Tag: gnosis

1 Peter 3:7 – Understanding Co-Heirs

Husbands, in the same way, dwelling together with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the gracious gift of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.

Truth to Learn

Though our wives are our equal, joint heirs of God, we husbands have a greater responsibility than they do in the marriage relationship.


Behind the Words

The word translated “understanding” is gnosis, which means “knowledge or understand.” We are to live with them in a knowing, or understanding, way.

“Honor” is translated from timē, meaning “value, esteem, or honor.” It refers to something that we consider of great worth.

The word “vessel” is from the Greek word skeuos, referring to “something which can be filled.” It is a reference to our very being, which can be filled with the Holy Spirit. In Acts 9:15, God refers to Saul (later called Paul) as a chosen vessel.

“Heirs together” is from sugklēronomos, meaning “those who inherit together.” We have an equal inheritance with our wives.

The word translated “hindered” is ekkoptō, which literally means “to cut out.” By application it refers to something that has been made ineffective or nonexistent.


Meaning Explained

Okay, men, this is where Peter drops the other shoe and it falls squarely on our toes. Earlier he started off this third chapter with “In the same way” as he talked to wives, and he now starts off with the same connective as he talks to husbands. He is not connecting this with what he said to wives; rather he is connecting this to his previous message on how to humbly live within society as a witness of God’s grace.

Peter tells us to dwell together with our wives knowingly, in an understanding way. We are to put effort into understanding their feelings and emotions and living in such a way as to take these things into account. Our responsibility in the marriage relationship is actually much greater than that of our wives. They are to voluntarily place themselves under our authority, but we are to be ever mindful of them. We are to give them special honor and we are to recognize that they are physically weaker, treating them as precious because of it. Also, the Apostle Paul says we are to love them:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, (Ephesians 5:25)

This word for “love” is agapaō, the self-sacrificing, unconditional consideration for another, having more concern for their welfare than our own. If we don’t treat our wives with proper respect and loving care, Peter tells us that our prayers may become ineffective.

Christianity is the only major religion that places women in a position of equality with men with respect to the promises and blessings of God. We husbands are to model that to our wives, and to the world.



Let me ask you men, does it sometimes feel like God is not listening to your prayers? Could it be the result of your not treating your wife with understanding and honor?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:19 – Knowledge by Experience

and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.

Truth to Learn

You can only really know God’s love by experience.


Behind the Words

“And” is translated from the word te, which is a particle of connection meaning “and, also, or even.”

The word translated “to know” is the infinitive form of ginōskō, which refers to “knowing something completely, usually by experience.” So, we could say “to fully know.”

“Surpasses” is from huperballō, which is made up of huper (or hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus, we see that huperballō literally means “to throw beyond.” In general usage the meaning is “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” It is expressed here as a participle (being beyond).

“Knowledge” is from gnōsis. This is derived from ginōskō, which we just looked at.

Putting all this together we see that the opening part of this verse could be translated, “and to know by experience the love of Christ which is beyond knowing …”


Meaning Explained

We are in the middle of a worshipful prayer of the Apostle Paul which he is praying for his beloved friends in the church at Ephesus. By extension, this prayer is presented on behalf of all Christians. The first two of the four petitions in this prayer were that God the Father would strengthen our inner man by means of God the Holy Spirit and Christ might finally settle down and feel completely at home through faith.

The third petition began in verse seventeen and ends in today’s verse; it is “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.”

The crux of all this is in today’s verse: “for us to fully experience the love of Christ which is beyond intellectual knowledge”. Not only does Paul pray that we might understand how huge and all-encompassing (width, length, depth, and height) God’s love is, he also prays that we, through experience might know that which is unknowable.

There are many people (saved and unsaved) who talk about the love of God but who don’t really know God’s love. According to Paul, it is not something that you can study and learn about by reading books and listening to others talk about. Sure, you can recognize God’s love at work, but you can’t gain a full understanding of it that way. Only those who have experienced God’s love through His mercy, His grace, His miraculous provision, and His comfort in times of need can really know what it’s like.



If you’ve never gone through times of difficulty in your Christian walk, if you’ve never felt helpless and had to rely completely on Him, if you’ve never felt trapped by your own sinfulness, begging for His mercy, if you’ve never fallen before God with a completely broken spirit, then you don’t really understand His love. If you have, then you know by experience the kind of love that only God can show! Praise be to God!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 1:5 – Birthday Gifts

that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge,

Truth to Learn

Christians are given spiritual gifts at the moment of salvation.

