Tag: count worthy

2 Thessalonians 1:11 – Don’t Complain, Give Thanks!

Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power,

Truth to Learn

Trials are good for Christians. Don’t complain – thank God.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from the Greek words eis ho. Eis means “to, into, or unto” and ho is a relative pronoun meaning “who or which.” So, we see that these two words literally mean “to which.”

The words “would count … worthy” are from the verb axioō, which is based on the noun axios, meaning “value or worth.” Therefore, axioō means “to determine the value or worth of something.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood indicating possibility or probability.

Klēsis is the Greek word translated “calling.” It is based on the verb kaleō, meaning “a call or invitation to people, inviting them to come or to go somewhere.”

The word “fulfill” is from plēroō, meaning “to fill-up or to make completely full.”

Good pleasure” is translated from eudokia, which is made up of eu, meaning “good or well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Thus eudokia, means “good thoughts” or “good intent.”

Meaning Explained

The apostle Paul would probably not get good grades in a Greek writing class because his sentences are often long and run-on. A good example is shown here in 2 Thessalonians. The sentence immediately preceding the current verse began back in verse three and doesn’t end until verse 10. As a result, it takes deep inspection to determine what he means by “therefore” at the beginning of today’s verse.

The crux of what Paul has been talking about is “we thank God because your patience and faith are growing as a result of your persecution and suffering. And, this growth is evidence of God’s righteous good judgment toward you and His severe judgment against unbelievers.” Basically, he prayed that God would show them His goodness at His return and in the future kingdom.

Now, Paul expresses another prayer. Instead of future blessing, however, he prays for their present blessing. He first prays that we might be found to be worthy of our calling to be a Christian. Trials do not make a person; they simply reveal what a person is really made of. A faithful, committed Christian will demonstrate his or her worth in the middle of trials. Weak or wishy-washy Christians in the midst of trials will only moan and complain, showing how little value their faith has. God knows our hearts even before we encounter trials, but we only recognize how strong our faith is when we are in the heat of battle.

Right now, God wants you to know how much He desires to bless you. That’s one of the reasons He allows persecution and suffering of His children. Trials are not a bad thing for Christians, they are good for us!


When you encounter trials in your Christian walk or when you suffer for being a Christian, don’t complain to God; instead, thank Him for showing His love to you.

In God's service, for His glory,

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