Tag: plane

2 Thessalonians 2:11 – Hardened Hearts

And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so they will believe the lie,

Truth to Learn

Hardening one’s heart toward God is never a good idea.


Behind the Words

The expression “for this reason” is translated from the Greek words dia touto, which literally mean “through this.”

“Will send” is from pempō, meaning “to dispatch” or “to send.” It is expressed here in the present tense, indicating current action. However, this may be seen as a “prophetic present tense” in which the action is spoken of as current with regard to the future events (when the antichrist is revealed). For this reason, most translations express this as a future tense.

Energeia is the word translated “strong.” It is composed of en, meaning “in” and ergon, meaning “work.” Thus, energeia refers literally to something that is engaged in work. In other words it means “working” or “energizing.”

“Delusion” is from planē, which means “a wandering out of the right way” or “a straying from what is right.” Objectively, it refers to that which is a fraud, a deception, or a delusion.

The word translated “lie” is pseudos, of which we saw another form in verse nine. It refers to something that is not truthful. Some translations say “a lie” but the definite article is included in the text, so the proper translation is “the lie.”


Meaning Explained

Because this verse starts off with “for this reason,” we have to determine what it is referring to. It is a reference to “…because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” It is because the earth dwellers, living at the time when the lawless one is revealed, refuse to believe God’s truth that God will send them an “energized deception.”

This immediately brings to mind what happened to the Pharaoh of Egypt when Moses delivered God’s demand that he let the children of Israel leave Egypt. Reading Exodus chapters seven through ten we see a progression of “Pharaoh’s heart grew hard” (Exodus 7:13, 22; 8:9, 32) to Pharaoh hardened his heart,” (Exodus 8:15; 9:12, 34, 35) to the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart” (Exodus 9:12; 10:1, 20, 27). Initially it was Pharaoh’s own sinful nature that caused his heart to become hardened against God. Then Pharaoh consciously hardened his own heart against God. Finally, in an act of judgment against him, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart.

Even today, many people have a hardened heart toward God and the gospel message. In the last days the earth dwellers will have consciously hardened their own hearts against God, “refusing to receive the love of the truth.” Finally, God will send such energized deception on the part of the antichrist that they will not be able to believe the truth but will believe the lie conveyed to them. Paul vividly describes this progression in his letter to the Christians in Rome (Romans 1:18-32).

So what is this lie? Perhaps it began with Satan’s message to Eve, “and you will be like God.” In today’s secular humanism it is believed that we are our own god. In the final days, there will be one who deceptively “proves” himself to be God.



Refusing to listen to God’s truth can have terrible consequences. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Remember what happened to Jonah?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 2:3 – Minister Righteously

For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity, nor was it in deceit.

Truth to Learn

All ministries should be performed honestly and for God.


Behind the Words

“Exhortation” is translated from paraklēsis, which is derived from parakaleō, meaning “to call near” or “to call alongside.” It is a picture of someone who has come alongside to coach, encourage, or comfort. Paraklēsis refers to comfort, encouragement or to urgent instruction, challenging someone to make a change.

The Greek word translated “error” is planē, which refers to “a wandering away from the proper path.” Figuratively, it refers to doctrinal error. It expresses the notion of passive error rather than intentional deception.

The word “impurity” is translated from akatharsia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “doing something in an unclean or immoral manner.” In the New Testament it generally refers to sensual impurity.

“Deceit” is from the Greek noun dolos, which is derived from the verb delō, meaning “to bait.” It is often used metaphorically, as it is here, meaning “fraud” or “deceit.”


Meaning Explained

In the latter half of the first chapter of this letter, Paul spoke of the evangelistic nature of his ministry to the Thessalonians. Now, through verse twelve, he gives a defense of the type of pastoral, teaching ministry he and his companions performed. He refers to this phase of his ministry as “exhortation.” Preaching the gospel and evangelizing the lost is only a portion of a pastor’s ministry. In Ephesians we learn that the purpose of the specially gifted spiritual leaders, including pastors/teachers, is to equip those under their care so that the church members can perform the work of the ministry.

