Tag: humbled

James 4:10 – Useful Humility

Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

Truth to Learn

Being humbled in God’s presence is precisely what He wants of us!

Behind the Words

“Humbled” is translated from the Greek verb tapeinoō, which is an old verb from the noun tapeinos, meaning “low, particularly of attitude or social position.” This verb is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command. But, this verb is also expressed by James in the passive voice indicating that the action is being done to the subject (be humbled!)

The word “before” is a translation of the adverb enōpion, which is made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of ōps, meaning “the eyes” or “the face, as represented by the eyes.” Hence, it literally means “in the eyes of” but has the meaning of “in the presence of” or “before.”

“He will exalt you” is translated from the Greek verb hupsoō (from hopsos, meaning “height” or “elevation.”) This verb, therefore, means “to be raised up to an elevated position.” It is expressed here in the future tense and is translated as “He will exalt.”

Meaning Explained

When we truly see our sinfulness as God does, we have no choice but to be humbled before Him. We are told in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The word “confess” is homologeō, which means “to be of the same mind as God” concerning our sins. When we truly confront our sins and see them as God sees them, we naturally place ourselves humbly before Him. Seeing ourselves as sinners before a holy and pure God. Bowing before Him in our hearts puts us exactly where He wants us, where He can use us for His glory. When we are completely humbled before God, James says that He will lift us up (exalt us). Notice the play on words, when we become humbled (made low) before Him, He will elevate us (made high).

The Apostle Peter puts it this way in 1 Peter 5:6:

Therefore be humbled under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

The word translated “due time” is kairos which means “the proper time” or “the proper occasion.” The word translated as “exalt” in 1 Peter 5:6 is the same word that appears in the end of James’ verse as “exalt you.” In other words, if we will humble ourselves before our Holy God, He will lift us up when His timing is right and we can be used for His Glory!


Let me encourage each one of you to examine your life and your walk with the Lord. Are you living for Him, or are you living for yourself? The only way to truly be at peace in this world is to be completely submitted to God, willing to go and to do as He commands you through His Word and by His Spirit. If you aren’t regularly humbled before God, you will be subject to the temptations of the world system. You will have bitter envying and strife in your hearts as James talked about in the previous chapter, and you will have battles and arguements as he talks about in this chapter. But the person who is submitted and committed, humbled before the mighty hand of God, is usable by God and is at peace! 

In God's service, for His glory,

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