Tag: who gives the increase

1 Corinthians 3:7 – Faithfully Serve and Trust

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

Truth to Learn

Every Christian needs to serve, trusting God for the result.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “so then” is hōste. It is made up of hōs, meaning “in this manner” and te, meaning “and.” Thus, hōste literally means “and therefore.”

He who plants” is from the participial form of phuteuō, which we saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to plant.” In the participle form it means “the one planting” or “he who plants.”

He who waters” is from the participial form of potidzō, which we also saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to give a drink” or “to irrigate.” In the participle form it means “the one giving a drink” or “the one watering.”

The word translated “anything” is ti, meaning “a thing” or “something.” In verse five we pointed out that the word “who,” from the word tis, should probably have been translated as “what” (or “what thing”), from the word ti. The fact that Paul uses ti in today’s verse is evidence of that statement.

The words “who gives the increase” is from the participial form of auxanō, which we also saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “to grow” or “to increase.” In the participle form it means “the one giving the increase.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is very similar to yesterday’s verse; however, there is one important difference. In verse six, Paul told us that he is the one who planted the seeds of faith and that Apollos was the one who watered the seedlings. He now tells us that in spite of how important it is for us to be obedient to God in our calling, compared to God our efforts are miniscule and we should not claim any credit for the results.

You will recall that this teaching came about because of the divisions being caused in the Corinthian church as a result of people claiming to follow different leaders. They were placing these leaders on a pedestal, claiming allegiance to one or the other. In response to that, Paul pointed out that the very people whom the Corinthians were giving special honor and allegiance to were nothing more than servants. Neither Paul nor Apollos deserved the credit for the church growth; they were simply servants faithfully performing the tasks assigned to them by their Master. It is the Master who is producing the results.

There is a subtlety here in Paul’s teaching that I don’t want us to miss. The fact that people were giving allegiance to certain leaders implies that the people gave credit to these leaders for the success that the church had achieved. It is the same way in the sports world today. We give credit to a great quarterback of a football team when they win and often blame the same person when they lose. In fact, the success of a football team depends on all of the players doing their part as assigned to them by the coaches.


Church growth is not the result of great leaders, it is the result of every member of the body doing the work that God has assigned them. The lack of growth of the church (spiritually or in numbers) is not necessarily the fault of the pastor. It is more likely the result of the members of the body not doing what God has assigned them to do. Are you giving your all to serve your Master in the task He has chosen for you?

In God's service, for His glory,

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