Tag: pleonexia

Romans 1:29 – Stuffed With Sin

being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,

Truth to Learn

When we reject God we are filled with all kinds of sin.


Behind the Words

“being filled with.” (plēroō) – to fill-up completely. The sense is that it is filled up as completely as possible, stuffed full. It is expressed here in the passive voice, meaning that it is something that was done to them.

“unrighteousness” (adikia) – that which is not conformable with justice, or that which is wrong.

“sexual immorality” (porneia) – The root of the English word pornography – fornication, lewdness, or any sexual sin.

“wickedness” (ponēria) – evilness, wickedness, maliciousness, of an evil disposition.

“covetousness” (pleonexia) – covetousness or greediness and, by implication, fraudulency or extortion.

“maliciousness” (kakia) – badness. That is, wickedness as an evil habit of the mind.

“envy” (phthonos) – envy or jealousy. Particularly the pain felt at the sight of excellence or happiness of someone else.

 “strife” (eris) – strife, contention, or constant arguing.

“deceit” (dolos) – to bait, implying trickery, deceit, and fraud.

“evil-mindedness” (kakoētheia) – bad character or disposition.

“whisperers” (psithuristēs) – secret slanderers.


Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse we learned that since these rejecters of God did not what to retain God in their knowledge, He surrendered them to a condition where they became incapable of making good judgments. The result of this is that they do those things which are inappropriate.

Paul now says that these people, after they were surrendered by God to a mind incapable of discerning what is right, were then filled with a host of personal characteristics as described above. Is it any wonder that the foes of God in this world will go to any length to discredit and destroy the church and anyone who professes a relationship with God? And this is only a partial list of personal characteristics of those who reject God.

Lest we get too high on our own pedestal, however, let me remind you that all of us are capable of these things. They are part of our sin nature, and any of these things can rear its ugly head in any one of us when we get away from that close relationship with God, our Father. The difference is that we know God, and we can confess our sinfulness to Him, knowing that we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one, whose blood cleanses us from all sin.

They, on the other hand, have rejected God and have no one to turn to for cleansing or mercy. And someday they will face the Judge, the One whom they have rejected!



We can all think of people who are filled with one or more of these selfish sins, perhaps even people in the church! But let’s all look at our own lives and ensure that we are not controlled by any of these things. And, instead of shaking our finger at others in a condemning manner, let’s pray for them.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:14 – Greedy Practice

Having eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning, seducing unstable souls, having a heart trained in greed, they are accursed children;

Truth to Learn

False teachers serve themselves, not those whom they teach.


Behind the Words

The word translated “seducing” is deleadzō, which means “to entrap with bait.” It is a picture of a fisherman (like Peter) who baits a hook with the intent of ensnaring the fish.

“Unstable” is translated from astēriktos, which is made up of the privative a and stēridzō, meaning “firm or established.” Hence, this word means “unstable, unsteady, or unsettled.”

The word “trained” is from gumnadzō (from which we get our English word gymnasium), which means “to practice.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense which implies past completed action with an ongoing effect. In other words, they are “well practiced.”

“Greed” is translated from the Greek word pleonexia, which refers to “covetousness or greediness.”


Meaning Explained

Peter has been quite open in his condemnation of these false teachers, and he has still more to say about them. He says that they have “eyes full of adultery,” which can be literally translated as “eyes full of an adulteress.”  What he is saying is that even at these feasts where they are ostensibly “fellowshipping with other believers,” these false teachers cannot even look upon a woman without lustful thoughts. They are, as Peter has said previously, totally consumed in their fleshly lusts, and now he also says that they “never stop sinning;” they allow their eyes to lead their souls into sin without any hindrance whatsoever.

Once again, let me remind you that, outwardly, these false teachers are pious and righteous, pretending to teach the word of truth but instead they are corrupting the message, turning it into their own message instead of God’s message. Their purpose, of course, is to satisfy their own desires for power, possessions, and passion. These false teachers are preying on the souls of immature or unstable Christians with a message that, instead of freeing them, is entrapping them further in their ways of sin. And, these false teachers were well practiced in greedy covetousness.