And He gave some to be apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Unfortunately, many pastors today focus almost exclusively on evangelism, producing a flock that is saved but spiritually immature and ill equipped to evangelize and minister to others.

The Apostle tells his readers that his preaching and teaching were not based on erroneous doctrine. Even though this letter was written very early in the life of Christianity, there were already others whose teaching was based on man’s ideas rather than on God’s word. And, he says that his ministry was not based on impurity and immorality. Pagan religions of the time incorporated immoral sexual practices which enticed many to join.

Finally, Paul tells us that he did not use deceptive practices or trickery to perform the tasks that God had given him to do. His teaching was straight-up and straightforward, the truth and nothing but the truth.



Whatever ministry you have within your local church, take a lesson from Paul. Perform it as plainly, forthrightly, and honestly as you possibly can. Don’t seek attention or glory for yourself; give all the glory and praise to God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:14 – Doctrinal Trickery

that we should no longer be infants, being tossed and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men in craftiness, with the methodology of error,

Truth to Learn

False teaching appears deceptively easy and attractive.


Behind the Words

Nēpios is the Greek word translated “infants.” It is made up of , meaning “not” and epos, meaning “a word.” Thus, nēpios literally means “on who can’t speak.” By application it refers to a baby but metaphorically it means “one who is extremely immature or unlearned.”

“Tossed” is from kludōnidzomai, which means “to surge” or “to be tossed by the wind.”

The words “carried about” are translated from the verb peripherō, which is made up of peri, meaning “around” and pherō, meaning “to bear” or “to carry.” Thus, literally it means “to carry around.” It is expressed here in the passive participle. It could be translated “being carried around.”

“Wind” is the proper translation of the Greek word anemos. Metaphorically it is often used as an indication of instability.

“Doctrine” is from didaskalia, meaning “that which is taught.”

The word “trickery” is translated from kubeia, a form of kubos (from which we get our English word cube) referring to one of a pair of dice. Kubeia is often used to imply “deception” or “trickery.”

“Craftiness” is from panourgia, from pas (all) and ergon (work). It refers to “the use of all means necessary (often deceptive) to realize an end.”

The word “methodology” is from methodeia, from which we get our English word “method,” referring to “an orderly procedure.”

Planē is the word translated “error.” It refers to “a wandering out of the right way.”


Meaning Explained

As we can see from his vividly descriptive words, Paul feels strongly about this. He has been telling us why it is important for all of us to be at work in the church using the gifts that God has given us to build-up the body of Christ. In yesterday’s verse he told us we all work to gain a full knowledge of Jesus Christ, to be full grown, mature Christians.

The reason that we need to be spiritually mature and have full knowledge of our Lord and Savior is so that we won’t be misled by those who teach false doctrine. Unfortunately, there are those in our churches today who want to teach their truth rather than God’s truth. These men (and women) use subtle trickery to persuade others to believe their false teaching. They often have a “method” which is carefully thought out but which does not ultimately lead to knowledge of the truth.

Those who are taught to detect counterfeit money don’t study all the tricks of counterfeiting. Instead, they are taught in detail how to recognize the real thing. In order for us to recognize false teaching, we need learn good, Bible-based teaching.



If the preaching you listen to is not encouraging you to seek out the truth from what the Bible says, then it may be deceptive teaching. Becoming a mature Christian is hard work. You don’t get there by just going through the motions. If what you hear about being a Christian sounds easy, it’s probably a lie. Find out for yourself – study your Bible to protect yourself.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:11 – Hardened Hearts

And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

Truth to Learn

Hardening one’s heart toward God is never a good idea.

Behind the Words

The expression “for this reason” is translated from the Greek words dia touto, which literally mean “through this.”

Will send” is from pempō, meaning “to dispatch” or “to send.” It is expressed here in the present tense, indicating current action. However, this may be seen as a “prophetic present tense” in which the action is spoken of as current with regard to the future events (when the antichrist is revealed). For this reason, most translations express this as a future tense.

Energeia is the word translated “strong.” It is composed of en, meaning “in” and ergon, meaning “work.” Thus, energeia refers literally to something that is engaged in work. In other words it means “working” or “energizing.”

