Tag: but

Romans 12:6 – Benevolent or Malignant

But having different gifts according to the grace that is given to us, if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;

Truth to Learn

Each Christian is gifted for the benefit of the body of Christ.


Behind the Words

Paul begins the verse with a coordinating conjunction de, which can be translated as “and” or as “but” or several other English words. In each case, however, the purpose is to show the direct connection between the previous phrase and the following one.

The word translated as “gifts” is the Greek word charismata, which refers to “that which has been bestowed gratuitously.” In other words, it wasn’t earned and isn’t deserved; it was simply imparted out of benevolence.

“Prophecy” is translated from the Greek word prophēteia, which is the noun form of prophēteuō. According to The Word Study Dictionary, this word means “to foretell things to come; to declare truths through the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit whether by prediction or otherwise.” In other words, it includes both the “foretelling” of events before they happen and the “forth-telling” of the truths of God’s Word. The primary gift of the prophet in the early church involved both of these.

This list of spiritual gifts is clearly punctuated as a coordinated list as can be seen by the Greek grammatical construction. Each of the gifts in this and the two following verses is preceded with the Greek word eite, which is another kind of coordinating conjunction. It is as if these had been listed as “bullet points” with each occurrence of eite being a bullet. There is no apparent order of importance or hierarchy in this list, it is simply a list.


Meaning Explained

Now that Paul has explained to us that the church is like a body made up of many differing parts, he begins to describe some of the functions that these various parts perform and the special enabling that we have to perform these functions. We, the members of the body of Christ, have gifts. These gifts were given to us according to, or with respect to, or as part of, the grace that was given to us. Paul is telling us that these gifts were given to us at the point in time that the grace of God was bestowed upon us, when we were given the righteousness of Christ. In other words, these gifts were given to us when we were saved. They are not part of a “second blessing” nor are they gifts that we earn as we become mature Christians. They were given to us once, for all time, just as our salvation was given to us once, for all time and eternity.

Remember, as you read through this list of gifts, they were given to us as members of a body and they are to be used to make the body healthy. They are not given for personal profit (not even to the prophet J), but for the good of the body.



Do you know what spiritual gift(s) God has blessed you with? Are you using it (them) for the good of the body?

Keep in mind that there is a kind of cell within the human body that has no regard for the cells around it. Its only purpose is to feed itself so it can grow. It’s called cancer!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 11:13 – Service Honors

But I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am indeed an apostle of the Gentiles, I honor my ministry,

Truth to Learn

Service to God is a great privilege and an honor, which should humble us now and forever.


Behind the Words

Many translations of this verse start off with the word “For” which is translated from the Greek word gar. However, there is significant evidence in favor of the Greek word de, meaning “and” or “but” rather than gar.

The word translated “honor” is the Greek word doxadzō, (from which we get our word doxology) which means, “to consider glorious or full of honor.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous two verses Paul said that the gospel message has gone out to the Gentiles because of the stumbling of the Jews. He has been speaking about the Jews and he knows that those who hear his message will become more focused on the problems of the Jews than on their own relationship with God and responsibility to serve Him.

So, he is about to tell the Gentiles that he is sharing this with them for a couple of purposes. The first is to provoke his fellow Jews to jealousy as he will point out in the next verse. The other purpose is to warn the Gentile Christians not to be too complacent and proud, because their salvation is a gift just as the salvation of the Jews is a gift, which he will point out later in this chapter.

But he now explains why he is making such statements directly to the Gentile believers. It is because Paul was called specifically to be an Apostle to the Gentiles. This is evident by what God said to Ananias in Acts 9:15 when God sent him to place his hands on Paul (then called Saul) to restore his sight. When Ananias resisted God’s call, claiming Saul to be a persecutor of the church, God said:

Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.

In the current verse Paul then says, “I honor my ministry.” This is a much misunderstood statement. Paul is not bragging about his ministry, but is saying that he considers his calling as the Apostle of the Gentiles both a great honor and a great responsibility. He says that he believes that the calling which he has received is one of great importance and as such he will not rest until he has fulfilled it completely. Paul is not claiming to be proud of his ministry. He is humbled by the high calling to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!



