Tag: perform

Romans 7:18 – Surrender is the Key

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but to perform what is good is not.

Truth to Learn

We can’t work, or fight, our way to victory as a Christian.


Behind the Words

The word translated, “I know” is eidō, meaning “to see with perception.” By implication it means “to know” or “to be aware of.” This word is used here in the perfect tense, which indicates past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the ongoing effect. What Paul means is that he knows it and has known it for some time because he learned it sometime in the past. That is, it’s not new knowledge to him.

Thelō is the Greek word translated “will.” As we saw in verse 16, this refers to our determined will.

“Perform” is from the word katergadzomai, which we saw back in verse fifteen, meaning “to work fully, to finish, or to fully accomplish.”


Meaning Explained

Paul has just told us that it is the sin dwelling in him (that is, his sin nature, his predisposition to sin) that causes him to do things that he has determined not to do. He now amplifies that a little bit. He says that he is aware that there is nothing dwelling in his flesh (that is, dwelling in the non-spirit part of him) that is any good. You will recall that back in chapter 3 verses 9 and 10, Paul quoted part of Psalms 53:1-3 which says:

The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and have done abominable wickedness; there is no one doing good. God looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind, to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Every one has turned aside; they have together become corrupt; there is no one doing good, not even one.

The reason that there is no one doing good is because of this sin nature that dwells in each and every one of us. It is what drives us to do that which we don’t want to do and it is what keeps us from doing what we want to do.

Paul now restates the fact that he is determined to do what is good but he can’t. He says, “For to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good is not.” The determination (will) to do good is there, but how to accomplish it isn’t. As much as Paul is determined to do right, his sin nature won’t always let him do it.

That’s why we have said before that an unsaved person has no choice but to sin. There is no free will in those who are unsaved. Those of us who are saved, however, have the Holy Spirit living in us and we do have free will. We can choose to obey God by turning our will over to the Holy Spirit and letting Him have control of our lives. So you see, the only way we can have the free will to obey God is to surrender that will up to Him. Only then can we even hope to obey. And because we have a sin nature, we then take it back and exert our own will, leading us to sin. We all know how frustrating this is.



As we have said before, the way to victory in the Christian life is through surrender. We don’t stand up and fight to get the victory, we simply give in. It’s totally against everything we have ever learned. We have to surrender to win the battle. Let us all pray that we will continually surrender our will to Him who has declared us righteous. After all, we’re not righteous because we earned it, but because He declared it!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 7:18 – Surrender is the Key

Romans 7:18

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.

Truth to Learn

We can’t work, or fight, our way to victory as a Christian.

Behind the Words

The word translated, “I know” is eidō, meaning “to see with perception.” By implication it means “to know” or “to be aware of.” This word is used here in the perfect tense, which indicates past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the ongoing effect. What Paul means is that he knows it and has known it for some time because he learned it sometime in the past. That is, it’s not new knowledge to him.

Perform” is from the word katergadzomai, which we saw back in verse fifteen, meaning “to work fully, to finish, or to fully accomplish.”

Meaning Explained

Paul has just told us that it is the sin dwelling in him (that is, his sin nature, his predisposition to sin) that causes him to do things that he has determined not to do. He now amplifies that a little bit. He says that he is aware that there is nothing dwelling in his flesh (that is, dwelling in the non-spirit part of him) that is any good. You will recall that back in chapter 3 verses 9 and 10, Paul quoted part of Psalms 14:1-3 which says:

The fool has said in his heart, “there is no God!” They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good. Jehovah looked down from heaven on the sons of men, to see if there were any who understood and sought God. All have gone aside, together they are filthy; there is none who does good, no, not one.

The reason that there is no one who does good is because of this sin nature that dwells in each and every one of us. It is what drives us to do that which we don’t want to do and it is what keeps us from doing what we want to do.

Paul now restates the fact that he is determined to do what is good but he can’t. He says, “For to will is present with me, but how to fully accomplish what is good I do not find.” The determination (will) to do good is there, but how to accomplish it just isn’t. As much as Paul is determined to do right, his sin nature won’t let him do it.

That’s why we have said before that an unsaved person has no choice but to sin. There is no free will in those who are unsaved. Those of us who are saved, however, have the Holy Spirit living in us and we do have free will. We can choose to obey God by turning our will over to the Holy Spirit and letting Him have control of our lives. So you see, the only way we can have the free will to obey God is to surrender that will up to Him. Only then can we even hope to obey. And because we have a sin nature, we then take it back and exert our own will, leading us to sin.


As we have said before, the way to victory in the Christian life is through surrender. We don’t stand up and fight to get the victory, we simply give in. It’s totally against everything we have ever learned. We have to surrender to win the battle. Let us all pray that we will continually surrender our will to Him who has declared us righteous. After all, we’re not righteous because we earned it, but because He declared it!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:21 – Timeless Performance

Romans 4:21

and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.

Truth to Learn

God’s ability to keep His promises never changes.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “being fully convinced” is plērophoreō, which is a compound made up of plerēs, meaning “full,” and a form of phoreō, which means “to fill.” Hence, in its root meaning this word implies that something is “fully filled” or “completely full.” By implication it means “to fulfill, to thoroughly accomplish, or to be completely convinced.” In this case it means that Abraham’s faith was as complete and solid as humanly possible. There was no room for doubt.

Able” is translated from dunatos, which is the noun form of the verb dunamai, meaning “to be strong” or “to be able;” that is, to have the power to do something. Hence, dunatos means “having the power or ability.”

The word translated “is” is the verb eimi, which is the verb of being (“to be”). It is expressed here in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood which implies current action. In other words, it should be translated “He is.”

Perform” is from the Greek verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.”

Meaning Explained

You will recall that in the previous verse we noted Abraham’s faith was consistent and strong (not wavering at all) and his faith glorified God. This verse adds some further definition to that faith which Abraham had. The first thing that Paul says in this verse is that Abraham was fully convinced. This is another way of saying that he had no doubts at all. This may sound like a repetition of what was said in the previous verse, but there is a subtle difference. Not only was Abraham’s faith not wavering (growing stronger and weaker over time), but it was as fully filled-up as it could possibly be.

The thing that Abraham was fully convinced about was that God is able to do what He had promised (that Abraham would be the father of many nations). You will notice that I said “is able to do” not “was able to do.” As noted in “Behind the Words,” the form of this verb indicates current action (He is able to do). So what’s the significance of this? It is as significant as what Jesus said when He was discussing with the Jews about what it really means to be a son of Abraham. When the Jews asked Him if He was greater than Abraham, He said:

Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I AM! (John 8:58)

He did not say “before Abraham was, I was” because Jesus, being God, is eternal. He never ceases to exist and, in fact, He exists simultaneously at all points in time past, present, and future. Likewise in the verse we are looking at today, the Apostle Paul says, “what He had promised, He is also able to perform.


God’s ability to perform his promise to Abraham, and His ability to fulfill the promises that He makes to us today through his Word, never ceases to exist. He is always able to fulfill them. In other words, His power and His commitment to us are eternal and they never change. Hallelujah!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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