Tag: pragma

Romans 16:2 – Help The Helper

that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever matter she may need from you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself as well.

Truth to Learn

Helping other Christians is a Christ-like thing to do.


Behind the Words

The word “receive” is translated from prosdechomai, which is made up of pros, meaning “unto or toward,” and dechomai, meaning “to accept or receive.” This word literally means “to receive unto oneself.”

“In a manner worthy” is translated from the adverb axiōs. This is based on the word axios (short “o”), meaning “worthy.” Thus, axiōs (long “o”) means “worthily” or “in a worthy manner.”

“Help” is from paristanō, made up of para, meaning “beside or near” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Literally, this word means “to stand with” or “to stand beside.” It is used in a courtroom setting referring to the one who presents a case or who provides a witness.

“Matter” is from pragma, which is derived from the verb prassō, meaning “to do repeatedly” or “to practice.” Pragma refers to an action or a deed that is done repeatedly or constantly.

The word translated “helper” is prostatis, which is made up of pro, meaning “toward” or “before” and histēmi, meaning “to stand” or “to set in place.” In secular Greek writing of the time, this is the word used to refer to a “patron,” one who supports or takes care of another.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that Paul is talking about a woman named Phoebe, a deaconess in the church of Cenchrea (near Corinth). It is generally believed that Phoebe is the one who delivered this letter to the church in Rome. And, it appears that she was a wealthy woman, due to the fact that Paul presents her as having been a helper (patroness) of many people, including Paul himself. Apparently, she provided financial support for Paul in his ministry. From Paul’s use of the words paristanō and pragma we might infer that Phoebe went to Rome on some legal or other business matter.

Whatever Phoebe’s reason for going to Rome, Paul instructs the church there to receive her as a fellow Christian worthy of respect. We are all aware that businesses today often use symbols of Christianity (like the sign of the fish) to attract Christians as potential customers. Usually it is legitimate, but sometimes, based on the way they do business, it appears to be a marketing ploy. Paul’s comments to the church in Rome indicate that Phoebe was a genuinely devout Christian and that they should willingly assist her in whatever matter  she has that might need their help. She has demonstrated her own unselfishness by helping many others, and now it is time for members of the body of Christ to show unselfishness toward her.



As Christians, we are often asked to provide help for fellow Christians in need. For some of us it’s difficult to do. For others it’s easy. For all of us, its part of being Christ-like.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:6 – Avoid The Avenger

that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in the matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified.

Truth to Learn

Don’t deceive, either in business or in marriage.


Behind the Words

The word translated “take advantage” is huperbainō, which is made up of huper, meaning “over” or “beyond” and bainō, meaning “to go.” Thus it means “to go beyond (what is right)” or “to go too far.”

“Defraud” is translated from pleonekteō. This word is made up of pleiōn, which means “more in quantity or quality” and a form of echō, meaning “to have.” As used in the New Testament, pleonekteō properly means “to have more than someone else.” Through usage it has come to mean “to have an advantage over someone else,” then, to mean “to take advantage of someone else” or “to take something by means of fraud.”

The word “matter” is from pragma, which means “a business matter” or “a deed.”

Ekdikos is the Greek word translated “avenger.” It is made up of ek, meaning “out” or “out of” and dikē, meaning “justice.” Ekdikos refers to “one who executes justice,” that is, “one who gets revenge” or “one who punishes.”


Meaning Explained

There are two main interpretations of this verse. Some claim that Paul is now talking about business matters in general. Others say that it is a continuation of Paul’s teaching about fornication (sex with someone other than one’s marriage partner.)

Those who hold to the former interpretation explain that Paul is teaching the wrong of transgressing the bounds of justice and cheating, or taking unfair advantage, of someone in a business transaction. This could be in the form of tricking someone into purchasing something for more than it is really worth or intentionally violating a contract in order to gain at the expense of the other party in the contract. Clearly, this is not the behavior that God expects from His children, and Paul warns that God will execute revenge against any Christian who conducts business in this manner.

