Tag: didaskalia

Romans 15:4 – Heavenly Hope

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Truth to Learn

The Old Testament holds many teachings that instruct Christians in how to patiently endure with hope.


Behind the Words

The words “were written before” are translated from prographō, which is made up of pro, meaning “before in time or position” and graphō, meaning “to engrave,” which is an ancient form of writing. Thus, prographō means “to write beforehand.”

“Learning” is from the Greek noun didaskalia, which is derived from the verb didaskō, meaning “to instruct” or “to teach.” So, didaskalia refers to “that which has been taught” or “that which has been learned.”

“Patience” is from hupomonē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and a form of menō, meaning “to remain.” Hupomonē literally means “to remain under.” It is a picture of a beast of burden that remains under a heavy burden. Thus, it means “to patiently endure difficult situations.”

The word “comfort” comes from paraklēsis, which is derived from parakaleō meaning “to call alongside.” It is to word used to describe the Holy Spirit as our “comforter” who is called to our side when we need comfort and strengthening.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul quoted from Psalms 69:9, which is clearly a Messianic passage referring to the reproachful suffering that Christ endured on our behalf. Apparently, as Paul reflected on this and other Old Testament passages, he recognized that all the Old Testament was written in a manner that expresses Christian principles.

He is not saying that the Old Testament was only, or even primarily, written for Christians. He is saying that all of it is there for our learning. Even though we are no longer under the Law, there is still a wealth of great instruction and exhortation to New Testament believers contained in those writings.

Paul’s key point in this verse is that through the Old Testament, we have hope as we see the patience that was demonstrated by, and comfort that was afforded to, Old Testament saints. And since we know that God does not change, if He provided miraculously for faithful Old Testament saints, then He will also provide for New Testament saints in like manner. As we look at Abraham, Job, David, Moses, Elijah and others, we see that God had a personal, ongoing relationship with them and went to great lengths to nurture their relationships with Him. As their patience in trials grew, so did their reliance on Him, as well as their hope in Him.



Next time you are feeling defeated and spiritually weak, read about what David went through after he defeated Goliath and after Samuel told him that he would be King of Israel. See how he was persecuted by Saul and treated with contempt even when he himself had shown no malice to Saul. David had hope for the future, both earthly and heavenly. Do you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:14 – Doctrinal Trickery

that we should no longer be infants, being tossed and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men in craftiness, with the methodology of error,

Truth to Learn

False teaching appears deceptively easy and attractive.


Behind the Words

Nēpios is the Greek word translated “infants.” It is made up of , meaning “not” and epos, meaning “a word.” Thus, nēpios literally means “on who can’t speak.” By application it refers to a baby but metaphorically it means “one who is extremely immature or unlearned.”

“Tossed” is from kludōnidzomai, which means “to surge” or “to be tossed by the wind.”

The words “carried about” are translated from the verb peripherō, which is made up of peri, meaning “around” and pherō, meaning “to bear” or “to carry.” Thus, literally it means “to carry around.” It is expressed here in the passive participle. It could be translated “being carried around.”

“Wind” is the proper translation of the Greek word anemos. Metaphorically it is often used as an indication of instability.

“Doctrine” is from didaskalia, meaning “that which is taught.”

The word “trickery” is translated from kubeia, a form of kubos (from which we get our English word cube) referring to one of a pair of dice. Kubeia is often used to imply “deception” or “trickery.”

“Craftiness” is from panourgia, from pas (all) and ergon (work). It refers to “the use of all means necessary (often deceptive) to realize an end.”

The word “methodology” is from methodeia, from which we get our English word “method,” referring to “an orderly procedure.”

Planē is the word translated “error.” It refers to “a wandering out of the right way.”


Meaning Explained

As we can see from his vividly descriptive words, Paul feels strongly about this. He has been telling us why it is important for all of us to be at work in the church using the gifts that God has given us to build-up the body of Christ. In yesterday’s verse he told us we all work to gain a full knowledge of Jesus Christ, to be full grown, mature Christians.

The reason that we need to be spiritually mature and have full knowledge of our Lord and Savior is so that we won’t be misled by those who teach false doctrine. Unfortunately, there are those in our churches today who want to teach their truth rather than God’s truth. These men (and women) use subtle trickery to persuade others to believe their false teaching. They often have a “method” which is carefully thought out but which does not ultimately lead to knowledge of the truth.

Those who are taught to detect counterfeit money don’t study all the tricks of counterfeiting. Instead, they are taught in detail how to recognize the real thing. In order for us to recognize false teaching, we need learn good, Bible-based teaching.



If the preaching you listen to is not encouraging you to seek out the truth from what the Bible says, then it may be deceptive teaching. Becoming a mature Christian is hard work. You don’t get there by just going through the motions. If what you hear about being a Christian sounds easy, it’s probably a lie. Find out for yourself – study your Bible to protect yourself.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:14 – Doctrinal Trickery

that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,

Truth to Learn

False teaching appears deceptively easy and attractive.

