Tag: ichnos

Romans 4:12 – Abraham’s Faithful Footsteps

and a father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but also walking in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had while uncircumcised.

Truth to Learn

Circumcision doesn’t matter. Faith matters.


Behind the Words

The word translated “father” is patēr, which means “father, ancestor, mentor, or model.” Hence, it can be used in a literal sense or it can be used in a figurative sense as it is in this verse.

“Walking” is the Greek verb stoicheō. It is based on the noun stoichos, which is a military term meaning “a row, a rank, or a line.” Hence, stoicheō means “to advance in rows or ranks” or “to walk in an orderly manner.”

The word translated “steps” is ichnos, which refers to “the sole of the foot.” By application it refers to a footstep or the impression left by the sole of the foot. Figuratively, it refers to the example that someone else has set for us to follow.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul said that Abraham, through his righteousness of faith, became the father of those who believe even though they are uncircumcised. What Paul means is that Abraham became a father figure to them; that is, an example to all non-Jews. In this way, all non-Jewish people can share in the fatherhood of Abraham, figuratively speaking, through the same kind of faith.

In the current verse the wording of the translation makes it a little hard to understand. Here’s another way of wording what Paul is saying in this verse:

And the father of circumcision to those who are not just circumcised but who are also walking in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham while (he was still) in uncircumcision.

You can see from this wording that Paul is making the point that Abraham also is a father figure to the circumcised. Not to all the circumcised, just to those who (like the uncircumcised of the previous verse) have a saving faith like Abraham did. Paul is not talking about the literal fatherhood (ancestor) of Abraham, but the figurative fatherhood. And he’s not the figurative father of those who simply follow his example of circumcision, but of those who follow his example of faith.

In other words, it is not obedience to the Law or to any other set of rules that produces righteousness. It is the faith that produces righteousness. And, as we said in the previous verse, the point is that faith came well before obedience and as a result of that faith, we all (Jews and Gentiles) can look to Abraham as our spiritual father figure.



It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, whether you are male or female, tattooed or not. It doesn’t matter whether your parents are rich of poor and it doesn’t matter whether you are Asian, African, Caucasian, Baltic, Australian, Indo-European, or Inuit. What matters is that you are following in Abraham’s footsteps, in that you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins! Period!

In God's service, for His glory,

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