Tag: auxano

2 Peter 3:18 – Eternal Praise

But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and the day of eternity! Amen.

Truth to Learn

We are to grow spiritually and give God all the glory.


Behind the Words

The word translated “grow” is auxanō, meaning “to grow.” This growth, however, implies the result either of some outside agent or the element of life within. It is the word used of a seed which grows into a plant, simply because it has the element of life in it. There is a different Greek word, prokoptō, which also refers to growth. This, however, refers to growth as a result of human achievement. So we see that even though Peter gives this to us as a command, our growth in grace (there is no definite article “the” in the Greek text) and knowledge of Christ is not a result of our active conscious effort, but a result of the spiritual life within us.

The word translated “glory” is the Greek word doxa. The root of this word, dokeo, means “favorable thought or opinion.” Hence, it is often translated as “glory, praise, or honor.”

“Day of eternity” is translated from the Greek expression hēmeran aiōnos. The word hēmera refers to a “day.” It can refer to a specific twenty-four hour period of time, or it can refer to an indefinite period or point in time such as “the day of the Lord.” The word aiōnos refers to an “age of time.” It is most often used to refer to an indefinitely long period of time and, therefore, is often translated as eternity. These two words, therefore, refer to “the day of eternity,” that is, the time after the creation of the new heavens and the new earth when time will no longer have any meaning.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Peter told us to beware of the false teachers and scoffers, and we learned that we can only protect ourselves from false doctrine by studying correct doctrine. He now gives us another command. He says to “grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Peter tells us that we are to grow both in grace and in knowledge. Like a tree which continues to grow because it has life fed from the roots sunk deep in the earth, we are to grow because we are being fed from our roots in Christ through the Word of God. The only way to have continual growth is to be fed regularly from the book of life, the Bible. Only through regular constant reading and fellowshipping with the God of the Bible will we receive regular nourishment.

Peter then closes his letter with a word of praise for the one to whom we owe everything. He says, “to Him be glory …” God, and God alone, is to be given recognition for who He is and what He has done. Peter proclaims that this praise and honor is His both now and into (or unto) the day of eternity.



As we complete this study of 2Peter, let’s take a few minutes in prayer to give Him the worship and praise that He is due. And let’s submit ourselves wholeheartedly to Him and commit ourselves to doing His will…

… from now until the day of eternity!

May God richly bless you as you do these things.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:15 – Lovely Body Building

but, speaking the truth in love, that we may grow up unto Him in all things, who is the head—Christ—

Truth to Learn

We need to be truthful and loving as we minister to our fellow Christians.


Behind the Words

“Speaking the truth” is translated from the verb alētheuō, which is derived from alēthēs, meaning “truth.” Thus, alētheuō means “to be true, not counterfeit.” The word “speaking” is not in the Greek text, so the opening part of this verse should probably be translated as “but, being true in love …”

The word translated “love” is agape which refers to “perfect, self-sacrificing love.”

“May grow up” is from auxanō, meaning “to grow” or “to increase.” This word implies growth as a result of an outside power acting through the element of life within. This is different than the growth implied by the verb prokoptō, which indicates growth as a result of personal effort and achievement.

The words “unto Him” are translated from eis auton. The word eis means “into” or “unto” implying movement from outside to inside or movement from a separated position to a united position. The word auton is the second person, singular pronoun (him). In Greek, word order is important and in the Greek text of this verse, the words eis auton immediately follow the verb auxanō. This implies that the emphasis of growth is to grow “unto Him” and that “in all things” is a secondary characteristic of this growth.


Meaning Explained

In verse eleven Paul described some of the spiritual gifts given by Christ (specifically, church leadership gifts). He told us that these gifted people were given so that we, church members, would be equipped to do the work of the ministry, building-up the body of Christ (the church). One purpose of our building each other up is to develop unity and a complete experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God. The other purpose is that we might be fully grown, mature Christians not misled by false doctrines and the persuasive words cleverly crafted to mislead us.

In contrast to the deceitful methods used by those who teach doctrinal error, we are to be truthful and we are to do so in love, considering the good of others to be more important than our own. I am reminded of a time in my own ministry when I didn’t do this. I was worship leader in a church leading choir rehearsal. The accompanist, an accomplished pianist, did not follow my lead regarding the tempo of the songs we were singing. After rehearsal I took her aside and explained to her how her lack of following my lead was making it difficult on all of us. My intent was to improve the way we all worked together, but my delivery was not done in love. The result was not unity but further dissention.

Everything we do within the church should be done in such a manner that it encourages and builds-up others so that we all might become more Christ-like.



Are you using your spiritual gifts in your church? If not, you are being disobedient to our Lord. If you are, are you doing everything with the goal of making others more Christ-like and are you doing it in a Christ-like manner?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:21 – Temple Building

in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,

Truth to Learn

Every Christian is part of the temple of God.


Behind the Words

The words “the whole” are translated from a form of pas, which can mean “all” or “every.” So this could be translated as “all the building” or “the whole building.”

“Building” is from the Greek word oikodomē, which is very similar to the word translated “having been built on” in the previous verse. This word can refer either to “the act of building” or to “the building” itself.

The verb sunarmologeō is translated here as “being fitted together.” This word is made up of sun, meaning “together,” harmos “to join things together,” and legō, which means “to lay forth” or “to say a word.” Putting these all together, we find that sunarmologeō means “to lay things closely joined together,” as one would do with stones or bricks in building a structure. The word is expressed here as a present participle, indicating that it is action that is continually taking place.

The word “grows” is from auxanō, which means “to grow” or “to increase.” This word is expressed in the present tense, indicative mood, which implies current continuous action.

“Temple” is translated from naos. This is derived from the verb naiō, meaning “to dwell.” Naos refers to “a shrine” or “a temple” where a deity dwells. There is another word in Greek, often translated “temple.” It is hieron, which refers to the entire temple area or temple grounds. Naos, however, refers specifically to the central building in the temple area.


Meaning Explained

In the Greek text there is no definite article associated with the word oikodomē, which introduces some ambiguity as to whether Paul is talking about every believer being a holy temple, or the whole church being a single, holy temple. However, since both “building” and “temple” are singular Greek words and the following verse says that “you [plural] are being built together for a dwelling place [singular] for God,” there is strong evidence that Paul is referring to the entire church as the building.

Assuming that this is, in fact, what Paul was expressing, we are told here that the church, which is composed of every believer from the beginning of time, is continually being built by God. Each member of the church has a place in the building and is put in place joined closely together with those around him or her. Later in this letter (Ephesians 4:12) Paul will refer to the church as “the body of Christ.” Also. in his first letter to the Corinthians, he refers to the church as “the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Since Paul uses both of these metaphors to refer to the church universal, we can see that the church, whether a living body or a building, is continually being built. And, we see from this verse, that the church is the central temple (dwelling place) of God, Himself. We are all part of the body, and we are all part of the holy temple where God lives.



Whether we consider the church to be the temple of God or the body of Christ, we each have a part in it. Each and every Christian has an important function to perform. Are you performing your function? Are you being used by God as part of the church? If not, you’re not fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 3:7 – Faithfully Serve and Trust

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

Truth to Learn

Every Christian needs to serve, trusting God for the result.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “so then” is hōste. It is made up of hōs, meaning “in this manner” and te, meaning “and.” Thus, hōste literally means “and therefore.”

He who plants” is from the participial form of phuteuō, which we saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to plant.” In the participle form it means “the one planting” or “he who plants.”

He who waters” is from the participial form of potidzō, which we also saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to give a drink” or “to irrigate.” In the participle form it means “the one giving a drink” or “the one watering.”

The word translated “anything” is ti, meaning “a thing” or “something.” In verse five we pointed out that the word “who,” from the word tis, should probably have been translated as “what” (or “what thing”), from the word ti. The fact that Paul uses ti in today’s verse is evidence of that statement.

The words “who gives the increase” is from the participial form of auxanō, which we also saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to grow” or “to increase.” In the participle form it means “the one giving the increase.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is very similar to yesterday’s verse; however, there is one important difference. In verse six, Paul told us that he is the one who planted the seeds of faith and that Apollos was the one who watered the seedlings. He now tells us that in spite of how important it is for us to be obedient to God in our calling, compared to God our efforts are miniscule and we should not claim any credit for the results.

You will recall that this teaching came about because of the divisions being caused in the Corinthian church as a result of people claiming to follow different leaders. They were placing these leaders on a pedestal, claiming allegiance to one or the other. In response to that, Paul pointed out that the very people whom the Corinthians were giving special honor and allegiance to were nothing more than servants. Neither Paul nor Apollos deserved the credit for the church growth; they were simply servants faithfully performing the tasks assigned to them by their Master. It is the Master who is producing the results.

There is a subtlety here in Paul’s teaching that I don’t want us to miss. The fact that people were giving allegiance to certain leaders implies that the people gave credit to these leaders for the success that the church had achieved. It is the same way in the sports world today. We give credit to a great quarterback of a football team when they win and often blame the same person when they lose. In fact, the success of a football team depends on all of the players doing their part as assigned to them by the coaches.


Church growth is not the result of great leaders, it is the result of every member of the body doing the work that God has assigned them. The lack of growth of the church (spiritually or in numbers) is not necessarily the fault of the pastor. It is more likely the result of the members of the body not doing what God has assigned them to do. Are you giving your all to serve your Master in the task He has chosen for you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 3:6 – Farmers and Gardeners

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.

Truth to Learn

We are called to be servants, planting seeds and nourishing the church. God will do the rest.

Behind the Words

Phuteuō is the Greek verb translated “planted.” It is derived from phuton (a plant), which is itself derived from the verb phuō, meaning “to generate” or “to spring up.” Thus, phuteuō refers to planting a seed with the hope that it will spring to life and grow. It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action that was done in the past at a point in time.

Watered” is from the Greek verb potidzō, which means “to give a drink” or “to irrigate.” This verb is also expressed in the aorist tense, indicating past action done at a point in time.

The words “gave the increase” are translated from the verb auxanō, which means “to grow” or “to increase.” Unlike the other two verbs, this one is expressed in the imperfect tense, indicating past continuous action.

Meaning Explained

Most of the Roman world outside of the city of Rome itself was based on an agrarian society. Growing crops and raising cattle were necessary for meeting the needs of the Roman citizens. Because of this, nearly everyone understood the basics of raising crops. In much of Jesus’ teaching and throughout the writings of the apostles, agricultural metaphors were used because the ideas being taught were easier to understand when related to something as familiar as agriculture.

This metaphor is applicable to teachings about the sprouting of faith in a person’s heart (the parable of the sower and the seed) and about the gathering together of God’s people into His kingdom at the end of this age (the harvest of the wheat and the tares). It is also particularly applicable to the growth of the church as Paul applies it here.

You and I are not responsible for the growth of the church any more than we are responsible for another person’s salvation. These things are God’s doing. We are responsible as farmers and garden growers to plant the seeds of the Gospel message and to tend the plants of faith after they have sprouted up.

Although Paul was one of the best teachers of God’s truth in the first century, he was primarily an evangelist. He planted the seeds of faith throughout the Roman world. In Corinth, it was Paul, with the assistance of Sylvanus and Timothy, who proclaimed the Gospel of salvation to the people there. He stayed there long enough to ensure that the tender new seedlings got a good start and warned about the weeds and insects that would try to choke and nibble at the seedlings as they grew. Apollos, on the other hand, was responsible for providing the spiritual fertilizer and water that the young Christian plants needed to grow strong. Paul realized, however, that the growth of the church, both in numbers and in strength is really God’s doing.


If you are in a church that is healthy and growing, it is because there are dedicated farmers and gardeners of God who invest their time and effort into being God’s servants. They pull out the weeds and they are on constant lookout for spiritual insects. They give their all to God and they give Him all the glory. When was the last time you thanked one of these servants?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:15 – Lovely Body Building

but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—

Truth to Learn

We need to be truthful and loving as we minister to our fellow Christians.

Behind the Words

Speaking the truth” is translated from the verb alētheuō, which is derived from alēthēs, meaning “truth.” Thus, alētheuō means “to be true, not counterfeit.” The word “speaking” is not in the Greek text, so the opening part of this verse should probably be translated as “but, being true in love …”

The word translated “love” is agape which refers to “perfect, self-sacrificing love.”