These false teachers are not at all what they appear to be. Perhaps they do not even recognize what it is that is driving them. Instead of being caring and loving shepherds of the flock entrusted to them, they are more focused on what they can get out of the flock than what they can give to the flock. Their message may sound, innocent, and comforting, but their real purpose is not to meet the spiritual needs of the flock but to meet their own physical needs.



The next time you hear a message that doesn’t seem quite right, let me urge you to be like the Christians of Berea in Acts 17:11 who “searched the scriptures daily to see whether these things are so.” Do not assume that because they are in the pulpit they have some special revelation from God regarding the truth of the Word. Check it out yourself and let the Spirit of God teach you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:3 – Snake Oil Preaching

And by covetousness, with deceitful words they will use you for gain, whose judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction does not sleep

Truth to Learn

Not every message delivered from the pulpit comes from God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “covetousness” is the Greek word pleonexia, which means, “fraudulent practice driven by greed.”

The next expression is, “deceitful words.” This comes from the Greek words plastois logois. We have seen the word logos before, meaning “a word or a message.” The other word here is plastos, from which we get our English word “plastic.” This Greek word means “molded” or “purposely shaped.” Today we refer to this kind of language as “spin.”

The verb “will use you for gain” comes from the Greek word emporeuomai, which means “to travel about as a merchant or trader.” The way it’s used here it means “to make merchandise of people.”


Meaning Explained

We have been talking about false prophets of the past and false teachers of the present. Peter now tells us what is driving their actions and how they operate. His imagery is that of a snake oil salesman traveling about, taking advantage of uneducated people by way of well chosen but intentionally misleading words so as to make the message sound the way people want it to sound for the purpose of taking their money. These false teachers that Peter is talking about are presenting messages that will inspire and comfort people so that they will give to the ministry and meet the selfish desires of the false teachers.

Their deception is as old as sin itself, driven by the same selfishness that drove Satan to deceive Eve with molded words that may have sounded good but lead to destruction. Peter tells us (literal translation of the second half of today’s verse):

their long standing judgment is not idle and their destruction is not dozing-off

In other words, the same judgment that has been given concerning this type of deception from of old will be applied to these false teachers of today without fail. They may think that they are getting away with something, but their destruction is sure.

These false teachers are occupying many of our church pulpits today, delivering homilies and sermons that bless the hearts of the hearers, while leading them straight to Hell. Their messages are soothing and even inspiring, but they are not the messages that God wants delivered. The messages are intended to please the people rather than to proclaim the message of sacrifice, commitment, and submission. These are the deceptive messages that church members are willing to pay for. How sad!



The next time you hear your pastor preach a message that is straight from The Word, one that pricks your heart, causing you to once again submit yourself to the God of all creation, tell him thank you for taking the road less traveled and being God’s instrument of righteousness.

But, perhaps you go to church on Sunday to be soothed and comforted. If so, you may be buying snake oil!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:3 – Do What Fits

But let not fornication and all uncleanness or greediness not be named among you, as is fitting for saints;

Truth to Learn

We are saints, so we need to learn to live like saints.


Behind the Words

The word “fornication” is translated from the Greek word porneia. This word is indirectly derived from pornos, referring to a man who sells himself to others for sex. Porneia refers to any sexual act other than that between a man and a woman who are married to each other.

“Uncleanness” is from akatharsia, which is composed of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of kathairo, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to anything that is “unclean.” This word typically refers to something that is legally or ceremonially unclean. It was often used in reference to idolatrous worship practices of the heathen.

“Greediness” is translated from pleonexia, which is derived from the noun pleion, meaning “more” and echo, meaning “to have.” This word refers to the condition in which a person is not satisfied with what he or she has, greedily wanting more.

Onomadzō is the Greek word translated “named.” It is derived from the noun onoma, meaning “a name.” The verb onomadzō means “to call by name” or “to mention.” This verb is expressed as a present, passive, imperative verb. The word “let” is the clue in English that it is an imperative (command). This is a difficult verb to express properly in English. It is NOT saying, “Don’t permit these things to be named among you.” Rather it is saying, “These things are not to be named among you!”