Delusion” is from planē, which means “a wandering out of the right way” or “a straying from what is right.” Objectively, it refers to that which is a fraud, a deception, or a delusion.

The word translated “lie” is pseudos, of which we saw another form in verse nine. It refers to something that is not truthful. Some translations say “a lie” but the definite article is included in the text, so the proper translation is “the lie.”

Meaning Explained

Because this verse starts off with “for this reason,” we have to determine what it is referring to. It is a reference to “because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” It is because the earth dwellers, living at the time when the lawless one is revealed, refuse to believe God’s truth that God will send them an “energized deception.”

This immediately brings to mind what happened to the Pharaoh of Egypt when Moses delivered God’s demand that he let the children of Israel leave Egypt. Reading Exodus chapters seven through ten we see a progression of “Pharaoh’s heart grew hard” (Exodus 7:13, 22; 8:9, 32) to Pharaoh hardened his heart,” (Exodus 8:15; 9:12, 34, 35) to the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart” (Exodus 9:12; 10:1, 20, 27). Initially it was Pharaoh’s own sinful nature that caused his heart to become hardened against God. Then Pharaoh consciously hardened his own heart against God. Finally, in an act of judgment against him, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart.

Even today, many people have a hardened heart toward God and the gospel message. In the last days the earth dwellers will have consciously hardened their own hearts against God, “refusing to receive the love of the truth.” Finally, God will send such energized deception on the part of the antichrist that they will not be able to believe the truth but will believe the lie conveyed to them. Paul vividly describes this progression in his letter to the Christians in Rome (Romans 1:18-32).

So what is this lie? Perhaps it began with Satan’s message to Eve, “and you will be like God.” In today’s secular humanism it is believed that we are our own god. In the final days, there will be one who deceptively “proves” himself to be God.


Refusing to listen to God’s truth can have terrible consequences. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Remember what happened to Jonah?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 2:3 – Minister Righteously

For our exhortation did not come from error or uncleanness, nor was it in deceit.

Truth to Learn

All ministries should be performed honestly and for God.

Behind the Words

Exhortation” is translated from paraklēsis, which is derived from parakaleō, meaning “to call near.” It is a picture of someone who has come alongside to coach, encourage, or comfort. Paraklēsis refers to comfort, encouragement or to urgent instruction, challenging someone to make a change.

The Greek word translated “error” is planē, which refers to “a wandering away from the proper path.” Figuratively, it refers to doctrinal error. It expresses the notion of passive error rather than intentional deception.

The word “uncleanness” is translated from akatharsia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “doing something in an unclean or immoral manner.” In the New Testament it generally refers to sensual impurity.

Deceit” is from the Greek noun dolos, which is derived from the verb delō, meaning “to bait.” It is often used metaphorically, as it is here, meaning “fraud” or “deceit.”

Meaning Explained

In the latter half of the first chapter of this letter, Paul spoke of the evangelistic nature of his ministry to the Thessalonians. Now, through verse twelve, he gives a defense of the type of pastoral, teaching ministry he and his companions performed. He refers to this phase of his ministry as “exhortation.” Preaching the gospel and evangelizing the lost is only a portion of a pastor’s ministry. In Ephesians we learn that the purpose of the specially gifted spiritual leaders, including pastors/teachers, is to equip those under their care so that the church members can perform the work of the ministry.

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Unfortunately, many pastors today focus almost exclusively on evangelism, producing a flock that is saved but spiritually immature and ill equipped to evangelize and minister to others.

The Apostle tells his readers that his preaching and teaching were not based on erroneous doctrine. Even though this letter was written very early in the life of Christianity, there were already others whose teaching was based on man’s ideas rather than on God’s word. And, he says that his ministry was not based on uncleanness and immorality. Pagan religions of the time incorporated immoral sexual practices which enticed many to join.

Finally, Paul tells us that he did not use deceptive practices or trickery to perform the tasks that God had given him to do. His teaching was straight-up and straightforward, the truth and nothing but the truth.


Whatever ministry you have within your local church, take a lesson from Paul. Perform it as plainly, forthrightly, and honestly as you possibly can. Don’t seek attention or glory for yourself; give all the glory and praise to God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved