James 2:23 – Reckoned and Called

And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called friend of God.

Truth to Learn

If you believe God’s word, your works will declare it.

Behind the Words

Back in verse eight of this chapter, we looked at the word translated “fulfill,” meaning “to finish or make complete.” In this verse, the word translated “fulfill,” however, is a different word. It is the word plēroō, which means “to fill-up” or “to make full.” It is the word used of filling a vessel with water to the very brim. James is not saying that the scripture was made complete but that it was fully demonstrated as being true.

The phrase “it was accounted” is one that we have looked at before. It is translated from the Greek word logidzomai, which is an accounting term, meaning “to make a conclusion based on an inventory.” It could be paraphrased as “to make an accounting,” or “to mark in a record.” Hence, it is often translated as “to reckon” or “to impute.” The word is expressed in this verse in the aorist tense and passive voice. The passive voice indicates that it was done to Abraham, and the aorist tense indicates that it was done at a single point in time in the past.

“Called” is translated from kaleō, which means “to call out loud.” It implies a personal message that is proclaimed. Once again we see the verb in the aorist tense and passive voice indicating that Abraham was proclaimed to be God’s friend at a single point in time in the past.

Meaning Explained

You may wonder why such a distinction is being made about tense and voice in these words. The reason is that they show us that even James believes that Abraham had a complete saving faith at the point in time when he was marked as righteous by God and proclaimed as His friend. Notice that it was not Abraham claiming that God was his friend, but God proclaiming that Abraham was His friend. The reckoning and calling were God’s doing, not Abraham’s.

James clearly declares that Abraham believed God, as declared in Genesis 15:6, and that at that time God declared him righteous. That’s when Abraham was saved. And, James’ point here is that his act of obedience many years later was a demonstration that his saving faith was real. In the previous verse the distinction was made between saving faith and walking faith. They’re not really two kinds of faith; rather, walking faith is a manifestation of saving faith.

Reading through the fourth chapter of Romans, we see that Paul presents a very strong case that Abraham was not reckoned righteous by God because of his works (his acts of obedience) but because of his faith. The act of declaring Abraham righteous is God’s act of grace, not Abraham’s act of obedience. Here, James is not arguing against Paul; instead, he is agreeing and proclaiming that Abraham’s faith was acted out in works as the proof that his faith was real.


If you are truly saved, then it is your works of obedience to God’s Word which demonstrate it. Therefore, “So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and may glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

In God's service, for His glory,

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