Ephesians 5:16 – Time and Eternity

redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Truth to Learn

You only have one life. Live it with eternity in view.

Behind the Words

The word “redeeming” is translated from the Greek word exagoradzō, which is made up of ex, meaning “out of” and agoradzō meaning “to buy” (the marketplace of the first century was called the agora). Hence, exagoradzō, literally means “to buy and take out of the marketplace.” Figuratively it refers to “rescuing something from loss.” This is the sense in which Paul uses it in today’s verse.

Time” is from kairos, for which there really is no English equivalent. A different Greek word, chronos, refers to a space of time, that is, a succession of minutes. Kairos, on the other hand, can refer to “an occasion or opportunity,” or it can refer to an indefinite period of time, “a season.” As used here, it probably refers to “the lifetime that we are currently living.”

Evil” is translated from ponēros, which is derived from ponos, referring to “sorrow, pain, or hard labor.” Ponēros properly refers to the influence or the effect of that which is bad. A different Greek word, kakos, refers to “that which is inherently bad.”

Meaning Explained

In order to fully understand today’s verse, we have to combine it with yesterday’s:

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Yesterday we learned the word “circumspectly” probably should have been translated as “carefully.” And, though we didn’t touch on it yesterday, the word “fools” is really “unwise ones.” So, we are to keep an eye on our own behavior, being careful to live in God’s light, loving those around us and behaving as God would have us behave.

Throughout his writings, Paul gives us a lot of things that we shouldn’t do and even more things that we should do. Some Christians will grasp hold of one or two things he says and cling to those ideas almost to the exclusion of all the others. The result is often a “splinter denomination” that doesn’t further the cause of Christ. Other Christians are so ignorant of what the New Testament teaches that they are easily swayed by beautiful sounding sermons that are not based on Biblical truth. Paul says we should not live like such unwise people, but as wise Christians, those who know God’s truths and who have learned how to properly apply what they have learned.

Why is it so important for us to live our Christian lives carefully and with wisdom? Because we live in an evil time! The influence of the world system under Satan’s leadership is not godly, it is evil. Without the light of Christ, this world will not get better, it will only get worse. So, rescue every minute you have in this life. Don’t let your life slip away filled with evil actions or indifference. Use every minute you have to live the kind of life that glorifies God.


Our life on this earth is short. We can live it focusing on self and appear before the Judgment seat of Christ empty handed. Or – we can totally give ourselves over to God, so that He will receive all the glory. If we do the latter, we will receive crowns that we can cast at His feet with gratitude.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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