Tag: kakopoion

1 Peter 2:14 – All Authorities

or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who are doing good.

Truth to Learn

We are to submit to all authorities over us at all times, not just when it is convenient, or when we feel like it.


Behind the Words

The word translated “governors” is the Greek noun hēgamōn, which is derived from the verb hēgeomai, meaning “to lead” or “to rule.” The noun form refers to a person who leads or governs and can be translated as “governor, commander, or ruler.”

“Punishment” is from the Greek word ekdikēsis, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and a form of dikē, meaning “justice.” Hence, it refers to handing out a judicial decision. Since it is used here in reference to “evildoers,” it can be interpreted as “punishment or retribution.”

The word “praise” is from epainos, which is made up of epi (shortened to ep), meaning “over” or “upon” and ainos, meaning “praise.” Hence, it means to “lay praise upon someone.”

The words translated as “evildoers” and “those who do good” are kakopoiōn and agathopoiōn. Kakos means “evil” and agathos means “good” or “benevolent.” The second half of both words is a form of poieō, which means “to make” or “to do.” So you can see that these two words literally mean “those who do evil things” and “those who do good things.”


Meaning Explained

Peter continues the thought from yesterday. We should submit to Kings, but we should also submit to other government officials. The point is that we need to submit ourselves to anyone who has been set up by the king as a sub-ruler. In the first century these would include such people as Pontius Pilate and Herod, whom Christ submitted himself to, and Felix and Festus, whom the Apostle Paul submitted himself to.

The purpose of human government, according to Peter, is to maintain law and order. It is their responsibility to punish those who do evil things and to lay praise upon those who do good things. We are not to take these matters into our own hands; we are to submit to government, whether we like it or not.

In the next verse Peter will tell us that this is God’s will, and as Christians, we should all strive to do God’s will.

Submission is something that is frowned upon by our society, and the message proclaimed by the media today is to do your own thing, to stand up for your rights (after all, I’m worth it). That, according to the world system, is the way to happiness and peace. The Bible, on the other hand, says that the way to happiness and peace is to submit, first to God, then to others. What is seen as weakness by the world is the way to peace and happiness with God. Christ, Himself, was the supreme example of this as Peter will point out later in this chapter.



One of the problems with submitting to human government is the fact that it is made up largely of unsaved men and women. Some of them are even openly opposed to the ideals which we hold so dear. Nonetheless, we are to submit to them and give them the honor that is due as a result of their positions.

In God's service, for His glory,

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