2 Thessalonians 3:16 – No Worries, Mate

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.

Truth to Learn

There is no cause for worry when the Lord of peace is our God.

Behind the Words

Lord” is from the Greek noun kurios, which is based on kuros, meaning “might, power, or control.” Kurios refers to someone who has supreme authority or control over someone else.

The word translated “peace” is eirēnē. It can refer to an absence of war and dissention, that is, harmony among individuals. However, it can also refer to peace of mind and mental tranquility. It is a state in which there is no perceived threat or cause for worry present.

Autos is the Greek word translated “Himself.” This word literally means “self” and is used for emphasis, setting apart “the Lord” from everyone and everything else. In Greek, word order is very important and in the Greek text of this verse, the word autos is the first word, making it emphatic that it is the Lord and no one else who gives us peace.

Always” and “every” are both translated from forms of the word pas, which contains the idea of oneness and a totality of the whole.

The word “way” is from the Greek word tropō, which literally means “a turn” as one would turn from one path to another. It is used symbolically to refer to “a general manner of life.”

Meaning Explained

Having finished his teaching in this letter, Paul now closes with a benediction, as is his custom. The expression “the Lord of peace Himself” is found nowhere else in the New Testament, although Paul uses the expression “the God of peace Himself” in his first letter to the Christian believers in the church at Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Why is it so important for him to refer to the God of peace or the master of peace? You will recall that the purpose of both of these letters was to correct some false teaching regarding the Day of the Lord. Because of this false teaching, the believers in Thessalonica were confused and concerned that they had missed the rapture and were living during the time of God’s great wrath. Now having corrected this teaching, Paul wanted the Thessalonians to stop worrying and, instead, experience peace in their lives. As the God of peace and the master of peace, only He can provide us with this “peace that surpasses all understanding,” as Paul called it in Philippians 4:7.

Notice that God can give us this peace at all times no matter what is occurring in our lives. “But I don’t feel at peace right now,” you may say. If we believe that Jesus Christ is a loving God, the God of peace, and He is our Lord, the one who has supreme authority over every aspect of our lives, then we don’t have to worry. He will provide for us. He will watch over us. He will protect us. He will guide us. And, He will keep all His promises. What is there to worry about?


Worry is nothing more that lack of trust. No matter what your circumstances, God is there beside you and will take care of you. Work hard and trust in Him. If you do, there’s nothing to worry about, is there?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved



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