Others point out, however, that Paul refers to such action in “the matter,” not in “a matter.” Therefore, they say that it is clear that he is referring to the matter currently being spoken of (fornication). He says that no one should “go beyond what is right” regarding sexual relations. It is right that a married man and woman should enjoy the sexual act which God approves of, and it is wrong to go beyond the bounds of marriage and engage in sexual relations with anyone else. He also says that it is wrong to take advantage of someone else, that is, taking advantage of someone else’s wife.

If this second interpretation is the correct explanation of what Paul is teaching here, why does he talk about taking advantage of his “brother” and not of his “sister?” The only way this could be interpreted is if the sexual immorality is committed between a man and his (spiritual) brother’s wife. But the fornication that Paul is talking about refers to sexual activity between a married person and another person to whom he or she is not married (whether the other person is married or not).

Whichever interpretation you accept (I believe the first interpretation is correct), Paul makes it clear that the one committing the fraud should expect that God will stand on the side of the one being wronged and will take vengeance on the one committing the wrong.



Whether in the sanctity of the marriage bed or business transactions, God will take vengeance against the evil doer. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have God as my defense attorney, not as the prosecuting attorney, because He always wins his case and He is the ultimate avenger.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 3:16 – Worthless Deeds

For where bitter zeal and self-seeking exist, there are confusion and every worthless deed.

Truth to Learn

The motivation of a teacher in a church will have a profound effect on the spiritual value of the works of the church.

Behind the Words

The word translated “confusion” is the Greek word, akatastasia. This is a double compound word made up of a, which means “not,” kata, which means “down,” and a form of histēmi, which means “to stand.” This word refers to something which is not firmly set in place, and as such it is unstable. It is used to express a state of confusion or disorder.

The word translated “worthless” is phaulos, meaning “foul, faulty, wicked, good-for-nothing, depraved, or worthless.” There are several words in Greek which express the notion of evil or bad. This one is usually applied to works or deeds. Therefore, it usually implies “worthless.”

Finally, the word translated “deed” is pragma, which means “a deed or an act.” The word phaulos is an adjective describing this word. Hence, this describes a deed or an action that is without merit; it is a worthless deed or a foul deed.

Meaning Explained

The teaching that comes from a teacher who is filled with pride or bitter emotions will manifest itself in instability within a church. It produces such instability because the teaching is not based on the Word of God. It is not constant, but changing. It is based on what the current societal or personal inclinations might be. Similarly, such teaching produces worthless deeds because the teaching is based on earthly and humanistic wisdom rather than the wisdom which is from above.

When you sit under the teaching of anyone in church, or when you listen to preachers via the media, you should be constantly asking yourself, does this teacher demonstrate spiritual wisdom? Are his or her arguments based on what the Bible says, or are they based on what he or she thinks, or what someone else says or has experienced?

Paul, writing to his beloved spiritual son Titus, gave him instruction on how to effectively pastor a church. What he told Titus in the third chapter of that letter agrees completely with what James has been teaching:

… that those believing in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. Avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. (Titus 3:8b, 9)

In a church where the teaching is based on the Bible, there will be an abundance of workers and good works that bring glory to God. In a church where the teachers are zealous but self-seeking, there may be lots of workers and works which may appear to be profitable, but to God they are worthless.


Do you have a passionate preacher who inspires you to work? I hope so! But, is his passion focused on God, or on the church? Does he inspire you to do good works for God’s glory or for the church? Are his messages based on the Bible or something else? These are important questions for you to ask regarding the one who is entrusted with caring for God’s sheep!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:6 – Avoid The Avenger

that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified.

Truth to Learn

Don’t deceive, either in business or in marriage.

Behind the Words

The word translated “take advantage” is huperbainō, which is made up of huper, meaning “over” or “beyond” and bainō, meaning “to go.” Thus it means “to go beyond (what is right)” or “to go too far.”

Defraud” is translated from pleonekteō. This word is made up of pleiōn, which means “more in quantity, number, or quality” and a form of echō, meaning “to have.” As used in the New Testament, pleonekteō properly means “to have more than someone else.” Through usage it has come to mean “to have an advantage over someone else,” then to mean “to take advantage of someone else” or “to take something by means of fraud.”