May grow up” is from auxanō, meaning “to grow” or “to increase.” This word implies growth as a result of an outside power acting through the element of life within. This is different than the growth implied by the verb prokoptō, which indicates growth as a result of personal effort and achievement.

The words “into Him” are translated from eis auton. The word eis means “into” or “unto” implying movement from outside to inside or movement from a separated position to a united position. The word auton is the second person, singular pronoun (him). In Greek, word order is important and in the Greek text of this verse, the words eis auton immediately follow the verb auxanō. This implies that the emphasis of growth is to grow “unto Him” and that “in all things” is a secondary characteristic of this growth.

Meaning Explained

In verse eleven Paul described some of the spiritual gifts given by Christ (specifically, church leadership gifts). He told us that these gifts were given so that we, church members, would be equipped to do the work of the ministry, building-up the body of Christ (the church). One purpose of our building each other up is to develop unity and a complete experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God. The other purpose is that we might be fully grown, mature Christians not misled by false doctrines and the persuasive words cleverly crafted to mislead us.

In contrast to the deceitful methods used by those who teach doctrinal error, we are to be truthful and we are to do so in love, considering the good of others to be more important than our own. I am reminded of a time in my own ministry when I didn’t do this. I was worship leader in a church leading choir rehearsal. The accompanist, an accomplished pianist, did not follow my lead regarding the tempo of the songs we were singing. After rehearsal I took her aside and explained to her how her lack of following my lead was making it difficult on all of us. My intent was to improve the way we all worked together, but my delivery was not done in love. The result was not unity but further dissention.

Everything we do within the church should be done in such a manner that it encourages and builds-up others so that we all might become more Christ-like.


Are you using your spiritual gifts in your church? If not, you are being disobedient to our Lord. If you are, are you doing everything with the goal of making others more Christ-like and are you doing it in a Christ-like manner?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 2:21 – Temple Building

Ephesians 2:21  – Temple Building

in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,

Truth to Learn

Every Christian is part of the temple of God.

Behind the Words

The words “the whole” are translated from a form of pas, which can mean “all” or “every.” Since there is no definite article included with the word for “building” a literal translation would be either “all building” or “every building.”

Building” is from the Greek word oikodomē, which is very similar to the word translated “having been built on” in the previous verse. This word can refer either to “the act of building” or to “the building” itself.

The verb sunarmologeō is translated here as “being fitted together.” This word is made up of sun, meaning “together,” harmos “to join things together,” and legō, which means “to lay forth” or “to say a word.” Putting these all together, we find that sunarmologeō means “to lay things closely joined together,” as one would do with stones or bricks in building a structure. The word is expressed here as a present participle, indicating that it is action that is continually taking place.

The word “grows” is from auxanō, which means “to grow” or “to increase.” This word is expressed in the present tense, indicative mood, which implies current continuous action.

Temple” is translated from naos. This is derived from the verb naiō, meaning “to dwell.” Naos refers to “a shrine” or “a temple” where a deity dwells.

Meaning Explained

As we pointed out in Behind the Words, there is no definite article associated with the word oikodomē, which introduces some ambiguity as to whether Paul is talking about every believer being a holy temple, or the whole church being a single, holy temple. However, since both “building” and “temple” are singular Greek words and the following verse says that “you [plural] are being built together for a dwelling place [singular] for God,” there is strong evidence that Paul is referring to the entire church as the building.

Assuming that this is, in fact, what Paul was expressing, we are told here that the church, which is composed of every believer from the beginning of time, is continually being built by God. Each member of the church has a place in the building and is put in place joined closely together with those around him or her. Later in this letter (Ephesians 4:12) Paul will refer to the church as “the body of Christ.” Also. in his first letter to the Corinthians, he also refers to the church as “the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Since Paul uses both of these metaphors to refer to the church universal, we can see that the church, whether a living body or a building, is continually being built. And, we see from this verse, that the church is the temple (dwelling place) of God, Himself. We are all part of the body, and we are all part of the holy temple where God lives.


Whether we consider the church to be the temple of God or the body of Christ, we each have a part in it. Each and every Christian has an important function to perform. Are you performing your function? Are you being used by God as part of the church? If not, you’re not fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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