Is that how you feel about the ministry that God has called you to? Do you know what ministry God has called you to? As part of the body of Christ, we each have a responsibility (a calling). You have not been saved just to spend eternity in Heaven. You have been saved to serve, and you should be serving in the responsibility to which you have been called. If you are serving in the body of Christ simply because you have been asked to do something, perhaps you should pray and ask God if you are serving where He wants you to serve.

When we are serving where God wants us, as Paul did, we will see our service as a great honor and we will glorify God in it!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 8:37 – Victorious Suffering!

But in all these things we more than conquer through Him who loved us.

Truth to Learn

Though we suffer for Him, we conquer through Him.


Behind the Words

Paul starts off this verse with the Greek word alla, which is a contrastive conjunction. In other words, he is contrasting this thought with the one(s) just expressed.

The Greek verb translated, “more than conquer” is hupernikaō, which is a compound word made up or huper (or hyper) meaning “over or above in position or degree” and nikaō, which means “to be victorious or to win a battle.” In other words, we are not simply victorious; we are hyper-victorious or super-victorious! That is, we gain a decisive victory!


Meaning Explained

Although this verse is short, it is packed with meaning. Paul just quoted a passage from the Book of Psalms saying:

Surely, for Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep to be slaughtered. (Psalms 44:22)

His purpose in quoting this passage is to point out the fact that we are being persecuted, and we are suffering because we are identified with Him.

But (alla) – Paul is now making a contrasting point. Even though we are being treated like slaughter-house sheep, we are suffering for Him, and some of us are even dying for Him; “we more than conquer.” Notice that these four words are translated from a verb, not a noun. It is not so much a state of being (we are conquerors), although our translation makes it sound like that, as it is a description of our action (we hyper-conquer through Him). Even though we may suffer, or even die for our faith, we are conquering!

And what is the source of the victory power that we have? It is “Him who loved us.” We are victorious through the One who foreknew us, who choose us, who sanctified us, who justified us, who adopted us as His own children, and who loved us with a self-sacrificing agape love! We are victorious through the One who suffered in our place, who shed His blood on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, who rose from the dead, and is alive forever more. We are victorious through the One with whom we are sealed, who is the guarantee of our salvation, who is our teacher, and who is our comforter in the midst of trials.

Yes, we are in a spiritual war. We did not choose this war, but we are in it nonetheless. Not only do we conquer our spiritual enemy when we endure our sufferings in the name of Christ, but ultimately we conquer the final enemy, death. On the other side of our physical death, we will sing a victory song standing in the presence of the One who purchased that victory for us.



Have you suffered for your faith or your testimony? Are you suffering now because you are known as one of God’s chosen children (the world calls us “religious people” or “holy rollers”)? Remember that right now you are more than conquering and one day soon you will sing the victory song and receive the victor’s crown! Praise God for your suffering! He will receive the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 7:15 – That Thing You Do

For the thing I do, I do not understand. For what I determine to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

Truth to Learn

Paul battled his sin nature just as you and I do.


Behind the Words

The words “the thing I do” are from the Greek verb katergadzomai, meaning “to work fully, to finish, or to fully accomplish.” In other words, it is not simply something that Paul comes close to doing or that he does a little bit of, it is something that he does completely.

“Understand” is from ginoskō, which means “to come to know completely or to understand thoroughly.”

 “Practice” is from the Greek word prassō, meaning “to practice, to do habitually, or to do repeatedly.”

The word translated “but” is alla. It is an adversative participle which can best be expressed here as “but on the other hand.”

 “I do” is translated from the Greek word poieō, which means “to make or do.” It is expressed in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood, implying continual action.