“Fitting” is from prepō, which means “to tower up,” that is “to be eminent or distinguished.” In the form used in today’s verse it means “that which is proper, acceptable, or fitting.”

“Saints” is from hagios, meaning “that which is set apart from common use to be used in the service of God.”


Meaning Explained

Previously Paul told us that as children of God we should mimic the thoughts and actions of our Father. The primary way of doing that is to demonstrate a real love for others the way our God has demonstrated His love for us. And, not only are we God’s children, we are now saints. That doesn’t mean that the church leadership has declared us to be saints because of all the good we’ve done and all the miracles we’ve performed. The church doesn’t make someone a saint, God does.

When we were saved, God adopted us as His children. He also sanctified us; that is to say, He set us apart. We are no longer part of the world system any more than we are part of Satan’s family. This is a theological concept known as “positional sanctification.” But, we’re not perfect and we won’t be until that day when God calls us home. Until that day we need to become more like our Father. This is called “progressive sanctification,” as the Apostle Peter described:

but as He who called you is holy, you also become holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Become holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16)

The word translated “holy” is the same word as “sanctified.” One way to mimic our Father is to avoid those things that don’t “fit” our new position, and three of those things are mentioned in today’s verse: fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness.



Want to be more like your Heavenly Father? Continue to study God’s Word and put what you learn into practice. Change your behavior and become more sanctified to, and for, God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:19 – Numb, Uncontrolled, and Unclean

who, being past feeling, have surrendered themselves to lewdness, to the working of all uncleanness with greediness.

Truth to Learn

The unsaved are in a hopeless state. Offer them hope!


Behind the Words

The words “being past feeling” are from the Greek verb apalgeō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and algeō, meaning “to feel pain.” Apalgeō means “unable to feel pain” or “to be numb.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating “having lost feeling at some point in the past so that they are now unable to feel.” Based on the context, this is not referring to physical feeling, but emotional or spiritual feeling.

“Have surrendered" is from the verb paradidōmi, which is made up of para, meaning “to the side of” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” It is a picture of surrendering self or possessions to someone of greater power.

“Lewdness” is translated from aselgeia, which literally refers to “the inability to control oneself.” As it is used in the New Testament, it refers to “the absence of restraint, especially with regard to pleasure, sexual or otherwise.”

The word “uncleanness” is from akatharsia, which is made up of the negative particle a, and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “that which is unclean, either morally or physically.”

“Greediness” is translated from pleonexia, which refers to “covetousness” or “greediness.”


Meaning Explained

Two verses back Paul told us not to walk as other Gentiles (unsaved) who spend their lives living by their intellect instead of their spirit. He went on to say that because of sin these unbelievers have a heart that is hardened and they are unable to acknowledge or understand the salvation that God offers. As a result, they do not participate in the spiritual life (eternal life) that God offers to them.

Now he tells us a bit more about the unsaved mind. These people, he says, are unable to feel. This may be a reference to their inability to feel hope. They are like the Israelites described by the prophet Jeremiah:

And they said, "That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart." (Jeremiah 18:12)

As a result of their hopelessness they have stopped even trying to control their physical desires. Instead, they give in to their desires and perform all kinds of unclean acts, doing so focused only on satisfying their own sinful desires.

Even a cursory look at the world today will tell us that Paul is spot on with this description. Not only do the unsaved behave exactly as he has described, but they are getting more so with each passing day.



It would be easy to get discouraged and to develop a feeling of hopelessness when we see all that is going on around us in the world today. However, we are not hopeless. We have a hope and a glorious future because of our faith in Christ. Instead of feeling down, lift your spirits and proclaim the Gospel message of hope and salvation to those around you. And – give God all the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:3 – Do What Fits

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints;

Truth to Learn

We are saints, so we need to learn to live like saints.

Behind the Words

The word “fornication” is translated from the Greek word porneia. This word is indirectly derived from pornos, referring to a man who sells himself to others for sex. Porneia refers to any sexual act other than that between a man and a woman who are married to each other.

