Tag: terror

Romans 13:3 – Fear Prevention

For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil works. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from him.

Truth to Learn

Good works overcome fear.


Behind the Words

The word translated “rulers,” is the Greek word archōn, which literally means “one who is first, either in time or in position.” By application this word means anyone who has power or authority over us.

“Terror” is from the noun phobos, which is derived from the verb phebomai, meaning “to flee from.” Hence, phobos refers to “fear or terror.” In the current verse it could be translated as “a fearsome thing.”

The word translated “praise” is epainos, meaning “recognition, laudation, or praise.”


Meaning Explained

Let’s remember as we’re going through this portion of Paul’s letter to the predominantly Jewish Christians in Rome that it was written around 56 A.D. This was only 2 years after Nero, one of the worst Christian haters ever, came to power as the Emperor of Rome. The Christians who were living in Rome at that time would have been under the most scrutiny of any group of people in the entire Roman Empire, and you can be sure that their treatment was anything but fair. It is likely that Paul has included this portion of his letter for that very reason. Let’s see what he said.

Paul’s use of the term “rulers” here is very likely a direct reference to Nero and his henchmen. He says that the rulers are not a terror, or a fearsome thing, to the good works but to the bad ones. The purpose of any ruler is to promote good works in the people, not evil deeds. No ruler wants the people subject to him or her to be disobedient and lawless. In many cases, as was particularly true of the emperors of Rome, the rulers considered themselves above the law, but they still wanted their subjects to obey the laws.

Paul then asks a rhetorical question, “Do you want to live without fear of the people in power?” His immediate response is, “Then do good and the rulers will praise you.”

I can hear the Roman Christians’ objection even now, “But Paul, this is Nero who is intentionally persecuting Christians. You want us to submit to his authority?!” And Paul’s answer would be an unequivocal, “Absolutely!” You see, God’s plan for us includes submitting to all who are in authority over us whether they are benevolent or tyrannical. God is aware of our circumstances, and He is the one who will ultimately judge us the rulers for their evil deeds and reward us for our good deeds. Keep in mind that submission and obedience are good deeds in God’s eyes. But remember, we are always to obey the highest authority and that is God, Himself.



No matter how corrupt our political rulers may be, they are not likely to be as self-serving and powerful as many of the Roman emperors were. But our Ruler is greater than all earthly rulers and He wants to receive all the praise and glory, for He is worthy! No matter what you may be going through or who may be causing you to suffer, let’s remember to always keep our eyes focused on Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 13:3 – Fear Prevention

Romans 13:3 – Fear Prevention

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

Truth to Learn

Good works overcome fear.

Behind the Words

The word translated “rulers,” is the Greek word archōn, which literally means “one who is first, either in time or in position.” By application this word means anyone who has power or authority over us.

Terror” is from the noun phobos, which is derived from the verb phebomai, meaning “to flee from.” Hence, phobos refers to “fear or terror.” In the current verse it could be translated as “a fearsome thing.”

The word translated “praise” is epainos, meaning “recognition, laudation, or praise.”

Meaning Explained

Let’s remember as we’re going through this portion of Paul’s letter to the predominantly Jewish Christians in Rome that it was written around 56 A.D. This was only 2 years after Nero, one of the worst Christian haters ever, came to power as the Emperor of Rome. The Christians who were living in Rome at that time would have been under the most scrutiny of any group of people in the entire Roman Empire, and you can be sure that their treatment was anything but fair. It is likely that Paul has included this portion of his letter for that very reason. Let’s see what he said.

Paul’s use of the term “rulers” here is very likely a direct reference to Nero and his henchmen. He says that the rulers are not a terror, or a fearsome thing, to the good works but to the bad ones. The purpose of any ruler is to promote good works in the people, not evil deeds. No ruler wants the people subject to him or her to be disobedient and lawless. In many cases, as was particularly true of the emperors of Rome, the rulers considered themselves above the law, but they still wanted their subjects to obey the laws.

Paul then asks a rhetorical question, “Do you want to live without fear of the people in power?” His immediate response is, “Then do good and the rulers will praise you.”

I can hear the Roman Christians’ objection even now, “But Paul, this is Nero who is intentionally persecuting Christians. You want us to submit to his authority?!” And Paul’s answer would be an unequivocal, “Absolutely!” You see, God’s plan for us includes submitting to all who are in authority over us whether they are benevolent or tyrannical. God is aware of our circumstances, and He is the one who will ultimately judge us (and the rulers) for our evil deeds and reward us for our good deeds. Keep in mind that submission and obedience are good deeds in God’s eyes. But remember, we are always to obey the highest authority and that is God, Himself.


No matter how corrupt our political rulers may be, they are not likely to be as self-serving and powerful as many of the Roman emperors. But our Ruler is greater than all earthly rulers and He wants to receive all the praise and glory, for He is worthy! No matter what you may be going through or who may be causing you to suffer, let’s remember to always keep our eyes focused on Him!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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