Tag: dogma

Ephesians 2:15 – No Distinction

in His flesh having done away with the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new man from the two, making peace,

Truth to Learn

In the church there is no distinction between races or sexes.


Behind the Words

The word “flesh” is from sarx, which refers to “the flesh of a living creature in distinction from that of a dead one.” This word is often used metaphorically in reference to the sensual part of a person’s being. However, in today’s verse it is used to refer to the physical portion of Christ’s body which was sacrificed as payment for our sins.

“Having done away with” is translated from the Greek verb katargeō. This is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and the verb argeō, meaning “to be inactive” or “to be idle.” Thus, katargeō means “to make something completely inactive,” “to abolish,” or “to do away with.”

The word “enmity” is from echthra, which refers to “hatred” or “hostility.” It is also used metaphorically, as it is here, to refer to the cause for such hatred or hostility.

“Commandments” comes from the Greek noun entolē. This is derived from the verb entellomai, meaning “to charge” or “to command.” It refers to “a charge” or “an edict” as from a public or religious authority.

Dogma is the Greek word translated “ordinances.” It is derived from the verb dokeō, meaning “to think.” Dogma actually refers to “an opinion, proposition, or conclusion,” not to “a firmly fixed religious truth” as it is frequently used today.


Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse Paul introduced us to the idea that Christ is the one who made peace between the Jews and the Gentiles. He did so by destroying the partitioning wall between us. In the Greek text the word translated enmity (echthra) immediately follows the words translated “the middle wall of separation.” Being placed in apposition (side by side) like this indicates that enmity further defines “the middle wall of separation” not “the law of commandments.” So, an alternate translation of verses fourteen and fifteen might be:

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, even the enmity, by having deactivated in His flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, making peace,

Now, what we learn here is that Christ completely fulfilled the Law, and then He offered up His sinless life as the sacrificial lamb (completing the fulfillment of the law). In so doing, His righteousness can now be credited to all who believe. Therefore, the enmity between Jews and Gentiles, like the wall that separated us in the Temple court, has been destroyed. And, by fully satisfying the law and offering Himself as the sacrificial lamb, He has deactivated the Law of Moses.

In the book of Romans, Paul goes to great lengths to show that we are no longer bound by the law, as slaves to it like the Jews were. Instead, we have a new master, God, who has purchased our redemption and has adopted us as His children. Now that the enmity has been destroyed, we are at peace with our Jewish brothers in Christ. Together we all make up the body of Christ and we work together in serving God.



In the church, the body of Christ, there is no distinction between the races or the sexes as there was in the Jewish faith. We are all one in Christ, co-equal servants of Almighty God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:15 – No Distinction

Ephesians 2:15  – No Distinction

having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace,

Truth to Learn

In the church there is no distinction between races or sexes.

Behind the Words

Having abolished” is translated from the Greek verb katargeō. This is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and the verb argeō, meaning “to be inactive” or “to be idle.” Thus, katargeō means “to make something completely inactive.”

The word “enmity” is from echthra, which refers to “hatred” or “hostility.” It is also used metaphorically, as it is here, to refer to the cause for such hatred or hostility.

Commandments” comes from the Greek noun entolē. This is derived from the verb entellomai, meaning “to charge” or “to command.” It refers to “a charge” or “an edict” as from a public or religious authority.

Dogma is the Greek word translated “ordinances.” It is derived from the verb dokeō, meaning “to think.” Dogma actually refers to “an opinion, proposition, or conclusion,” not to “a firmly fixed religious truth” as it is frequently used today.

Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse Paul introduced us to the idea that Christ is the one who made peace between the Jews and the Gentiles. He did so by destroying the partitioning wall between us. In the Greek text the word translated enmity (echthra) immediately follows the words translated “the middle wall of separation.” Being placed in apposition (side by side) like this indicates that enmity further defines “the middle wall of separation” not “the law of commandments.” So, a better translation of verses fourteen and fifteen might be:

For He is our peace, who made both one and destroyed the middle wall of separation, even the enmity, by having deactivated in His flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, making peace,

Now, what we learn here is that Christ completely fulfilled the Law, and then He offered up His sinless life as the sacrificial lamb (completing the fulfillment of the law). In so doing, His righteousness can now be credited to all who believe. Therefore, the enmity between Jews and Gentiles, like the wall that separated us in the Temple court, has been destroyed. And, by fully satisfying the law and offering Himself as the sacrificial lamb, He has deactivated the Law of Moses.

In the book of Romans, Paul goes to great lengths to show that we are no longer bound by the law as slaves to it like the Jews were. Instead, we have a new master, God, who has purchased our redemption and has adopted us as His children. Now that the enmity has been destroyed, we are at peace with our Jewish brothers in Christ. Together we all make up the body of Christ and we work together in serving God.


In the church, the body of Christ, there is no distinction between the races or the sexes as there was in the Jewish faith. We are all one in Christ, co-equal servants of Almighty God.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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