Behind the Words

The words “you were enriched” are translated from the Greek verb ploutidzō, which is derived from the noun ploutos, meaning “wealth” or “riches.” Therefore, ploutidzō means “to make wealthy” or “to make rich.” It is expressed here in the passive voice, indicating something done to the subject (you). It is also expressed in the aorist tense, indicating something that was done at a point in time in the past. So, we could translate this as “you were made rich.”

Everything” is a neuter form of pas, meaning “all things” or “everything.” It expresses the totality of things.

The word “utterance” is from the Greek noun logos, which refers to “something said.” However, this word represents more than just the words themselves; it includes the thoughts behind the words.

Gnosis is the word translated “knowledge.” More specifically, it refers to the act of knowing something. It indicates more than just being aware of something. It indicates an acceptance and belief of some fact or facts.

Meaning Explained

You may recall that Paul is in the midst of a prayer for the Corinthian Christians, thanking God for blessings that they had already received from God. In yesterday’s verse he talked about the grace that they (and we) received that resulted in their salvation. Part of that grace includes the wealth that they (and we) received. We will see a few verses down the road that part of the riches that they received was spiritual gifts. The thing to note here is that these riches were bestowed at a point in time in the past. Since he is talking about these riches being part of God’s grace, it is clear that these things were given at the time of our salvation. In other words, we do not have to pray for any spiritual gift to be given to us because whatever gifts God bestows on us were given to us at the point in time that we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

It’s interesting that Paul couples together utterance and knowledge. Knowledge, the internalization or acceptance of facts, can only come as a result of something being communicated to us. Conversely, we can only declare that which we already know. So we see that utterance and knowledge are the tools that are used to pass along the glorious truth of salvation in Christ Jesus.

As we will see later in this letter, the church at Corinth was particularly blessed with spiritual gifts. However, the members of this church had placed inordinate value on some of the lesser gifts (like the gift of tongues, or languages) and much less value in some of the greater gifts (like the gift of prophesy, the proclamation of spiritual truths and doctrine). This problem is just as prevalent is some churches today where the sign gifts are considered more desirable than the edifying gifts.


At the moment of your salvation (your spiritual birthday), you were given certain specific abilities (spiritual gifts) that are intended for the building up of the church. You don’t have to pray for them or wait for them. You already have them. Are you using them for God’s glory? 

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Ephesians 3:19 – Knowledge by Experience

Ephesians 3:19  – Knowledge by Experience

to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Truth to Learn

You can only really know God’s love by experience.

Behind the Words

There is a tiny Greek particle that is left out of our translation here. It is the word te, which is a particle of connection meaning “and, also, or even.” Thus, this verse should start out, “and to know …

The word translated “to know” is the infinitive form of ginōskō, which refers to “knowing something completely, usually by experience.” So, we could say “to fully know.”

Passes” is from huperballō, which is made up of huper (or hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus, we see that huperballō literally means “to throw beyond.” In general usage the meaning is “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” It is expressed here as a participle (being beyond).

Knowledge” is from gnōsis. This is derived from ginōskō, which we just looked at.

Putting all this together we see that the opening part of this verse could be translated, “and to know by experience the love of Christ which is beyond knowing …

Meaning Explained

We are in the middle of a worshipful prayer of the Apostle Paul which he is praying for his beloved friends in the church at Ephesus. By extension, this prayer is presented on behalf of all Christians. The first two of the four petitions in this prayer were that God the Father would strengthen our inner man by means of God the Holy Spirit and for Christ to dwell in our hearts through faith.

The third petition began in verse seventeen and ends in today’s verse; it is “that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.”

The crux of all this is in today’s verse: “for us to fully know (by experience) the love of Christ which is beyond intellectual knowledge” [my paraphrase]. Not only does Paul pray that we might understand how huge and all-encompassing (width, length, depth, and height) God’s love is, he also prays that we might know that which is unknowable.

There are many people (saved and unsaved) who talk about the love of God but who don’t really know God’s love. According to Paul, it is not something that you can study and learn about by reading books and listening to others talk about. Sure, you can recognize God’s love at work, but you can’t gain a full understanding of it that way. Only those who have experienced God’s love through His mercy, His grace, His miraculous provision, and His comfort in times of need, can really know what it’s like.


If you’ve never gone through times of difficulty in your Christian walk, if you’ve never felt helpless and had to rely completely on Him, if you’ve never felt trapped by your own sinfulness, begging for His mercy, if you’ve never fallen before God with a completely broken spirit, then you don’t really understand His love. If you have, then you know by experience the kind of love that only God can show! Praise be to God!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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