Ephesians 1:21 – Powerful Proof

far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Truth to Learn

Jesus’ resurrection is the proof of God’s resurrection promise.


Behind the Words

“Far above” is translated from the Greek adverb huperanō, which is made up of huper, meaning “above or over” and anō, meaning “upward” or “on top.” Thus, we can see that huperanō means “above the top” or “far above.”

Archē is the Greek word translated “principality.” The basic meaning of archē is “beginning” or “commencement.” As it is applied to people, it refers to “the first in a series,” that is, “the chief” or “the leader.”

The word translated “power” is exousia, which is based on exesti, meaning “permissible.” Exousia refers to “someone who has permission, authority, or power to do something.”

“Might” is from dunamis, which we saw in verse nineteen. It refers to “someone who has the capability or power to do something.”

The word translated “dominion” is kuriotēs. It is based on the noun kurios, meaning “lord or master.” Thus, kuriotēs refers to “someone having lordship or civil authority over others.”

“Age” is translated from aiōn, which properly refers to “duration or continuance of time.” Here it refers to “a long period of time.” Aiōn is sometimes translated as “world” where it refers to the time that this world exists.


Meaning Explained

In the past couple of verses, Paul has been talking about God’s power, which has been demonstrated toward those of us who have believed His promises. This power was demonstrated when He resurrected Jesus from the dead, giving eternal life to his resurrected body. As we pointed out in the previous verse, not only has Jesus been raised from the dead, He has been seated (a sign of completion of the Father’s work of resurrection) at the Father’s right hand. This is the seat that declares the most honor and prestige among those who are seated.

But Paul is not finished with his description of the glory and honor of our risen Lord. Not only has He been seated in the position of the most honor, this position is above every created being. Not just above, mind you, but “far above” them all. Most biblical scholars agree that the words translated “principality” and “power” are references to angelic beings. Therefore, Paul’s designation of “all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named” is a description of every created being, whether human or spirit (angelic). And, it includes not just all beings that have ever been, but any that might exist in the future.

There is no question that Paul has just described the position of highest honor, power, and authority in all of God’s creation. It might seem obvious that the Son of God should have such a position, but this is a description of the man Jesus Christ.



God has demonstrated His awesome power in raising Jesus to the highest position of all to assure you and me that He can, and will, raise us from the dead as well. Do you believe it?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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