Meaning Explained

This is one of the most important verses of the entire book of Romans. It is Paul expressing the frustration concerning the power that his sin nature has over him. He starts out this verse by confessing that he doesn’t understand why he acts the way he does. The thing which he wants to do (be obedient to God) he doesn’t always do. He is not saying that he never does the things he wants to do. He is saying that he doesn’t consistently do them. Paul wants to obey God and do those things which will glorify Him, but he doesn’t always do them.

Instead, Paul finds that the thing which he hates is the very thing that he continually finds himself doing.

This is a very revealing (and to the rest of us, comforting) aspect of Paul’s walk with God. He is the Apostle to the Gentiles, the most prolific writer of the New Testament and probably the finest example of “Obedience to God” in the entire New Testament. And yet, he has a constant battle with his sin nature and has not reached a state of perfect submission to Christ. Allow me to paraphrase this verse,

I don’t understand my actions. For that which I want to do I don’t always do. On the other hand, that which I hate to do, I keep on doing.



Can you identify with Paul? Of course you can! Any Christian who is completely committed to God will undergo this same sense of frustration as he or she contemplates his or her daily walk with God. We want to be obedient, but we don’t always obey and we don’t understand why.

The answer, my friend, is our sin nature. It is constantly battling against us to produce sin in our lives, even when we want to be totally obedient to God.

Keep in mind that Paul wrote this letter toward the latter part of his life. He was not a “young Christian.” He was an experienced, mature Christian who was as submitted to God as any Christian has ever been. And – he struggled with obedience to God and submission to His will. Paul battled his sin nature until God took him to paradise. So don’t feel defeated when you have the same kind of struggles with your sin nature.

But you must understand that doesn’t excuse us! We are still guilty of the sin, but confession, and forgiveness through the grace of God, will restore our fellowship with Him even when we do that thing which we hate!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:4 – Spiritual Darkness?

But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day should seize you as a thief.

Truth to Learn

Christians do not live in darkness.


Behind the Words

The word “but” is translated from the Greek particle de, which we looked at in verse one. It indicates transition or conversion, serving to introduce a new topic.

Humeis is the word translated “you.” It is the second person plural pronoun (“you,” plural).

“Darkness” is from skotos, which is from the same root as skia, meaning “shade or a shadow.” It means “obscurity or darkness.” It can refer to either literal darkness of spiritual darkness as it does here.

The Greek word translated “sieze” is katalambanō. This word is made up of kata, meaning “down,” but used here as an intensifier and the verb lambanō, meaning “to take.” Katalambanō means “to lay hold of or seize with eagerness or suddenness.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense and subjunctive mood, indicating a single act that has the possibility or probability of happening.

The word translated “thief” is the noun kleptēs, which is derived from the verb kleptō, meaning “to steal.” Thus, kleptēs refers to someone who steals things, a thief.


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has just talked about how the Tribulation will arrive as a “thief in the night,” taking by surprise those who are living on the earth at that time; however, he starts off the current verse with “but.” This shows that what he is about to talk about is contrasted with what was just said. He says, “but you … are not in darkness,” meaning that we won’t be surprised by the Day of the Lord. The ones who will experience the Day of the Lord are in darkness, they are spiritually blind. He will tell us in the next verse that we are sons (children) of light; we have been enlightened by the gospel message. Because we are children of light, we will be removed from the earth before that day comes.

People who believe in a mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture have to do some fancy footwork in order to explain away what this verse is really saying. Since they confuse the rapture with the Day of the Lord (the tribulation), they try to say that we will be aware of the coming of the tribulation and God will preserve or protect us in it. This doesn’t explain, however, what Paul said at the end of the previous verse, “they shall in no way escape sudden destruction.” Somehow, these people completely miss the message that is given to “the overcomers” (Christians) in Revelation chapter three:

Because you kept the word of my perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Revelation 3:10)

The word translated “from” in this verse is ek, which literally means “out of.” We, the overcomers, will be kept “out of” the hour, the time of the tribulation. We will not be preserved “in” it; we will be kept “out of” it. This is clear evidence that we Christians will be taken out of the world before the tribulation.



