Tag: corrupt

Ephesians 4:29 – Constructive Words

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Truth to Learn

Our speech should build up, not tear down.

Behind the Words

Let … proceed” is translated from the verb ekporeuomai, which is a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out of” and poreuomai, meaning “to travel, to depart, or to go.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. Since English doesn’t have a similar command form, the word “let” is used to provide this emphasis. Therefore, when you see the word “let” used with a verb in the Bible it almost always implies a command type of directive, not a statement of permission.

The word “corrupt” is from the Greek word sapros, which is based on the verb sēpō, meaning “to putrefy, to rot, or to perish.” Thus, sapros refers to that which is rotten or putrid.

Word” is translated from the Greek noun logos, which refers to something said. However, it refers to more than just the word itself, but also to the thoughts behind the word.

Necessary” is from chreia, meaning “that which is needful, necessary, or useful.”

The word “edification” is translated from oikodomē, which we saw earlier in this chapter. It literally refers to “building a house.” Metaphorically, it refers to “building up” or “strengthening” someone or something.

Meaning Explained

Paul is teaching us about the “new man” with which we are to clothe ourselves. Characteristics of this new man include not lying, not being sinfully angry, not stealing, and now – being careful about our speech.

Usually when we read today’s verse we think that it applies specifically to cursing, or as we call it, swearing: the use of four-letter swear words or using the Lord’s name in vain. It seems, however, that Paul has a much broader concept in mind. He specifically refers to it as putrid, or rotten, words and thoughts. And, as we have already pointed out, in Paul’s typical style he tells what the proper thing is right after he tells us the improper thing. The proper type of communication is “that which is good toward the needful edification of those who hear.

One of the advantages of this style of teaching is that it tells us a little bit more about what to avoid. The type of speech which we are to avoid is that which does not build up. In other words, any communication which tears down or which prevents building up is the rotten communication Paul refers to. Yes, it would necessarily include swearing, but it also includes insulting or belittling speech. It includes bragging about oneself. It includes intentionally deceptive words and any type of speech which blasphemes God. In other words, if the words you say don’t encourage or build up your brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t say them.


Your mother may have taught you like my mother taught me when she said, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, then don’t say anything at all.” That sounds like Apostle Paul-talk to me.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 4:22 – Lose the Old Man

that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,

Truth to Learn

Christians need to deny the desires of their sin nature.

Behind the Words

The words “put off” are translated from apotithēmi, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and tithēmi, meaning “to place” or “to put.” Thus, it literally means “to put away from.” Since this is grammatically coupled with enduō (to put on a garment) in verse twenty-four, it is most reasonably a reference to taking something off like a garment.

Former” is from proteros, a comparative form of protos, meaning “first.” Proteros refers to something prior or previous.

Conduct” is translated from anastrophē, which is made up of ana, meaning “up” or “again” and a form of strephō, meaning “to turn.” The noun anastrophe, therefore, refers to “a turning around again.” Metaphorically, it is often a reference to one’s behavior or manner of life. It is similar to peripateō (to walk around) which we saw back in verse seventeen.

Grows corrupt” are from the verb phtheirō, which means “to waste away, to become rotten, or to become corrupt.”

Deceitful” is translated from apathē, which refers to “that which is deceptive or seductive.”

Meaning Explained

This particular train of thought of the Apostle Paul started back in verse seventeen where he said, “This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind.” His reason for saying this was given in the previous two verses: because we have been taught the truth which is in Jesus Christ. He now gives some of the details of the truth that Christ teaches, which include, “quit acting like you used to act.”

In order to make his teaching even clearer, Paul introduces us to something that he calls “the old man.” He makes other references to this “old man” in Romans 6:6 and in Colossians 3:9. In the Romans passage, Paul tells us that our old man was crucified with Christ. Then, in Galatians 5:24, he tells us that it is our “flesh” with its passions and desires that has been crucified with Christ; thus, we see that our “old man” is equated with our “flesh.” And, in the eighth chapter of his letter to the Romans, Paul teaches a great deal about our “flesh.” There we learn that it is our “flesh,” our “old man,” sometimes referred to as our “sin nature” that draws us into sin and away from the righteousness of Christ.

In today’s verse (as in Colossians 3:9) we are told to take off the “old man.” Since Paul is talking to Christians, those who have previously professed Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior, it is clear that he teaches that Christians still have a sin nature. And, unfortunately, we will continue to possess the “old man” until that day when God will make us perfect (in Heaven). Even the Apostle Paul wrestled with his sin nature (see Romans chapter seven) and it frustrated him too!


Don’t be alarmed that as a Christian you still commit sin. You haven’t lost your salvation. It is the old man you’re wearing. Whenever you find that you’re wearing him, confess your sins and lay him aside. Then focus again on serving your Savior.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.