Tag: dokimion

1 Peter 1:7 – Genuine Refined Faith

that the worthiness of your faith, being much more valuable than gold that is perishing, though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ,

Truth to Learn

Difficult times in our lives strengthen our faith which results in praise, glory, and honor to God.


Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “that” is hina which could be translated as “with the intent that …” It is referring to “various trials.” In other words, the intent of these trials is that our faith may result in praise, glory, and honor to God.

The word translated “worthiness” is dokimion, which is an expression of worth and is thus translated “genuineness” or “worthiness.” It is related to the verb translated here as “tested.” This verb is dokimadzō, which means “to assay” or “to test for the purpose of finding value.” This testing is not intended to find fault but to determine something’s value.

“More precious” is the translation of the Greek word timiōteron, the comparative form of timeos, which means “valuable, costly, or honored.” Hence, the comparative means “more valuable” or “more honored.”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse can be confusing if not analyzed carefully. Let’s look at it phrase by phrase:

That the worthiness of your faith” – The intent of the various trials that we undergo is to assay, or evaluate our faith. It is an evaluation whose purpose is to determine the goodness, or value of our faith, not the badness or weakness of our faith.

being much more valuable than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire”  – Peter is not saying that your faith is much more precious than gold (though that may well be true), rather he is saying that the value of your faith is more precious. Peter is saying that God values a stronger, more genuine faith over a weak, ineffective faith.

But, why does Peter refer to Gold as perishing? Isn’t gold a metal that doesn’t corrode? Isn’t it enduring? We have all heard the explanation of the golden ring in a wedding ceremony as a symbol of the eternal love that exists between Christ and His bride, the church. It is a “symbol” of this eternal love, it is not eternal itself. In fact, gold is a soft metal that wears away easily and which will disappear with the rest of creation at the end of time. The trial of our faith will produce eternal results and the genuineness of our faith can only be ascertained through trial.

be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” – The reason for our rejoicing and the reason for the proving of our faith is that it might result in praise and glory and honor, not to us, but to the author and finisher of our faith when he comes back to claim us as His own.



Compare this with what James said about this very subject in James 1:2, “My brothers, count it all joy when you encounter various trials.” We can count it all joy because we know that through these trials our faith is being purified, made stronger and more valuable. And, these trials will ultimately result in praise to God! After all, isn’t that what we all want?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 1:3 – Refined Perseverance

knowing that the proving of your faith brings about patience.

Truth to Learn

The Christian pathway is not an easy one; in fact, it is downright difficult, filled with potholes and uphill battles. But, instead of seeing these as indications of God’s displeasure, we should take delight in them.

Behind the Words

The word translated “proving” is derived from the Greek word dokimion which means “a criterion or test by which something is proved or tried.” It is used of the process whereby metals, like gold, are proved, or refined, in a fiery furnace. There is a subtle difference between this word and the word peirosmos that was used in the previous verse. Peirosmos refers to a test with an unknown outcome and no particular expectation, whereas dokimion is a test with the specific purpose of finding something good. Hence, James is saying, in effect, that we are being approved as acceptable men and women in the furnace of adversity.

“Brings about” is translated from a form of the word katergodzomai which means “to completely bring about or accomplish” or “to carry out a task until it is completed.” God is not through with you yet; He wants to build a strong faith in you and He won’t stop until He’s done.

The word translated “patience” is the noun hupomonē, which is a compound word made up of hupo or hypo meaning “under” or “beneath” and a form of menō, which means “to remain” or “to stay put.” The picture is of a beast of burden that chooses to remain under a heavy load and under control, instead of thrusting it off and gaining relief. It conveys more the idea of continuing on with perseverance than sitting back and waiting for something to happen.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse James told us that we should consider it delightful when we are surrounded by all kinds of difficult situations. He now tells us why these times should be delightful instead of dreadful. These trials which are surrounding us are there to purify our faith, with the intent of fully developing perseverance in us.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you have become a member of His family, even an heir, according to the third chapter of Galatians. And, as his child, it is your responsibility to represent Him to those around you. What better way to demonstrate our trust in the fact that God loves us than to remain under the burden, to stay in control, to persevere when difficult situations arise. And, if we remain under the load, He will fully accomplish in us a faith that is pure and strong.

We can’t avoid the times in our lives when our faith is being tested. When these times do come, however, we have a choice of either rebelling against the situation and blaming God for our difficulties, or remaining consistent in our faith and giving God thanks. As we learn to remain under the load and seek God’s guidance, we will find that our difficult times seem less difficult and more joyous.


Are you going through a difficult time right now? Are you wondering why a loving God would allow such a thing to happen to one of His children? He is not bringing these difficult situations into your life to punish you. He wants to refine your faith, to purify it, so that you will be stronger and a better representative of His family likeness. Therefore, let us have calm delight in these current trials knowing that they are purifying us and building perseverance within us.

Our trials indicate that God is working on us! They indicate that He loves us and wants us to grow stronger and become a better ambassador for Christ!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved