Tag: deed

James 3:16 – Worthless Deeds

For where bitter zeal and self-seeking exist, there are confusion and every worthless deed.

Truth to Learn

The motivation of a teacher in a church will have a profound effect on the spiritual value of the works of the church.

Behind the Words

The word translated “confusion” is the Greek word, akatastasia. This is a double compound word made up of a, which means “not,” kata, which means “down,” and a form of histÄ“mi, which means “to stand.” This word refers to something which is not firmly set in place, and as such it is unstable. It is used to express a state of confusion or disorder.

The word translated “worthless” is phaulos, meaning “foul, faulty, wicked, good-for-nothing, depraved, or worthless.” There are several words in Greek which express the notion of evil or bad. This one is usually applied to works or deeds. Therefore, it usually implies “worthless.”

Finally, the word translated “deed” is pragma, which means “a deed or an act.” The word phaulos is an adjective describing this word. Hence, this describes a deed or an action that is without merit; it is a worthless deed or a foul deed.

Meaning Explained

The teaching that comes from a teacher who is filled with pride or bitter emotions will manifest itself in instability within a church. It produces such instability because the teaching is not based on the Word of God. It is not constant, but changing. It is based on what the current societal or personal inclinations might be. Similarly, such teaching produces worthless deeds because the teaching is based on earthly and humanistic wisdom rather than the wisdom which is from above.

When you sit under the teaching of anyone in church, or when you listen to preachers via the media, you should be constantly asking yourself, does this teacher demonstrate spiritual wisdom? Are his or her arguments based on what the Bible says, or are they based on what he or she thinks, or what someone else says or has experienced?

Paul, writing to his beloved spiritual son Titus, gave him instruction on how to effectively pastor a church. What he told Titus in the third chapter of that letter agrees completely with what James has been teaching:

… that those believing in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. Avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. (Titus 3:8b, 9)

In a church where the teaching is based on the Bible, there will be an abundance of workers and good works that bring glory to God. In a church where the teachers are zealous but self-seeking, there may be lots of workers and works which may appear to be profitable, but to God they are worthless.


Do you have a passionate preacher who inspires you to work? I hope so! But, is his passion focused on God, or on the church? Does he inspire you to do good works for God’s glory or for the church? Are his messages based on the Bible or something else? These are important questions for you to ask regarding the one who is entrusted with caring for God’s sheep!

In God's service, for His glory,

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