a typical Pauline greeting in this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul offered up thanks to God for their growth in faith and in love. On the surface, this spiritual growth may seem unusual because the Thessalonians were suffering under the persecution from those around them. However, we see that spiritual growth, like muscular growth, only comes from repeated difficult activities. Christians for whom life is easy do not grow in their faith because they have no need for God. But Christians who are suffering from persecution have to depend on God, and they grow as a result.

Paul then told them that this persecution and their subsequent growth was evidence of God’s righteous judgment because it indicated that they were being considered worthy of God’s eternal blessing. In other words, God’s decision to provide future blessing to His chosen children is the right and proper thing for Him to do.

Now Paul looks at the other side of the coin. Not only is it right to promise future blessing to those who believe God, but it’s just as right to bring judgment against those who reject God. The non-believers in Thessalonica were causing trouble for the Christians, so Paul says that it is just and proper for God to “pay them back” for the trouble that they caused His children. Not only is this a proper action for a righteous God, it is proper for a loving father to protect and defend His children.


If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, then God loves you as one of His children. Not only has He promised you eternal blessing, but He has promised to “pay back” suffering to those who cause you suffering.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Romans 8:17 – Suffering Heirs

Romans 8:17 – Suffering Heirs

and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Truth to Learn

We are God’s heirs and we will suffer for it.

Behind the Words

The word translated “heirs” is the Greek word klēronomos, which means “one who is receiving an inheritance.”

if indeed is translated from the Greek word eiper, which carries with it the notion of “if it is so, and it probably is.” By implication it means “since.” So, Paul is saying “since we suffer together …

The word translated “glorified together” is sundoxadzō, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and doxadzō, meaning “to give honor” or “to make glorious.” It is expressed in the passive voice indicating that it will be done to us.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we saw that it is the Spirit of God who gives witness to our spirit that we are the children of God (if we have been saved). Now Paul goes on to say that if we are children of God (as confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God living in us), then we are heirs.

Note here that only legitimate children can be heirs, and under the Jewish laws of the times adopted children were legitimate children. In fact, an adopted child could not be disowned or dis-inherited the way a natural born child could be. So the fact that we are adopted children means that our inheritance is guaranteed!

So what are we inheriting? Some say we are inheriting heaven, but that’s not all we will inherit. This verse says we are heirs (inheritors) of God himself. That is not to say that we will become gods as some religions believe. It simply means that we are heirs of the eternality of God. Just as Jesus (the man) received an eternal body and shares in eternal fellowship with God the Father, we also will receive an eternal body as God’s heirs and will share eternal fellowship with Him.

Paul now throws a bit of a wrinkle in here. He says “since we suffer together with Him, we also may be glorified together (with him).” This should be both a challenge and an encouragement to us all. It says that we will suffer as Christians! But it also says that Jesus Christ suffers with us when we suffer. Here is another verse from Paul’s second letter to Timothy that talks about that suffering:

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2Timothy 3:12)

We should be prepared to suffer because we will if we are His children and we are pursuing a godly life. But when we do, He is right there with us. He knows the most intimate details of the trials that we’re going through because He is suffering with us.


If you are a Christian then you have been legally adopted into God’s family, and you are an heir to all that God has to offer. Because you are in His family, however, his enemies will hate you like they hate Him and you will suffer for it. Are you ready for that? Consider this: He suffered to pay for your sins. Are you willing to suffer for Him?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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