Tag: peiidzonumi

Ephesians 6:14 – Truth and Righteousness

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

Truth to Learn

Truth and righteousness are two of the key pieces of our armor.


Behind the Words

“Stand” is translated from the Greek word histēmi, meaning “to stand.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating that it is a command.

The words “having girded” are from the Greek verb peridzonumi, which is composed of peri, meaning “around” or “about” and dzonnumi, meaning “to bind about” or “wrap around.” Thus, this word means to “wrap all the way around.” It is expressed here in the middle voice indicating something that you do to yourself.

 “Having put on” is translated from enduō, which we saw back in verse eleven. Like peridzonumi, it is expressed in the middle voice, indicating something you do to yourself. Also, these two words are both expressed as aorist participles, indicating that “having girded” and “having put on” are things we are to have already done before we try to stand against the enemy.

The word “breastplate” is translated from thōraka, which literally refers to “the chest.” It is also used metaphorically to refer to the piece of armor which covers the chest and back.


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has just informed us that we are in a spiritual, hand-to-hand battle with the forces of evil. We learned that this battle is one in which we are one-on-one against these spirit beings. They are part of Satan’s forces and they are opposed to God and anyone who aligns himself or herself with God. So, if you are a Christian, whether you like it or not, you are one of God’s soldiers engaged in warfare against evil.

The first thing we learn from today’s verse is that we are to battle from a standing position. In yesterday’s verse we learned that we are to “stand against” our adversary. As we take on the enemy, we are not to flee and we are not to yield ground. We are to stand firm. But before we stand against the enemy, we need to have our armor properly put in place.

Our first piece of armor is our belt. It is the foundation of our armor. Without it, our breastplate will not stay in place. So, what is our belt? It is truth! Truth is the foundation of our Christian faith. It is the truth of the gospel message that we believed in which secured our salvation. It is God’s truth, as revealed in the Bible, that we are to build our armor and our lives on.

Once we have wrapped ourselves with the belt of truth, we can put on our breastplate of righteousness. In the book of Romans we learned the truth that none of us is righteous, no not one (Romans 3:10). But we also learned in the third chapter of Romans that we received the righteousness of Christ when we believed the gospel message. According to James 2:23 righteousness was credited to Abraham when he believed. In the same way, when we believed the gospel of our salvation, God declared us to be as righteous as Jesus Christ in His record book. In God’s eyes, every Christian is just as righteous as Jesus Christ.



In order to use the truth, we have to know the truth. The best way to learn God’s truth is to read your Bible, not occasionally, but regularly and consistently. Learn God’s truth and learn about the righteousness that we have in Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

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