Tag: comfort

Romans 15:4 – Heavenly Hope

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Truth to Learn

The Old Testament holds many teachings that instruct Christians in how to patiently endure with hope.


Behind the Words

The words “were written before” are translated from prographō, which is made up of pro, meaning “before in time or position” and graphō, meaning “to engrave,” which is an ancient form of writing. Thus, prographō means “to write beforehand.”

“Learning” is from the Greek noun didaskalia, which is derived from the verb didaskō, meaning “to instruct” or “to teach.” So, didaskalia refers to “that which has been taught” or “that which has been learned.”

“Patience” is from hupomonē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and a form of menō, meaning “to remain.” Hupomonē literally means “to remain under.” It is a picture of a beast of burden that remains under a heavy burden. Thus, it means “to patiently endure difficult situations.”

The word “comfort” comes from paraklēsis, which is derived from parakaleō meaning “to call alongside.” It is to word used to describe the Holy Spirit as our “comforter” who is called to our side when we need comfort and strengthening.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul quoted from Psalms 69:9, which is clearly a Messianic passage referring to the reproachful suffering that Christ endured on our behalf. Apparently, as Paul reflected on this and other Old Testament passages, he recognized that all the Old Testament was written in a manner that expresses Christian principles.

He is not saying that the Old Testament was only, or even primarily, written for Christians. He is saying that all of it is there for our learning. Even though we are no longer under the Law, there is still a wealth of great instruction and exhortation to New Testament believers contained in those writings.

Paul’s key point in this verse is that through the Old Testament, we have hope as we see the patience that was demonstrated by, and comfort that was afforded to, Old Testament saints. And since we know that God does not change, if He provided miraculously for faithful Old Testament saints, then He will also provide for New Testament saints in like manner. As we look at Abraham, Job, David, Moses, Elijah and others, we see that God had a personal, ongoing relationship with them and went to great lengths to nurture their relationships with Him. As their patience in trials grew, so did their reliance on Him, as well as their hope in Him.



Next time you are feeling defeated and spiritually weak, read about what David went through after he defeated Goliath and after Samuel told him that he would be King of Israel. See how he was persecuted by Saul and treated with contempt even when he himself had shown no malice to Saul. David had hope for the future, both earthly and heavenly. Do you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:17 – Comfort For Our Walk

comfort your hearts and may He establish you in every good word and work.

Truth to Learn

Comfort is God’s doing, but walking in faith is up to you.


Behind the Words

“Comfort” is translated from the Greek verb parakaleō. This word has the same root as the word translated “consolation” in yesterday’s verse. It means “to comfort, encourage, and challenge” just as a coach does for an athlete. It is expressed here in the rare optative mood; there are less than 70 uses of the optative mood in the New Testament. The optative is the mood used when a writer is expressing an action as possible.

Kardia is the word translated “heart.” The English word “cardiology” (the study of the heart) is obviously from this Greek word. It refers not only to the physical heart, but figuratively to “the seat and center of human life, including thoughts and feelings.”

The word “establish” is from stēridzō, which is derived from histemi, meaning “to stand or to set in place.” Stēridzō means “to make firm” or “to place securely.” This verb, as a parallel verb with parakaleō (comfort), is also expressed in the optative mood.

Agathos is the word translated “good.” This word refers to the general character or quality of goodnesaying.”

Ergon is the Greek word translated “work.” It refers to “something done or performed, an act or a deed.”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is directly connected with the previous one. In fact, grammatically, verse sixteen is the subject of the sentence and this verse is the predicate. You will recall that in the previous verse Paul equated the Father and Jesus Christ as one by using singular verbs with the plural subject. He continues that form in today’s verse. Though this sentence has a plural subject (Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father), the verbs “comfort” and “establish” are singular verbs.

There are two key lessons to learn from Paul’s prayer. The first is that our God is the one who comforts our hearts and who makes our standing firm. In his teachings at the Last Supper in the upper room, Jesus said this to His disciples:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hss or usefulness.

“Word” is from the Greek noun logos, which refers to “an expression of intellect.” That is “a word or a

eart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

In other words, He said, “Don’t allow your hearts to be troubled or afraid.” Modern day psychology indicates that worry and fear are the results of our own minds; that is, we do it to ourselves. Comfort and peace, on the other hand, are the result of outside agents working on us to sooth us. Paul is praying for God to be that outside agent working on us both to comfort us and to make our standing firm.

