1 Corinthians 2:6 – Wise Maturity

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

Truth to Learn

Mature Christians understand the true wisdom of God’s Word.

Behind the Words

We speak” is translated from the Greek verb laleō, which means “to speak.” It is a reference to the ability to speak rather than the quality of speech. It is expressed here in the present tense, active voice, and indicative mood, which implies current continuous action.

The word “mature” is translated from a form of telos, meaning “the goal, completion, or end purpose” of something. As used here, it is a reference to those who are complete or fully grown. It could be a reference to those who have reached adulthood, or it could be a reference to mature Christians, as implied in Hebrews 13:20, 21.

Aiōn is the word translated “age.” It is a reference to a period of time or of the characteristics of that time period. Paul is probably referring to the time before the return of Christ.

The word “rulers” is from archōn, which means “one who is first in rank or power,” that is, a ruler.

The words “coming to nothing” are translated from the verb katargeō. This word is made up of kata, used as an intensifier, and argeō, which means “to be idle.” Katargeō generally means “to be completely useless or without purpose.”

Meaning Explained

In verse four, Paul talked about some of the things that are not characteristics of his teaching and preaching style. In today’s verse he talks about something that is characteristic of his style. In the previous chapter he contrasted the worldly view of the gospel message (foolishness) with the supposed wisdom of the world’s teachers. Throughout this chapter he has been talking about his wise method of delivering the simple gospel message.

After describing the wisdom of the world as foolish and un-wise, he now tells us about the true wisdom of God’s Word. Our faith is not based on the wisdom of men, as he said in yesterday’s verse, but on true wisdom. This true wisdom is spoken to those who are mature. As we pointed out in Behind the Words, the Greek word telos refers to someone who has reached spiritual maturity; however, many of the Corinthian Christians were anything but mature in their faith.

This seems to be a slight jab at those who had been so easily distracted from the simple truths of the good news. They were not spiritually mature. So, what Paul means is that those who are mature in their Christian faith would understand the wisdom that he is talking about. The immature Christians in Corinth were still under the impression that the wisdom of the philosophers and sophists was desirable. However, Paul points out that the supposed great ones of the world system not only were not very wise, but their lack of true wisdom will eventually result in their total destruction.


Are you seeking after truth and godly wisdom? If so, you won’t find it in the world. You will only find it in the Word of God, faithfully taught by those who are well grounded in the Bible.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


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