The word “matter” is from pragma, which means “a business matter” or “a deed.” In the Greek text, it is written as pragmati, meaning “the matter,” that is, the particular matter under discussion (sex with someone other than one’s marriage partner).

Ekdikos is the Greek word translated “avenger.” It is made up of ek, meaning “out” or “out of” and dikē, meaning “justice.” Ekdikos refers to “one who executes justice,” that is, “one who gets revenge” or “one who punishes.”

Meaning Explained

There are two main interpretations of this verse. Some say that it is a continuation of Paul’s teaching about fornication (sex with someone other than one’s marriage partner.) Others claim that Paul is now talking about business matters in general.

Those who hold to the latter interpretation explain that Paul is teaching the wrong of transgressing the bounds of justice and cheating, or taking unfair advantage, of someone in a business transaction. This could be in the form of tricking someone into purchasing something for more than it is really worth or intentionally violating a contract in order to gain at the expense of the other party in the contract. Clearly, this is not the behavior that God expects from His children, and Paul warns that God will execute revenge against any Christian who conducts business in this manner.

Notice, however, that Paul refers to such action in “the matter,” not in “a matter.” Therefore, it is clear that he is referring to the matter currently being spoken of (fornication). He says that no one should “go beyond what is right” regarding sexual relations. It is right that a married man and woman should enjoy the sexual act which God approves of, and it is wrong to go beyond the bounds of marriage and engage in sexual relations with anyone else. He also says that it is wrong to take advantage of someone else, that is, taking advantage of someone else’s wife.

Whichever interpretation is correct, Paul makes it clear that the one committing the fraud should expect that God will stand on the side of the one being wronged.


Whether in the sanctity of the marriage bed or business transactions, God will take vengeance against the evil doer.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 16:2 – Help The Helper

Romans 16:2 – Help The Helper

that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.

Truth to Learn

Helping other Christians is a Christ-like thing to do.

Behind the Words

The word “receive” is translated from prosdechomai, which is made up of pros, meaning “unto or toward,” and dechomai, meaning “to accept or receive.” This word literally means “to receive unto oneself.”

In a manner worthy” is translated from the adverb axiōs. This is based on the word axios (short “o”), meaning “worthy.” Thus, axiōs (long “o”) means “worthily” or “in a worthy manner.”

Assist” is from paristanō, made up of para, meaning “beside or near” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Literally, this word means “to stand with” or “to stand beside.” It is used in a courtroom setting referring to the one who presents a case or who provides a witness.

Business” is from pragma, which is derived from the verb prassō, meaning “to do repeatedly” or “to practice.” Pragma refers to an action or a deed that is done repeatedly or constantly.

The word translated “helper” is prostatis, which is made up of pro, meaning “toward” or “before” and histēmi, meaning “to stand” or “to set in place.” In secular Greek writing of the time, this is the word used to refer to a “patron,” one who supports or takes care of another.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that Paul is talking about a woman named Phoebe, a deaconess in the church of Cenchrea (near Corinth). It is generally believed that Phoebe is the one who delivered this letter to the church in Rome. And, it appears that she was a wealthy women, due to the fact that Paul presents her as having been a helper (patroness) of many people, including Paul himself. Apparently, she provided financial support for Paul in his ministry. From Paul’s use of the words paristanō and pragma we might infer that Phoebe went to Rome on some legal or other business matter.

Whatever Phoebe’s reason for going to Rome, Paul instructs the church there to receive her as a fellow Christian worthy of respect. We are all aware that businesses today often use symbols of Christianity (like the sign of the fish) to attract Christians as potential customers. Usually it is legitimate, but sometimes, based on the way they do business, it appears to be a marketing ploy. Paul’s comments to the church in Rome indicate that Phoebe was a genuinely devout Christian and that they should willingly assist her with whatever help she might need. She has demonstrated her own unselfishness by helping many others, and now it is time for members of the body of Christ to show unselfishness toward her.


As Christians, we are often asked to provide help for fellow Christians in need. For some of us it’s difficult to do. For others it’s easy. For all of us, its part of being Christ-like.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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