The other thing we learn from today’s verse is that the Christian life is not just about what we claim to be. We all know people who profess to be Christian, but the manner in which they live their lives does not demonstrate true faith. In other words, don’t just talk the talk, also walk the walk. Let your Christian witness be the way you act and the way you treat others. You may know the words of Christianity, but do you do the works?



Think about your faith this way: If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Remember, don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:16 – Eternal Comfort and Hope

Truth to Learn

Our God promises eternal comfort and real hope for Christians.


Behind the Words

The word “may” is not actually in this verse, but is part of the verb “comfort” in the following verse. In other words, Paul is saying “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ … comfort you …”

The word translated “himself” is autos, meaning “him, her, or it.” It serves to give emphasis to the person or thing being spoken of. In Greek, word order is used for emphasis and in this case autos is the first word in the sentence. Therefore, Paul is emphasizing “our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.”

 “Having loved us” is from a form of agapē, which specifically refers to “a self-sacrificing love.” It is a verb of action, not just emotion and is most often used to describe the love that God demonstrates. It is expressed here as a singular verb.

Aiōnios is the word translated as “everlasting.” It literally refers to “an age” as a long duration of time. Hence, it is the word used to express that which is perpetual, everlasting, or eternal.

The word “comfort” is translated from paraklēsis, which is made up of para, meaning “beside” and a form of kaleō, meaning “to call.” It is used here to express the encouragement and comfort given by one who has been called alongside as a helper or comforter.

“Hope” is translated from elpis, which represents “hope,” not as just a wish, but as something that is fully expected.


Meaning Explained

Having just concluded this portion of his teaching, the Apostle Paul now expresses a prayer of benediction for the Thessalonian Christians. Paul has been teaching about the Day of the Lord in which God, in the person of Jesus Christ, will judge the inhabitants of the earth. Therefore, it is appropriate that he emphasizes the work of God, in the person of Jesus Christ, in giving us comfort and hope. This is the only place in any of Paul’s writings where he mentions God the Son before God the Father when the two are spoken of together.

He specifically identifies the Lord Jesus Christ as separate from the God the Father by the use of the conjunction “and.” However, at the same time, he shows the unity of the Godhead by using singular verbs (“has loved” and “has given”). Note also that the verbs “comfort” and “establish” in the following verse are also expressed in the singular form. Since in Greek, just as in English, the subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number, Paul is making a strong statement here that the Father and the Son are separate persons, but one God.

Now look at what Christians have already been given. The first thing is comfort. Our guide, who walks with us throughout our journey in this life, gives us comfort and encouragement as we travel. However, it is not just for this life, but for all eternity. Our guide, our God, also gives us hope. No matter what happens to us here, we have complete hope, and assurance, that we will spend eternity in a place of peace and comfort where we will eternally praise Him. It is not just a wish or a dream. It is real and we can count on it because God has promised it to us, and what God promises He always delivers.



No matter what trial or difficulty you may be undergoing right now, as a Christian you have the guarantee of future peace and comfort in the presence of God. Stop and think about that for a minute or two.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:14 – Caution, Support, and Patience

And we exhort you, brothers, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient with all.

Truth to Learn

We all need to patiently work toward peace in the church.


Behind the Words

The word “exhort” is from parakaleō, meaning “to encourage, challenge, or comfort.”

“Warn” is translated from noutheteō, which was translated as “admonish” a couple of verses ago. It means “to put in mind,” “to caution,” or “to reprove.”

“Unruly” is from the Greek word ataktos. This is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of the verb tassō, meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner.” Thus, ataktos literally means “disorderly.”

The word translated “comfort” is paramutheomai, which is made up of para, meaning “alongside” or “near” and the verb form of muthos (a myth or story), meaning “to relate a story.” Paramutheomai means “to speak kindly or soothingly.”

“Fainthearted” is translated from oligopsuchos. This word is made up of oligos, meaning “small or little” and phuchē, meaning “soul.”

Anthechō is the Greek word translated “support.” It is composed of anti, meaning “against” and echo, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” So, literally this word means “to hold close.”

“Be patient” is from makrothumeō, from makros, meaning “long” and thumos, meaning “anger.” It means “to be long-suffering or patient.”


Meaning Explained

At the end of yesterday’s verse Paul told us to be at peace with each other (referring to Christians); however, being at peace (or making peace) is an active process, not a passive one. Here, Paul gives us some ideas regarding how we can make peace. Notice, first of all, that he doesn’t say, “Just ignore problems that are in the church.” When we see problems in the church we are to take positive, loving action.

The first issue that Paul addresses is members who are unruly or disorderly. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, Paul contrasted confusion (or disorder) with peace. Those who are disorderly, cause confusion and strife. We need to caution such people and remind them of the need for order and peace within the church.

