Tag: doubtful things

Romans 14:1 – Needless Arguing

Romans 14:1 – Needless Arguing

Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.

Truth to Learn

Infighting should not be a characteristic of a Christian church.

Behind the Words

The word “Receive” is from the Greek word proslambanō, which is made up of pros, meaning “to or toward” and lambanō, meaning “to take.” This we see that this word means “to take to oneself” or “to receive.”

Weak” is from astheneō, made up of the negative particle a and sthenos, meaning “strength.” The root meaning of astheneō, therefore, is “to be without strength.”

The word “disputes” is from diakrisis. This is made up of dia, meaning “through” or indicating separation and krinō, meaning “to distinguish” or “to judge.” Hence, diakrisis refers to distinguishing or judging through something. By application it means to scrutinize thoughts or beliefs by thorough discussion.

Doubtful things” is translated from dialogismos, from the verb dialogidzomai, which is made up of dia, meaning “through” and logidzomai, meaning “to reckon or reason.” Thus we see that dialogismos refers to a “thorough reasoning” or a belief that has been established by such reasoning.

Meaning Explained

You will recall that the Christian church at Rome was made up largely of converted Jews. Under the Jewish laws, they were forbidden from eating certain foods, and they were forbidden to work on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). As a Christian, however, these legal restrictions had been lifted. But just as Peter had a difficult time accepting Gentiles into the faith before receiving direct revelation from God indicating that it was OK (see Acts chapter 10), so these former Jews found it difficult to accept that Christians did not have to observe the same restrictions that they formerly were bound by.

The issue of what can and can’t be eaten is the issue that Paul is about to address. He starts off by telling the fellowship in Rome that it is good to receive Christians who are weak in the faith. These are people who are genuine converts but who are either new converts or they have not had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of a mature Christian like the apostle Paul. We need to welcome people like this so that they can grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, Paul tells the church to accept these people into the congregation but not to do so just to have a theological discussion about what is proper to eat and what is not. Let me point out that Paul is NOT saying that it is improper to have theological discussions, for this is right and even necessary. What he is saying is that it is not right to have arguments about items of minor importance. Disputing has become a significant issue within the body of Christ. So much so, that church splits are more the rule than the exception. Some disputes may be necessary, but most are frivolous and detrimental.


I remember being in a church that spent considerable time in a business meeting arguing about whether or not there should be carpeting in the sanctuary. It became a heated discussion and caused hard feelings among everyone in attendance; it was not edifying and did not serve to build-up the body of Christ. Instead of such trivial arguing, let’s all keep our focus on Him!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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