1 Corinthians 2:5 – Wisdom vs. Power

that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

Truth to Learn

Man’s message may be wise, but God’s message is powerful.

Behind the Words

The word translated “faith” is pistis. This is the noun form of the verb peithō, which means “to win over,” “to persuade,” or “to convince.” Therefore, pistis refers to “belief in, or reliance on, an idea” or “conviction.”

The words “should … be” are from the Greek verb eimi, which is the verb of being (I am, you are, he is). It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of occurrence. It is often translated as “should be, may be, or might be.”

Sophia is the word translated “wisdom,” which we have looked at several times recently. It refers to “wisdom, skill, tact, or expertise.” It is based on sophos, which does not refer to the possession of knowledge, but the skill in applying that knowledge in the affairs of life.

Power” is from the Greek word dunamis, which refers to “the ability, authority, or power to do something.” However, this word emphasizes the accomplishment of some task or deed rather than just the potential to do it.

Meaning Explained

You will recall that Paul has been speaking about the divisions within the church at Corinth which were caused by people following specific teachers or preachers rather than the message they proclaimed. Because they were easily persuaded by eloquent speakers who were skilled in the use of words and powerful arguments instead of the truth of the message, the Corinthian Christians had become easily swayed to believe in half-truths and lies rather than the truth of the simple gospel message. For Christians, it is of utmost importance to believe in God’s message, not in the messenger.

Every one of us has faith, Christian and non-Christian alike. The difference between Christians and others is the basis of that faith. Some people have faith in their government to protect and take care of them. Some people have faith in their doctor to protect them and take care of them. Some people have faith in their employer to protect them and take care of them. Some people have faith in themselves. Many of the people in the church in Corinth had faith in their leader to protect and take care of them. True Christians, however, have faith in God.

This is the crux of Paul’s message in today’s verse. Our faith should not be in our church leaders, no matter how good their teaching may be. This is especially true if that teaching is based on human wisdom and eloquent speaking. Instead, our faith should be in the truth of God’s word as demonstrated by His miraculous power to change lives and to care for and protect His children.


This week, as you listen to the message proclaimed from the pulpit in your church, ask yourself, “Is this a message from man or a message from God as revealed in the Bible?” If the message is not from God, no matter how wise or how well proclaimed, it may not be worth listening to. Now, that’s something to think about!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


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