The second issue that Paul addresses is faintheartedness. These people lack courage or conviction to pursue what is right. They tend to just “give-in and give-up” when faced with opposition. We need to speak kindly to such people and remind them that doing things God’s way is always the right way.

The third issue involves those who are weak. This word is usually applied to those who are physically weak. We are to put effort into lending support to those who are weak, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

In each of these situations, however, we are to be patient with those who cause problems. That doesn’t mean ignoring the problem, rather giving loving support and guidance even when the problem recurs over and over again.



Making peace within the church is a full time job and it is to be done in a kind, loving way just as our Lord would do.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Comfort and Build-up

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to comfort and spiritually build-up each other.


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is translated from the Greek word dio. This word is a combination of dia, meaning “through” and hos, meaning “who” or “which.” So, we see that dio literally means “through which.”

The word “comfort” is our old friend parakaleō, meaning “to comfort, encourage, or challenge.” It is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

Allēlon is the word translated “each other.” It indicates reciprocal action on the part of all members of a group.

“Edify” is also a word we have seen before. It is translated from oikodomeō, which is made up of oikos, meaning “a dwelling” or “a house” and a form of dōma, meaning “to build.” This verb is also expressed in the imperative mood.

The words “one another” are from the Greek words heis ton hena, which literally means “one the one” or “one in behalf of the one.” It expresses a more one-on-one type of activity than allēlon


Meaning Explained

Paul has been teaching the Thessalonians about the rapture and the Day of the Lord because they were grieving over the death of other Christians. When Paul finished teaching about the rapture, explaining that all Christians would be joined together as they received their new bodies, he told them:

Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)

The knowledge that the rapture would include all Christians and that we will all be together again was a comfort to those who’s saved loved-ones had died.

Now that Paul has explained the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord, and the fact that Christians will not have to experience the out-pouring of God’s wrath, he tells them again to comfort one another. I had a godly friend who believed in a mid-tribulation rapture. He used to say, “I believe in a mid-trib rapture, but I pray for a pre-trib rapture.” The reason for his comment is the fact that he didn’t want to have to endure even a portion of the outpouring of God’s wrath on mankind. Once we understand the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord and the fact that we will be kept out of that time, it is an encouragement to all Christians.

But notice that Paul did not just tell them (and us) to comfort one another. He also commanded the Thessalonians to build-up each other in a one-on-one fashion. As we talk with our brothers and sisters about the things of God, we need to make the subject of the rapture and the Day of the Lord one of the things we talk about. Don’t get in an argument, simply share with them what Paul taught the Thessalonians.



Do you talk with your Christian brothers and sisters about the things of the Lord? Do you have discussions about what the Bible teaches? Or, do you only talk about family, friends, and church activities? Paul commands us to build each other up and we can only do this by talking about what the Bible says.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:18 – Words of Comfort

Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Truth to Learn

Knowledge of the rapture should be a comfort to us all.


Behind the Words

Hōste is the Greek word translated “therefore.” It is composed of hōs, meaning “in this manner” and te, an article of connection, which serves to closely connect that which has been said to that which follows. We could translate hōste as “so then.”

The verb translated “comfort” is one that Paul uses frequently and one that we have seen several times in this chapter. It is the word parakaleō, meaning “to encourage, comfort, or challenge.”

“One another” is from allēlous, meaning “each other” or “one another.” It indicates reciprocal action on the part of each member of a group.

“Words” is translated from the Greek noun logos. This word is derived from legō, meaning “to speak intelligently.” Logos, therefore, represents the words that are used to express thoughts.


Meaning Explained

In the previous five verses Paul has been teaching about the rapture. At the time of the rapture, Jesus Christ will descend from heaven to the atmosphere of the earth, bringing with Him every Christian who has died physically. He will make a loud proclamation, accompanied by a blast on a trumpet. For a few more details, let’s look at what Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians:

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)

From this we see that at the rapture every Christian will have his or her decaying, mortal body changed into an incorruptible body. This is the eternal, heavenly body like that which Jesus has right now. This new body will not be subject to disease or decay. From Paul’s teaching here in 1 Thessalonians we learned that the dead in Christ will have their decaying (or completely decayed) body changed first, then we who are alive and remain will receive our new bodies as we are snatched away from the earth.

Remember at the beginning of this teaching (verse thirteen) Paul did not want us to be overly sad about Christians who have already died physically? That’s because we will be reunited with them again at the rapture, we will all receive our new bodies, and we will eternally be in the physical presence of our Lord. There will be no more pain, no more suffering, no more sadness, only glorious celebration and joy. Because of this new knowledge we can comfort and encourage each other.



