Ephesians 4:19 – Numb, Uncontrolled, and Unclean

who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Truth to Learn

The unsaved are in a hopeless state. Offer them hope!

Behind the Words

The words “being past feeling” are from the Greek verb apalgeō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and algeō, meaning “to feel pain.” Apalgeō means “unable to feel pain” or “numb.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating “having lost feeling at some point in the past so that they are now unable to feel.” Based on the context, this is not referring to physical feeling, but emotional or spiritual feeling.

Have given themselves” is from the verb paradidōmi, which is made up of para, meaning “to the side of” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” It is a picture of surrendering self or possessions to someone of greater power.

Lewdness” is translated from aselgeia, which literally refers to “the inability to control oneself.” As it is used in the New Testament, it refers to “the absence of restraint, especially with regard to pleasure, sexual or otherwise.”

The word “uncleanness” is from akatharsia, which is made up of the negative particle a and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “that which is unclean.”

Greediness” is translated from pleonexia, which refers to “covetousness” or “greediness.”

Meaning Explained

Two verses back Paul told us not to walk as other Gentiles (unsaved) who spend their lives living by their intellect instead of their spirit. He went on to say that because of sin these unbelievers have a heart that is hardened and they are unable to acknowledge or understand the salvation that God offers. As a result, they do not participate in the spiritual life (eternal life) that God offers to them.

Now he tells us a bit more about the unsaved mind. These people, he says, are unable to feel. This is probably a reference to their inability to feel hope. They are like the Israelites described by the prophet Jeremiah:

And they said, "That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart." (Jeremiah 18:12)

As a result of their hopelessness they have stopped even trying to control their physical desires. Instead, they give in to their desires and perform all kinds of unclean acts, doing so focused only on satisfying those desires.

Even a cursory look at the world today will tell us that Paul is spot on with this description. Not only do the unsaved behave exactly as he has described, but they are getting more so with each passing day.


It would be easy to get discouraged and to develop a feeling of hopelessness when we see all that is going on around us in the world today. However, we are not hopeless. We have a hope and a glorious future because of our faith in Christ. Instead of feeling down, lift your spirits and proclaim the Gospel message of hope and salvation to those around you. Give God the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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