Behind the Words

Nēpios is the Greek word translated “children.” It is made up of , meaning “not” and epos, meaning “a word.” Thus, nēpios literally means “on who can’t speak.” By application it refers to a baby but metaphorically it means “one who is extremely immature or unlearned.”

Tossed to and fro” is from kludōnidzomai, which means “to surge” or “to fluctuate back and forth.”

The words “carried about” are translated from the verb peripherō, which is made up of peri, meaning “around” and pherō, meaning “to bear” or “to carry.” Thus, literally it means “to carry around.” It is expressed here in the passive participle. It could be translated “being carried around.”

Wind” is the proper translation of the Greek word anemos. Metaphorically it is often used as an indication of instability.

Doctrine” is from didaskalia, meaning “that which is taught.”

The word “trickery” is translated from kubeia, a form of kubos (from which we get our English word cube) referring to one of a pair of dice. Kubeia is often used to imply “deception.”

Cunning craftiness” is from panourgia, from pas (all) and ergon (work). It refers to “the use of all means necessary (often deceptive) to realize an end.”

Planē is the word translated “deceitful.” It refers to “a wandering out of the right way.”

The word “plotting” is from methodeia, from which we get our English word “method,” referring to “an orderly procedure.”

Meaning Explained

As we can see from his vividly descriptive words, Paul feels strongly about this. He has been telling us why it is important for all of us to be at work in the church using the gifts that God has given us to build-up the body of Christ. In yesterday’s verse he told us we all work to gain a full knowledge of Jesus Christ, to be full grown, mature Christians.

The reason that we need to be spiritually mature and have full knowledge of our Lord and Savior is so that we won’t be misled by those who teach false doctrine. Unfortunately, there are those in our churches today who want to teach their truth rather than God’s truth. These men (and women) use subtle trickery to persuade others to believe their false teaching. They often have a “method” which is carefully thought out but which does not ultimately lead to knowledge of the truth.

Those who are taught to detect counterfeit money don’t study all the tricks of counterfeiting. Instead, they are taught in detail how to recognize the real thing. In order for us to recognize false teaching, we need learn good, Bible-based teaching.


If the preaching you listen to is not encouraging you to seek out the truth from what the Bible says, then it may be deceptive teaching. Becoming a mature Christian is hard work. You don’t get there by just going through the motions. If what you hear about being a Christian sounds easy, it’s probably a lie. Find out for yourself – study your Bible to protect yourself.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 15:4 – Heavenly Hope

Romans 15:4 – Heavenly Hope

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Truth to Learn

The Old Testament holds many teachings that instruct Christians in how to patiently endure with hope.

Behind the Words

The words “were written before” are translated from prographō, which is made up of pro, meaning “before in time or position” and graphō, meaning “to engrave,” which is an ancient form of writing. Thus, prographō means “to write beforehand.”

Learning” is from the Greek noun didaskalia, which is derived from the verb didaskō, meaning “to instruct” or “to teach.” So, didaskalia refers to “that which has been taught” or “that which has been learned.”

Patience” is from hupomonē, which is made up of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and a form of menō, meaning “to remain.” Hupomonē literally means “to remain under.” It is a picture of a beast of burden who remains under a heavy burden. Thus, it means “to patiently endure difficult situations.”

The word “comfort” comes from paraklēsis, which is derived from parakaleō meaning “to call alongside.” It is the word used to describe the Holy Spirit as our “comforter” who is called to our side when we need comfort and strengthening.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul quoted from Psalms 69:9, which is clearly a Messianic passage referring to the reproachful suffering that Christ endured on our behalf. Apparently, as Paul reflected on this and other Old Testament passages, he recognized that all the Old Testament was written in a manner that expresses Christian principles.

He is not saying that the Old Testament was only, or even primarily, written for Christians. He is saying that all of it is there for our learning. Even though we are no longer under the Law, there is still a wealth of great instruction and exhortation to New Testament believers contained in those writings.

Paul’s key point in this verse is that through the Old Testament, we have hope as we see the patience that was demonstrated by, and comfort that was afforded to, Old Testament saints. And since we know that God does not change, if He provided miraculously for faithful Old Testament saints, then He will also provide for New Testament saints in like manner. As we look at Abraham, Job, David, Moses, Elijah and others, we see that God had a personal, ongoing relationship with them and went to great lengths to nurture their relationships with Him. As their patience in trials grew, so did their reliance on Him, as well as their hope in Him.


Next time you are feeling defeated and spiritually weak, read about what David went through after he defeated Goliath and after Samuel told him that he would be King of Israel. See how he was persecuted by Saul and treated with contempt even when he himself had shown no malice to Saul. David had hope for the future, both earthly and heavenly. Do you?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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