No matter what kind of pain or suffering you are experiencing right now, it will all be over soon. Be encouraged, my Christian friends, it could be any day now!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:22 – A Personal Comforter

whom I sent to you for this very purpose, that you might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

Truth to Learn

The church needs people of comfort and encouragement.


Behind the Words

“I have sent” is translated from the Greek verb pempō, which means “to send out” or “to dispatch.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating past completed action at a point in time. Thus it is translated as “I sent,” not “I have sent.”

The words “that you might know” are translated from the verb ginōskō, which can indicate either “to come to know” or “to know completely.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood indicating the probability or possibility of occurrence.

“Our affairs” is from ta peri hēmōn, which literally means “the things about us.” This is much like the expression Paul used in the previous verse (“the things concerning me”).

Parakaleō is the Greek verb translated “might comfort.” It is made up of para, meaning “beside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus, parakaleō literally means “to call alongside.” By application it means “to comfort” or “to encourage.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that Paul sent a man named Tychicus to the church in Ephesus so that the members of the church there might know how he was doing. It appears that Tychicus was used by Paul as a messenger. He apparently is the one who carried this letter to the church and he also possessed in depth knowledge of what was going on with the Apostle and all those with him.

We learned with yesterday’s verse that Paul was not in the habit of talking about himself in his letters to the churches. Instead, he sent trusted messengers who could relate in detail what was happening. He knew that anything communicated regarding his welfare would produce more questions. By sending someone like Tychicus, all the people’s questions could be answered in a calm and confident manner without having to wait for another letter.

This verse also highlights once again what a tender heart Paul had toward those with whom he had ministered in the past. We know from the nineteenth chapter of the book of Acts that the Apostle spent more than two years at the church in Ephesus. This appears to be the longest length of time that he spent with any one church. During that time he built strong personal ties with the members of that church. A large number of these people were likely led to the Lord as a direct result of Paul’s preaching ministry. For this reason, Paul wanted to make sure that his beloved friends in the church were well informed and comforted regarding what was happening to him while in a Roman prison.



There are some members of every church who are specially gifted in giving words of encouragement and comfort to those around them. This is an important ministry, especially as the church and its members are coming under increasingly strong attacks. If there is someone that you know with this gift in your church, be sure to tell them thank-you for using their gift in the body of Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:17 – Comfort For Our Walk

comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.

Truth to Learn

Comfort is God’s doing, but walking in faith is up to you.

Behind the Words

Comfort” is translated from the Greek verb parakaleō. This word has the same root as the word translated “consolation” in yesterday’s verse. It means “to comfort, encourage, and challenge” just as a coach does for an athlete.

Kardia is the word translated “heart.” The English word “cardiology” (the study of the heart) is obviously from this Greek word. It refers not only to the physical heart, but figuratively to “the seat and center of human life, including thoughts and feelings.”

The word “establish” is from stēridzō, which is derived from histemi, meaning “to stand or to set in place.” Stēridzō means “to make firm” or “to place securely.”

Agathos is the word translated “good.” This word refers to the general character or quality of goodness or usefulness.

Word” is from the Greek noun logos, which refers to “an expression of intellect.” That is “a word or a saying.”

Ergon is the Greek word translated “work.” It refers to “something done or performed, an act or a deed.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is directly connected with the previous one. In fact, grammatically, verse sixteen is the subject of the sentence and this verse is the predicate. You will recall that in the previous verse Paul equated the Father and Jesus Christ as one by using singular verbs with the plural subject. He continues that form in today’s verse. Though this sentence has a plural subject (Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father), the verbs “comfort” and “establish” are singular verbs.

There are two key lessons to learn from Paul’s prayer. The first is that our God is the one who comforts our hearts and who makes our stand firm. In his teachings at the Last Supper in the upper room, Jesus said this to His disciples:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

In other words, He said, “Don’t allow your hearts to be troubled or afraid.” Modern day psychology indicates that worry and fear are the results of our own minds; that is, we do it to ourselves. Comfort and peace, on the other hand, are the result of outside agents working on us to sooth us. Paul is praying for God to be that outside agent working on us both to comfort us and to make our stand firm.

The other thing we learn from today’s verse is that the Christian life is not just about what we claim to be. We all know people who profess to be Christian, but the way they live their lives does not demonstrate true faith. In other words, don’t just talk the talk, also walk the walk. Let your Christian witness be the way you act and the way you treat others. You may know the words of Christianity, but do you do the works?


Think about your faith this way: If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 5:14 – Caution, Support, and Patience

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.

Truth to Learn

We all need to patiently work toward peace in the church.

Behind the Words

The word “exhort” is from parakaleō, meaning “to encourage, challenge, or comfort.”

Warn” is translated from noutheteō, which was translated as “admonish” a couple of verses ago. It means “to put in mind,” “to caution,” or “to reprove.”

Unruly” is from the Greek word ataktos. This is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of the verb tassō, meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner.” Thus, ataktos literally means “disorderly.”

The word translated “comfort” is paramutheomai, which is made up of para, meaning “alongside” or “near” and the verb form of muthos (a myth or story), meaning “to relate a story.” Paramutheomai means “to speak kindly or soothingly.”

Fainthearted” is translated from oligopsuchos. This word is made up of oligos, meaning “small or little” and phuchē, meaning “soul.”

Anthecō is the Greek word translated “uphold.” It is composed of anti, meaning “against” and echo, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” So, literally this word means “to hold close.”

Be patient” is from makrothumeō, from makros, meaning “long” and thumos, meaning “anger.” It means “to be long-suffering or patient.”

Meaning Explained

At the end of yesterday’s verse Paul told us to be at peace with each other (referring to Christians); however, being at peace (or making peace) is an active process, not a passive one. Here, Paul gives us some ideas regarding how we can make peace. Notice, first of all, that he doesn’t say, “Just ignore problems that are in the church.” When we see problems in the church we are to take positive, loving action.

The first issue that Paul addresses is members who are unruly or disorderly. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, Paul contrasted confusion (or disorder) with peace. Those who are disorderly, cause confusion and strife. We need to caution such people and remind them of the need for order and peace within the church.

The second issue that Paul addresses is faintheartedness. These people lack courage or conviction to pursue what is right. They tend to just “give-in and give-up” when faced with opposition. We need to speak kindly to such people and remind them that doing things God’s way is always the right way.

The third issue involves those who are weak. This word is usually applied to those who are physically weak. We are to put effort into lending support to those who are weak, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

In each of these situations, however, we are to be patient with those who cause problems. That doesn’t mean ignoring the problem, rather giving loving support and guidance even when the problem recurs over and over again.


Making peace within the church is a full time job and it is to be done in a kind, loving way just as our Lord would do.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Comfort and Build-up

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to comfort and spiritually build-up each other.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from the Greek word dio. This word is a combination of dia, meaning “through” and hos, meaning “who” or “which.” So, we see that dio literally means “through which.”

The word “comfort” is our old friend parakaleō, meaning “to comfort, encourage, or challenge.” It is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

Allēlon is the word translated “each other.” It indicates reciprocal action on the part of all members of a group.

Edify” is also a word we have seen before. It is translated from oikodomeō, which is made up of oikos, meaning “a dwelling” or “a house” and a form of dōma, meaning “to build.” This verb is also expressed in the imperative mood.

The words “one another” are from the Greek words heis ton ena, which literally means “one the one” or “one in behalf of the one.” It expresses a more one-on-one type of activity than allēlon

Meaning Explained

Paul has been teaching the Thessalonians about the rapture and the Day of the Lord because they were grieving over the death of other Christians. When Paul finished teaching about the rapture, explaining that all Christians would be joined together as they received their new bodies, he told them:

Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)

The knowledge that the rapture would include all Christians and that we will all be together again was a comfort to those whose saved loved-ones had died.

Now that Paul has explained the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord, and the fact that Christians will not have to experience the out-pouring of God’s wrath, he tells them again to comfort one another. I had a godly friend who believed in a mid-tribulation rapture. He used to say, “I believe in a mid-trib rapture, but I pray for a pre-trib rapture.” The reason for his comment is the fact that he didn’t want to have to endure even a portion of the outpouring of God’s wrath on mankind. Once we understand the difference between the rapture and the Day of the Lord and the fact that we will be kept out of that time, it is an encouragement to all Christians.

But notice that Paul did not just tell them (and us) to comfort one another. He also commanded the Thessalonians to build-up each other in a one-on-one fashion. As we talk with our brothers and sisters about the things of God, we need to make the subject of the rapture and the Day of the Lord one of the things we talk about. Don’t get in an argument, simply share with them what Paul taught the Thessalonians.


Do you talk with your Christian brothers and sisters about the things of the Lord? Do you have discussions about what the Bible teaches? Or, do you only talk about family, friends, and church activities? Paul commands us to build each other up and we can only do this by talking about what the Bible says.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved