Tag: remembrance

1 Thessalonians 3:6 – Fond Memories

And now that Timothy has come to us from you, and has brought us good news of your faith and love, and that you always have good remembrance of us, greatly desiring to see us, as we also to see you—

Truth to Learn

Remember those who have helped you in your faith walk.


Behind the Words

The word “now” is translated from the Greek adverb arti, meaning “now, just now, or the present time.”

“Has come” is from the verb erchomai, meaning “to come” or “to go.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle, so it could be translated as “having come.”

The words “brought … good news” are from euangelidzō, which means “to announce good news.” It is the word from which we get our English word “evangelize.” Most often in the New Testament it is a reference to the good news of the gospel of Christ. Here, however, it refers to the good news about the firm faith of the Thessalonians.

“Remembrance” is translated from mneia, which refers to “a recollection” or “a specific memory about someone or something.”

Epipotheō is the Greek word translated “greatly desiring.” It is made up of epi, used as an intensifier and potheō, meaning “to desire or yearn for something.” Thus, epipotheō refers to a strong yearning or a strong desire.”


Meaning Explained

Before commenting on today’s verse, let’s look at the end of yesterday’s verse. Paul expressed concern that his labor among the Thessalonians might have been empty, or in vain. Some might interpret this as his concern that they had “lost their salvation.” This cannot be, since Paul teaches elsewhere that salvation is “eternal” and secure. Remember that the Thessalonians had been undergoing persecution, which tends to have a “weeding-out” effect on those who profess faith in Christ. Those lacking genuine faith will turn back in the face of such opposition, but true believers will grow and become stronger as a result of trials.

Today’s verse gives a clue regarding when and where this letter was written. Paul says that Timothy has just returned to him. If we look at Acts 18:5, we see that Paul was in Corinth when Timothy and Silvanus (Silas) returned to him from Macedonia. Since it was shortly after their return that Paul was taken before the proconsul Gallio, and we know from historical documents that Gallio was proconsul between AD 51 and AD 52, this letter must have been written around AD 50 or 51.

Upon his return, Timothy reported to Paul the wonderful news that not only has the Thessalonian persecution not driven people from the church, it seems to have solidified their faith. We also learn that they remembered Paul and his companions with good thoughts. This is particularly significant given the accusation that had been made against Paul.



For those of you who have been Christians for a long time, do you remember the people who were significant in your conversion and early grounding in the faith? How often have you given thanks to God for their faithfulness and dedication?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 3:6 – Fond Memories

But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and brought us good news of your faith and love, and that you always have good remembrance of us, greatly desiring to see us, as we also to see you—

Truth to Learn

Remember those who have helped you in your faith walk.

Behind the Words

The word “now” is translated from the Greek adverb arti, meaning “now, just now, or the present time.”

Has come” is from the verb erchomai, meaning “to come” or “to go.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle, so it could be translated as “having come.”

The words “brought … good news” are from euangelidzō, which means “to announce good news.” It is the word from which we get our English word “evangelize.” Most often in the New Testament it is a reference to the good news of the gospel of Christ. Here, however, it refers to the good news about the firm faith of the Thessalonians.

Remembrance” is translated from mneia, which refers to “a recollection” or “a specific memory about someone or something.”

Epipotheō is the Greek word translated “greatly desiring.” It is made up of epi, used as an intensifier and potheō, meaning “to desire or yearn for something.” Thus, epipotheō refers to a strong yearning or a strong desire.”

Meaning Explained

Before commenting on today’s verse, let’s look at the end of yesterday’s verse. Paul expressed concern that his labor among the Thessalonians might have been empty, or in vain. Some might interpret this as his concern that they had “lost their salvation.” This cannot be, since Paul teaches elsewhere that salvation is “eternal” and secure. Remember that the Thessalonians had been undergoing persecution, which tends to have a “weeding-out” effect on those who profess faith in Christ. Those lacking genuine faith will turn back in the face of such opposition, but true believers will grow and become stronger as a result of trials.

Today’s verse gives a clue regarding when and where this letter was written. Paul says that Timothy has just returned to him. If we look at Acts 18:5, we see that Paul was in Corinth when Timothy and Silvanus (Silas) returned to him from Macedonia. Since it was shortly after their return that Paul was taken before the proconsul Gallio, and we know from historical documents that Gallio was proconsul between AD 51 and AD 52, this letter must have been written around AD 50 or 51.

Upon his return, Timothy reported to Paul the wonderful news that not only has the Thessalonian persecution not driven people from the church, it seems to have solidified their faith. We also learn that they remembered Paul and his companions with good thoughts. This is particularly significant given the accusation that had been made against Paul.


For those of you who have been Christians for a long time, do you remember the people who were significant in your conversion and early grounding in the faith? How often have you given thanks to God for their faithfulness and dedication?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 1:2 – Prayer Warriors

We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers,

Truth to Learn

Our ministry should be focused on what God will do for others.

Behind the Words

The words “We give thanks” are translated from the Greek verb eucharisteō, which is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of charidzomai, meaning “to grant” or “to give.” The basic meanings of this word include “to show oneself to be pleased or grateful” or “to give thanks.”

Always” is from pantote, which is a compound word composed of pan, meaning “all” or “every” and tote, which literally means “the when,” but by usage it means “then.” So a completely literal translation of this word would be “every when,” that is, “at all times.”

Making mention” is translated from poioumenoi mneian. Poioumenoi is the present participle of the verb poieō (to make), so it literally means “making.” Mneian is based on the verb mnaomai, meaning “to remember.” Thus mneian refers to “a remembrance.” So, Paul is literally saying “making a remembrance of you …”

The word translated “prayers” is proseuchē, which is made up of pros, meaning “to” or “toward” and a form of euchomai, meaning “to wish” or “to pray.” Proseuchē refers specifically to a prayer (or wish) expressed to God.

Meaning Explained

We see something here that is very characteristic of the Apostle Paul. He is a person of prayer as much as (perhaps even more than) he is a preacher. His letters often talk about how he remembers in his prayers, and is thankful for, those to whom he is writing (Romans 1:9; 1 Corinthians 1:4; Ephesians 1:16; Philippians 1:4; Colossians 1:3; 2 Timothy 1:3; Philemon 1:4). We also see here an example of how often Paul is engaged in prayer (pantote = “every when”), that is, all the time. Based on what he has written to this church and others, Paul was constantly in prayer. Perhaps, he was not audibly praying at all times, but he seems to have been in constant communication with our Heavenly Father. He obviously practiced what he preached, for later in this very letter he admonishes his readers to “pray without ceasing” (1Thessalonians 5:17).

However, Paul was not a lonely prayer warrior. He states very clearly here that “We give thanks …” It appears that Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy spent time together praying about their ministry and praying for those to whom they ministered. These servants of God did not just preach the gospel to one group of people and then move on to preach to others, forgetting those to whom they ministered as soon as they were out of sight. No, they made constant remembrances of every church they had ministered to and probably remembered most of the people by name.

These faithful ministers were not focused on what God would do for them; they were focused on what God would do for others through them.


Do you have a specific ministry within the church? If so, are you ministering to others for what you can get out of it, or are you ministering to others for what they can get from God? And, do you pray regularly for those to whom you minister?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved