Tag: suddenly come upon

1 Thessalonians 2:16 – Proclaim It Fearlessly

hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved, so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has suddenly come upon them to the uttermost.

Truth to Learn

Christians are to share the Gospel, in spite of persecution.


Behind the Words

“Hindering” is translated from the Greek verb kōluō, which is related to the noun kolos, which refers to “a dwarf.” The verb kōluō means “to weaken” or “to cut off.” In its common usage, it means “to hinder, restrain, or prevent.”

Laleō is the verb translated “speaking.” It refers to verbal conversation in general, as opposed to the content of the conversation, which would be the word legō.

The word “Gentiles” is from the Greek noun ethnos. This word literally refers to “a group of people belonging and living together.” In Greek secular writing, it primarily refers to “a race of people” or “a nation.” The Jews used this word to refer to anyone who was not a Jew, that is, a Gentile.

“Saved” is translated from sodzō, which means “to rescue from danger or destruction.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of it happening.

“Always” is translated from pantote, which is made up of a form of pas, meaning “all” and tote, meaning “then.” Therefore, pantote means “all the time.”

The words “fill up” are from anaplēroō. This is composed of ana, meaning “up,” used as an intensifier, and plēroō, meaning “to fill.” Thus, anaplēroō means “to fill up completely.

The words “has suddenly come upon” are from the verb phthanō, meaning “to come suddenly and unexpectedly.”

“Uttermost” is from telos, meaning “the termination,” “the completion,” or “the end.”


Meaning Explained

The Thessalonian Christians were just told that they are suffering in the same way as the Christians in Judea, at the hands of their own countrymen. Paul now describes the motivation behind such persecution. He says that their countrymen were hindering them from having conversations with the people around them so that these people might not hear and believe the gospel message, thus getting saved.

This sounds very contemporary, doesn’t it? Even in our own country, which was originally based on religious freedom and the freedom of speech, our countrymen are trying to prevent us from spreading the good news. Prayer has been taken out of our schools and teachers are forbidden from sharing the Gospel message. Discussions about sin and salvation are hindered in the workplace and many government offices have forbidden the display of Christian materials.

But Paul tells us that the consequences of such hindering of the Gospel will be far worse for those who are hindering our witness than they will be for us. Their actions will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment and they will experience the wrath of God, while we will only know the peace of God.



Don’t be discouraged from sharing the Gospel message with people around you. Keep in mind that it is “… the power of God unto salvation …” (Romans 1:16) that causes people to believe, not your own persuasiveness.

In God's service, for His glory,

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