The world is in darkness because it rejects the gospel message. Because they are in darkness, the Day of the Lord will come like a thief and they will in no way escape. However, that day will not overtake us Christians because we are not in darkness and we will be taken out to eternally live in the light.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:1 – Ignorance Versus Knowledge

But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need of anything to be written to you.

Truth to Learn

There is a distinct difference between the rapture (the day of Jesus Christ) and the tribulation (the Day of the Lord).


Behind the Words

The word “but” is translated from the Greek particle de. It indicates transition or conversion, serving to introduce a new topic.

“Concerning” is translated from the preposition peri, which can mean “around” or “with regard to” depending on the form of the word it is referencing. In the current verse, its meaning is “with regard to” or “concerning.”

Chronos is the Greek word translated “times” in this verse. Chronos is used in reference to “a quantity of time” or “the passage of time.” Thus, this word generally refers to a measurable amount of time, or a specific moment in time.

“Seasons” is translated from another “time” word. This word is kairos which implies “a quality or character of a time period.” In other words, it expresses a period of time in a more abstract sense. It is often translated as “a season” or “an hour (not a literal hour, but a general timeframe).”

Chreia is the Greek word translated “need.” It is derived from chreos, meaning “a debt.” Thus, creia literally refers to one who owes a debt. In New Testament Greek it often refers to “a need.”


Meaning Explained

In the last six verses of the previous chapter, Paul taught the Thessalonians (and us) about the rapture, referred to elsewhere as “the Day of Jesus Christ.” He now starts off this chapter with “but,” indicating that he is going to make a distinction between the rapture and what he is about to talk about. He refers to it here as “the times and the seasons.” Then in the following verse he will refer to it as “the Day of the Lord.”

So, what does Paul mean by “the times and the seasons?” It is a reference to specific events and a general time period. This phrase only occurs in two other places in the Bible, Daniel 2:21 and Acts 1:7. In both cases it is used in reference to God’s dealing with Israel, and there is no reason to believe otherwise in this case. Therefore, Paul is making a distinction between how God will deal with the church and how he will deal with Israel.

Another reason for seeing the rapture and the Day of the Lord as separate events is given to us in the second half of today’s verse. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13, Paul said “I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers,” meaning that they were ignorant of the facts surrounding the rapture. In today’s verse he now says, “you have no need that I should write to you,” following in the next verse with, “you yourselves know perfectly,” regarding the Day of the Lord. We will provide more information regarding this distinction of these two in the following verses.



The rapture is an event in which God completes salvation for Christians. The Day of the Lord (the tribulation) is a time in which God will judge the world and provide complete salvation for the believing remnant of Israel.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:24 – A Submissive Witness

But as the church is subordinate to Christ, so the wives to their own husbands in everything.

Truth to Learn

Submission is part of what it means to be a Christian.


Behind the Words

The word “but” is translated from the Greek word alla, which implies an addition to what preceded. Generally, it means “but.”

“So” is from houtō, meaning “in this way” or “in this manner.” As in this verse, it is often coupled with alla to form a similitude between two ideas.

The verb “is subordinate to” is translated from hupotassō, which we saw a couple verses back means “to be under-ranked” or “to be in submission to.”


Meaning Explained

Throughout this chapter Paul has been talking about how we are to behave within the body of Christ. In verse twenty-two he changed his focus from our behavior within the church to our behavior within the family. First of all, he said that a wife is to submit to her husband; that is, she is to voluntarily place herself under the authority of her husband. In yesterday’s verse he told us that this is necessary because God designed the family structure with the man as the head, just as he designed the church with Christ as the head.

He now reiterates that point by saying that just as the church is ranked under Christ, so a wife is to be ranked under her husband. Nobody in the church would ever presume to place themself above Christ, so a woman should not presume to place herself above her husband in God’s plan. Now, let me say again that this does not mean that a woman is any less important within the family or within the church.

