Tag: elders

James 5:14 – Call for Healing

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

Truth to Learn

When we are sick we need to call for help.


Behind the Words

The word translated “sick” is astheneō, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of stenos, meaning “strength.” Hence, it literally means “to be without strength,” which is interpreted as feeble, diseased, or sick.

“Let him call” is translated from proskaleomai, which is made up of pros, meaning “to” or “toward” and a form of kaleō, meaning “to call.” Hence, it means “to call toward” or “to call for.” It is expressed in the imperative mood which, as we have learned, means it is a command.

The word translated “elders” is presbuteros, which literally means “older ones” or “mature ones.” This could be a group in your church formally recognized as “elders” but more likely James is referring to those older people in the church who are spiritually mature.

The word aleipho is translated here as “anointing.” This Greek word means “to rub, to smear, or to cover over.”

“Oil” is from the Greek noun elaion, which specifically means “olive oil.” The use of olive oil, both applied externally and consumed internally, was a common medicinal remedy in the ancient world. Even today, it is known that olive oil is an effective antibiotic when applied topically and has health giving properties when taken internally.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we were admonished to pray when undergoing hardships, but this verse specifically addresses sickness, when we may feel unable to pray as we should. This was written in a day when doctors were available only for the wealthiest. Today, we call a doctor when we are sick. James is not teaching that we shouldn’t see a doctor when we are sick, but we need to remember that God is the great physician.

James says that we should call for the elders of the church. This verse specifically says that we are to “call” for them to come. It does not say that we are to wait patiently at home for their visitation as if they had a sixth sense about who in the church needs to have a visit. After all, we don’t just wait at home and expect the doctor to know when we are sick, so why should we think that our elders in the church are any different.

These elders are to be the spiritual leaders of the church and their task is to pray and anoint. Oil was used much by the ancients both in health and in sickness. The oil typically was olive oil, which does have medicinal value, but it is symbolic as well. Anointing also involves touching the sick person, and even modern science attests to the fact that the simple act of touching a person can have a healing effect both emotionally and physically.

We must be careful again that we don’t look simply at the form described here without recognizing the spiritual purpose. This is not a “magic formula” that we are to follow for guaranteed results. The elders are to pray and anoint “in the name of the Lord.” That is, they are to recognize that the true healing comes from God as He sees fit. Whether through physicians or through prayer, it is God who gives life and health.



Often, when we are sick physically or spiritually, we are unable to pray as we ought. Calling on someone who is both healthy and mature (physically and spiritually) is not only reasonable, but wise. It demonstrates our willingness to submit to God, as well as others in the church, and to admit our need. And that’s exactly where God wants us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:3 – Example, Not Dictator

1 Peter 5:3

nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock;

Truth to Learn

The pastor (or elder) of a local congregation is to be an example of Christ, not a dictator over the local church.

Behind the Words

The words “being lords over” are a translation of the Greek word, katakurieuō, which means “to exercise dominion over” or “to rule over.” It is a compound word made up of kata, which means “down upon” and a form of kurieuō, which means “to have dominon or rule over someone else, like a lord or master.”

Entrusted” is a translation of the Greek word klēros, which originally meant “a little piece.” It actually refers to a “die” or a “lot.” This was a little piece of wood or stone with an individual’s mark on it. It comes from the Greek custom whereby a die (or lot) was taken from each person, put into a container, shaken violently, then the first one that was poured out indicated who was chosen by the gods for a particular function. From this custom we get our expression “the die (or lot) is cast.” This word later also came to be applied to “an inheritance” or “something assigned to a person.”

The word “examples” is translated from the Greek word tupos, which literally refers to “the scar or impression left by a blow or strike of a die.” Figuratively, it refers to a person who has the form or resemblance of someone else, hence the translation “example.”

Meaning Explained

In today’s verse Peter continues with his thought from the previous verse. The pastor (elder) is to shepherd the flock and oversee it for unselfish reasons and, as he says in today’s verse:

not lording it over those entrusted to you, rather being examples to the flock.

The elders in the church have not been given the position of “boss” or “master” of the flock. On the contrary, they have been placed there to shepherd the flock, to care for the sheep, to feed them, to pray over them, and to be an example to them of how we are to live as children of the King of Kings.

The significant thing about the presence of the word klēros in today’s verse is that it refers to those (people) who are allotted to a pastor by God’s divine appointment: the congregation of the local church under an elder’s care. As much as we sometimes like to think that the growth of a church is due to our great teaching and preaching, everyone in a congregation is there because God has placed them there.

The message Peter is giving to pastors (elders) is that we are to oversee the local congregation (placed under our care by God) as under-shepherds of the Chief Shepherd. We are not to be rulers or dictators, rather examples of how the flock is to live in relationship to Christ, the Chief Shepherd.

Talk about a tough job description!


Does this describe your pastor? Is he an example of humility and does he demonstrate a close, personal daily walk with God? If so, you are blessed and you should thank God for him! Sometimes, it’s a thankless job.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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