Tag: not any more

Romans 14:13 – Judge Yourself

Therefore we should not judge one another anymore, but rather decide not to put a stumbling block or a hindrance in our brother's way.

Truth to Learn

Our actions should not hinder the relationship between our brother or sister and the Lord Jesus Christ; it should enhance it.


Behind the Words

Paul starts off this verse with the Greek word mēketi, which is made up of , meaning “not” and eti, meaning “anymore.” Hence, mēketi means, “not any more” or “no longer.” It carries the notion that there is something which was being done which will cease to be done.

This use of the verb “judge” is from the Greek verb krinō, which is in the subjunctive mood, implying action which is possible or probable. So this phrase is translated, “Therefore we should not judge one another anymore …”

“Decide” is also translated from krinō; however, here it is expressed in the imperative mood meaning “you must do this.” It is as if Paul were saying, “Therefore you should not judge one another anymore, but you must judge yourselves in this.”

The word translated “stumbling block” is proskomma, which refers to “something that someone hits or runs into.” Figuratively this refers to something that someone stubs their toe on or trips over.

The word translated “a hindrance” is skandalon, which is “the trigger of a trap which when touched causes the trap to close.”


Meaning Explained

This verse contains the second half of the conclusion that Paul started in the previous verse. There we were told that the reason we are not to judge other Christians is because each of us will give an account of ourselves, not of others, to God at the judgment seat of Christ.

Now he reiterates how we should behave toward other Christians. First, we are to stop condemning each other. Notice that Paul uses the pronoun “we” in this phrase, indicating that he, too, needs to stop judging other Christians.

The second thing that Paul tells us here is more forceful than the first. He commands us to judge our own actions so that we won’t cause other Christians to fall. And, we are to judge our own actions to ensure that we don’t do anything that will cause our Christian brother or sister to sin. In other words, we are to be constantly watching our own actions to ensure that what we do doesn’t either cause another Christian to stumble in their walk with God or cause them to become entrapped in sin.

Some translations express skandalon as “an offense.” Though this is a reasonable translation, it is often misunderstood. It does not refer to something that will offend another Christian, rather something that will cause them to be ensnared by sin.



Are you watching your Christian brothers and sisters in order to judge their actions as right or wrong? Or are you watching and judging yourself to ensure that you do not do something that will cause your brother or sister in Christ to stumble or sin?” Again, it’s a matter of where your focus is!

In God's service, for His glory,

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