“But, what if my husband is not a Christian?” you might ask. The answer is that it doesn’t make any difference. In fact, a Christian woman has a greater responsibility if her husband is unsaved. Paul told the Corinthians that a submissive woman might even be the tool that God uses to bring her husband to faith:

For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? (1Corinthians 7:16a)

The Apostle Peter also wrote about how important it is for Christians to be submissive to authorities, even non-Christian civil authorities. He, too, commanded women to submit to their husbands, even those who aren’t Christian men:

In the same way, wives, be submissive to your own husbands, so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, as they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. (1Peter 3:1-2)


Let me stress again that a woman being submissive to her husband does not mean that she is to subject herself to abuse either physically or emotionally. Read carefully what tomorrow’s verse has to say to the husband.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, (Ephesians 5:25)


God wants us all to be obedient servants and He will use those who are submitted to Him. Women, your position is extremely important within the family. It is especially so if others in your family are not saved. Your behavior may be what God uses to reach your family. If you have committed your life to Christ, then you have committed to being His obedient, faithful servant. Some day you may see how God has used you if you are faithful to Him. And God will get all the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:4 – Spiritual Darkness?

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

Truth to Learn

Christians do not live in darkness.

Behind the Words

The word “but” is translated from the Greek particle de, which we looked at in verse one. It indicates transition or conversion, serving to introduce a new topic.

Humeis is the word translated “you.” It is the second person plural pronoun (“you,” plural).

Darkness” is from skotos, which is from the same root as skia, meaning “shade or a shadow.” It means “obscurity or darkness.” It can refer to either literal darkness of spiritual darkness as it does here.

The Greek word translated “overtake” is katalambanō. This word is made up of kata, meaning “down,” but used here as an intensifier and the verb lambanō, meaning “to take.” Katalambanō means “to lay hold of or seize with eagerness or suddenness.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense and subjunctive mood, indicating a single act that has the possibility or probability of happening.

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has just talked about how the Tribulation will arrive as a “thief in the night,” taking by surprise those who are living on the earth at that time; however, he starts off the current verse with “but.” This shows that what he is about to talk about is contrasted with what was just said. He says, “but you … are not in darkness,” meaning that we won’t be surprised by the Day of the Lord. The ones who will experience the Day of the Lord are in darkness, they are spiritually blind. He will tell us in the next verse that we are sons (children) of light; we have been enlightened by the gospel message. Because we are children of light, we will be removed from the earth before that day comes.

People who believe in a mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture have to do some fancy footwork in order to explain away what this verse is really saying. Since they confuse the rapture with the Day of the Lord (the tribulation), they try to say that we will be aware of the coming of the tribulation and God will preserve or protect us in it. This doesn’t explain, however, what Paul said at the end of the previous verse, “they shall in no way escape sudden destruction.” Somehow, these people completely miss the message that is given to “the overcomers” (Christians) in Revelation chapter three:

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Revelation 3:10)

The word translated “from” in this verse is ek, which literally means “out of.” We, the overcomers, will be kept “out of” the hour, the time of the tribulation. We will not be preserved “in” it; we will be kept “out of” it.


The world is in darkness because it rejects the gospel message. Because they are in darkness, the Day of the Lord will come like a thief and they will in no way escape. However, that day will not overtake us Christians because we are not in darkness.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:1 – Ignorance Versus Knowledge

But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.

Truth to Learn

There is a distinct difference between the rapture (the day of Jesus Christ) and the tribulation (the Day of the Lord).

Behind the Words

The word “but” is translated from the Greek particle de. It indicates transition or conversion, serving to introduce a new topic.

Concerning” is translated from the preposition peri, which can mean “around” or “with regard to” depending on the form of the word it is referencing. In the current verse, its meaning is “with regard to” or “concerning.”

Chronos is the Greek word translated “times” in this verse. Chronos is used in reference to “a quantity of time” or “the passage of time.” Thus, this word generally refers to a measurable amount of time, or a specific moment in time.

Seasons” is translated from another “time” word. This word is kairos which implies “a quality or character of a time period.” In other words, it expresses a period of time in a more abstract sense. It is often translated as “a season” or “an hour (not a literal hour, but a general timeframe).”

Chreia is the Greek word translated “need.” It is derived from chreos, meaning “a debt.” Thus, creia literally refers to one who owes a debt. In New Testament Greek it often refers to “a need.”

Meaning Explained

In the last six verses of the previous chapter, Paul taught the Thessalonians (and us) about the rapture, referred to elsewhere as “the Day of Jesus Christ.” He now starts off this chapter with “but,” indicating that he is going to make a distinction between the rapture and what he is about to talk about. He refers to it here as “the times and the seasons.” Then in the following verse he will refer to it as “the Day of the Lord.”

So, what does Paul mean by “the times and the seasons?” It is a reference to specific events and a general time period. This phrase only occurs in two other places in the Bible, Daniel 2:21 and Acts 1:7. In both cases it is used in reference to God’s dealing with Israel, and there is no reason to believe otherwise in this case. Therefore, Paul is making a distinction between how God will deal with the church and how he will deal with Israel.

Another reason for seeing the rapture and the Day of the Lord as separate events is given to us in the second half of today’s verse. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13, Paul said “I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren,” meaning that they were ignorant of the facts surrounding the rapture. In today’s verse he now says, “you have no need that I should write to you,” following in the next verse with, “you yourselves know perfectly,” regarding the Day of the Lord. We will provide more information regarding this distinction of these two in the following verses.


The rapture is an event in which God completes salvation for Christians. The Day of the Lord (the tribulation) is a time in which God will judge the world and provide complete salvation for the believing remnant of Israel.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 12:6 – Benevolent or Malignant

Romans 12:6 – Benevolent or Malignant

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;

Truth to Learn

Each Christian is gifted for the benefit of the body of Christ.

Behind the Words

Paul begins the verse with a coordinating conjunction de, which can be translated as “and” or as “but” or several other English words. In each case, however, the purpose is to show the direct connection between the previous phrase and the following one.

The word translated as “gifts” is the Greek word charismata, which refers to “that which has been bestowed gratuitously.” In other words, it wasn’t earned and isn’t deserved; it was simply imparted out of benevolence.

Prophecy” is translated from the Greek word prophēteia, which is the noun form of prophēteuō. According to The Word Study Dictionary, this word means “to foretell things to come; to declare truths through the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit whether by prediction or otherwise.” In other words, it includes both the “foretelling” of events before they happen and the “forth-telling” of the truths of God’s Word. The primary gift of the prophet in the early church involved both of these.

This list of spiritual gifts is clearly punctuated as a coordinated list as can be seen by the Greek grammatical construction. Each of the gifts in this and the two following verses is preceded with the Greek word eite, which is another kind of coordinating conjunction. It is as if these had been listed as “bullet points” with each occurrence of eite being a bullet. There is no apparent order of importance or hierarchy in this list, it is simply a list.

Meaning Explained

Now that Paul has explained to us that the church is like a body made up of many differing parts, he begins to describe some of the functions that these various parts perform and the special enabling that we have to perform these functions. We, the members of the body of Christ, have gifts. These gifts were given to us according to, or with respect to, or as part of, the grace that was given to us. Paul is telling us that these gifts were given to us at the point in time that the grace of God was bestowed upon us, when we were given the righteousness of Christ. In other words, these gifts were given to us when we were saved. They are not part of a “second blessing” nor are they gifts that we earn as we become mature Christians. They were given to us once, for all time, just as our salvation was given to us once, for all time and eternity.

Remember, as you read through this list of gifts, they were given to us as members of a body and they are to be used to make the body healthy. They are not given for personal profit (not even to the phophet J), but for the good of the body.


Do you know what spiritual gift(s) God has blessed you with? Are you using it (them) for the good of the body?

Keep in mind that there is a kind of cell within the human body that has no regard for the cells around it. Its only purpose is to feed itself so it can grow. It’s called cancer!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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