2 Thessalonians 3:4 – Obey Your Commander

And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you.

Truth to Learn

It’s up to Him and He is faithful. But, it’s also up to us to do our part.

Behind the Words

We have confidence” is translated from the Greek verb peithō, which, as we learned in the previous verse, means “to win over” or “to persuade.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense, indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the ongoing effect. Therefore, Paul is saying “we were persuaded (in the past) and now have belief (confidence) …”

The words “you do” and “you will do” are from the verb poieō, which means “to make” or “to do.” In the first case it is expressed in the present tense, and in the second case it is expressed in the future tense. Thus, Paul is saying “… that you do now and you will do in the future …”

Parangellō is the Greek word translated “command.” It is composed of para, meaning “near” or “beside” and angellō, meaning “to tell” or “to declare.” It is used in a military sense of “relaying an order from the commander from one soldier to the next.”

Meaning Explained

In the first chapter of this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul commended them on the manner in which their faith was growing exceedingly and in the love which they demonstrated towards each other. He also encouraged them that God would take vengeance against those who persecuted them. In the second chapter, he cleared up some confusion they had concerning the Day of the Lord and explained why that time had not yet arrived. In this third chapter, Paul is giving them (and us) some practical teaching regarding how to have a profitable and fruitful Christian walk.

As we mentioned in the previous verse, the Apostle Paul is making a play on words here regarding the Greek word pistis (faith). In verse two he stated that “… not all have faith.” Then in yesterday’s verse he said, “but the Lord is faithful …” Now he states, “and we have confidence (faith) …” He is clearly showing that a fruitful Christian life is based not just on the working of God but also on our own responsibility. God will guard us and protect us from the evil one, but we have to do our part in performing the things that are commanded of us.

A fruitful and rewarding Christian walk is not easy. Any Christian who says he or she doesn’t daily have battles against his or her sin nature and the schemes of our adversary is deluding himself or herself. Once we have believed the truth about our own sinfulness and have accepted the payment that Jesus Christ made for us with his blood, we don’t simply float through life with bliss and ease. The day of our salvation did not mark the end our troubles and battles in life, it marked the beginning. God has done his part and He will continue to guard our salvation, but it is up to us to make this new life count for Him.


If you are a born again Christian, then you are facing struggles and battles right now. We all do! They may be big or they may be small, but don’t despair and don’t give up. God is doing His part; you have to do yours.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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