Tag: churches

1 Thessalonians 2:14 – Family Suffering

from the Jews,

Truth to Learn

Many Christians suffer at the hands of friends and relatives.


Behind the Words

“Imitators” is from the word mimētēs, which we saw in the sixth verse of the previous chapter. It refers to “someone who mimics, imitates, or follows the example of someone else.”

The word “churches” is translated from the word ekklēsia, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and a form of the verb kaleō, meaning “to call.” It literally refers to “the called out ones.” Originally, this word referred to an assembly of citizens who were called out by civil authorities. It is used throughout the New Testament, however, to refer to the church, either a local assembly or the world-wide church.

Paschō is the Greek word translated “suffered.” This word means “to undergo an experience,” “to be subjected to evil,” or “to suffer.”

The words “your own” are from idios which means “pertaining to yourself.”

“Countrymen” is translated from sumphuletēs, which is made up of sun, meaning “together with” and a form of phulē, which refers to “a family,” “a tribe,” or “a race of people.”


Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse Paul said that he was thankful for the way the people of the church in Thessalonica received the Word of God. As a result of receiving and believing the gospel message they became Christians, members of the family of God.

Now he says something very interesting about these new believers. He says that they became imitators of the members of the Christian churches in Judea. It’s interesting that he refers to the Judean Christians as being members of the “churches of God … in Christ Jesus.” The reason for referring to them in this way is that the followers of Judaism in Judea referred to themselves as a “church” as well. Early in the life of the church, Christians were thought of as nothing more than a new sect of Judaism. Paul is making it very clear that he is not referring to the followers of Judaism who met in a synagogue every week, but to the followers of Jesus Christ.

We learn here that the manner in which the Thessalonians were imitating the churches in Judea was in their suffering. He’s not so much indicating that they suffered alike, but that they also suffered at the hands of their own countrymen. Paul was very familiar with the way the Judean Christians suffered because he, himself, was one of the Jews who persecuted Christians there (see Acts 8:1-3). The Thessalonian Christians also suffered at the hands of their own countrymen. This persecution may have originated with Jews, but it was later carried out by the Greek people of Macedonia as well.



Do your friends and family members treat you differently because you are a Christian? If so, you’re in good company. Don’t hate them for it, continue to pray for them, that God would open their hearts to believe the Gospel message as well.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 2:14 – Family Suffering

For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen, just as they did from the Judeans,

Truth to Learn

Many Christians suffer at the hands of friends and relatives.

Behind the Words

Imitators” is from the word mimētēs, which we saw in the sixth verse of the previous chapter. It refers to “someone who mimics, imitates, or follows the example of someone else.”

The word “churches” is translated from the word ekklēsia, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and a form of the verb kaleō, meaning “to call.” It literally refers to “the called out ones.” Originally, this word referred to an assembly of citizens who were called out by civil authorities. It is used throughout the New Testament, however, to refer to the church, either a local assembly or the world-wide church.

Paschō is the Greek word translated “suffered.” This word means “to undergo an experience,” “to be subjected to evil,” or “to suffer.”

The words “your own” are from idios which means “pertaining to yourself.”

Countrymen” is translated from sumphuletēs, which is made up of sun, meaning “together with” and a form of phulē, which refers to “a family,” “a tribe,” or “a race of people.”

Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse Paul said that he was thankful for the way the people of the church in Thessalonica received the Word of God. As a result of receiving and believing the gospel message they became Christians, members of the family of God.

Now he says something very interesting about these new believers. He says that they became imitators of the members of the Christian churches in Judea. It’s interesting that he refers to the Judean Christians as being members of the “churches of God … in Christ Jesus.” The reason for referring to them in this way is that the followers of Judaism in Judea referred to themselves as a “church” as well. Early in the life of the church, Christians were thought of as nothing more than a new sect of Judaism. Paul is making it very clear that he is not referring to the followers of Judaism who met in a synagogue every week, but to the followers of Jesus Christ.

We learn here that the manner in which the Thessalonians were imitating the churches in Judea was in their suffering. He’s not so much indicating that they suffered alike, but that they suffered at the hands of their own countrymen. Paul was very familiar with the way the Judean Christians suffered because he, himself, was one of the Jews who persecuted Christians there (see Acts 8:1-3). The Thessalonian Christians also suffered at the hands of their own countrymen. This persecution may have originated with Jews, but it was later carried out by the Greek people of Macedonia.


Do your friends and family members treat you differently because you are a Christian? If so, you’re in good company. Don’t hate them for it, continue to pray for them, that God would open their hearts to believe the Gospel message as well.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved