Tag: beliebe

Romans 2:8 – Self-serving Fools

but to those who are self-seeking and do not believe the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath,

Truth to Learn

Those who selfishly reject God will experience His wrath.


Behind the Words

The word translated “self-seeking” is eritheia. It is based on a noun that means “to work for hire” or “to work for a wage.” The verb form is usually in the middle voice meaning that it is something that is done to (and by) oneself. When used as a noun in a negative sense, as it is in today’s verse, it refers to “someone who is seeking his own good.” It is sometimes translated as “contentious.” Clearly, it is used here in reference to someone who is only looking out for himself or herself.

The word translated “do not believe” is the Greek word apeitheō, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of peithō, meaning “to convince or persuade.” Hence, apeitheō refers to “one who is not allowing himself or herself to be persuaded or to believe.”

The word “obey” is also translated from the root peithō. It is expressed here as a participle in the middle voice, so it could be translated here as “convincing themselves.”


Meaning Explained

We talked in the previous verse about the judgment of the righteous ones who will receive everlasting life because of their belief in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Today’s verse gives a contrasting picture of the unrighteous unbelievers (all unbelievers are unrighteous in God’s eyes).

We could translate the opening part of this verse as, “but to those who are self-seeking and not being persuaded by the truth but persuading themselves by unrighteousness …”

Whereas we, through our patient endurance, will receive eternal life, those who are self-seeking and not persuaded by the truth will receive the anger and wrath of God. We see here another example of Paul’s frequent play on words. They are not persuaded (apeitheō) by the truth, so they persuade themselves (peithō) by unrighteousness.

Do you see the attitude of the unbeliever in this verse? Those who reject the good news of Christ’s death on the cross in payment for their sins, refuse to believe. They refuse to be persuaded that they are sinners and need salvation. Why? Because they are self seeking and unwilling to submit themselves to the truth and to the God of truth. Remember what Paul said in the previous chapter of this letter?

because, having known God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but their reasonings became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened Professing to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:21, 22)

And what will these self-serving fools receive when they stand before the God of creation? The wrath and anger of the Almighty, Holy, Righteous GOD whom they deny!



We have the antidote for this wrath; it’s called the gospel message, and we need to proclaim it to everyone who will listen. It’s not up to us to force anyone to believe, but it is up to us to proclaim the truth, whether they believe it or not.


In God's service, for His glory,

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