Uncleanness” is from akatharsia, which is composed of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of kathairo, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to anything that is “unclean.” This word typically refers to something that is legally or ceremonially unclean. It was often used in reference to idolatrous worship practices of the heathen.

Covetousness” is translated from pleonexia, which is derived from the noun pleion, meaning “more” and echo, meaning “to have.” This word refers to the condition in which a person is not satisfied with what he or she has, greedily wanting more.

Onomadzō is the Greek word translated “named.” It is derived from the noun onoma, meaning “a name.” The verb onomadzō means “to call by name” or “to mention.”

Fitting” is from prepō, which means “to tower up,” that is “to be eminent or distinguished.” In the form used in today’s verse it means “that which is proper, acceptable, or fitting.”

Saints” is from hagios, meaning “that which is set apart from common use to be used in the service of God.”

Meaning Explained

Previously Paul told us that as children of God we should mimic the thoughts and actions of our Father. The primary way of doing that is to demonstrate a real love for others the way our God has demonstrated His love for us. And, not only are we now God’s children, we are saints. That doesn’t mean that the church leadership has declared us to be saints because of all the good we’ve done and all the miracles we’ve performed. The church doesn’t make someone a saint, God does.

When we were saved, God adopted us as His children. He also sanctified us; that is to say, He set us apart. We are no longer part of the world system any more than we are part of Satan’s family. This is a theological concept known as “positional sanctification.” But, we’re not perfect and we won’t be until that day when God calls us home. Until that day we need to become more like our Father. This is called “progressive sanctification,” as the Apostle Peter described:

but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16)

The word translated “holy” is the same word as “sanctified.” One way to mimic our Father is to avoid those things that don’t “fit” our new position, and three of those things are mentioned in today’s verse: fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness.


Want to be more like your Heavenly Father? Continue to study God’s Word and put what you learn into practice. Change your behavior and become more sanctified to, and for, God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 4:19 – Numb, Uncontrolled, and Unclean

who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Truth to Learn

The unsaved are in a hopeless state. Offer them hope!

Behind the Words

The words “being past feeling” are from the Greek verb apalgeō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and algeō, meaning “to feel pain.” Apalgeō means “unable to feel pain” or “numb.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating “having lost feeling at some point in the past so that they are now unable to feel.” Based on the context, this is not referring to physical feeling, but emotional or spiritual feeling.

Have given themselves” is from the verb paradidōmi, which is made up of para, meaning “to the side of” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” It is a picture of surrendering self or possessions to someone of greater power.

Lewdness” is translated from aselgeia, which literally refers to “the inability to control oneself.” As it is used in the New Testament, it refers to “the absence of restraint, especially with regard to pleasure, sexual or otherwise.”

The word “uncleanness” is from akatharsia, which is made up of the negative particle a and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse.” Thus, akatharsia refers to “that which is unclean.”

Greediness” is translated from pleonexia, which refers to “covetousness” or “greediness.”

Meaning Explained

Two verses back Paul told us not to walk as other Gentiles (unsaved) who spend their lives living by their intellect instead of their spirit. He went on to say that because of sin these unbelievers have a heart that is hardened and they are unable to acknowledge or understand the salvation that God offers. As a result, they do not participate in the spiritual life (eternal life) that God offers to them.

Now he tells us a bit more about the unsaved mind. These people, he says, are unable to feel. This is probably a reference to their inability to feel hope. They are like the Israelites described by the prophet Jeremiah:

And they said, "That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart." (Jeremiah 18:12)

As a result of their hopelessness they have stopped even trying to control their physical desires. Instead, they give in to their desires and perform all kinds of unclean acts, doing so focused only on satisfying those desires.

Even a cursory look at the world today will tell us that Paul is spot on with this description. Not only do the unsaved behave exactly as he has described, but they are getting more so with each passing day.


It would be easy to get discouraged and to develop a feeling of hopelessness when we see all that is going on around us in the world today. However, we are not hopeless. We have a hope and a glorious future because of our faith in Christ. Instead of feeling down, lift your spirits and proclaim the Gospel message of hope and salvation to those around you. Give God the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.