Tag: exousia

Romans 13:1 – Civil Submission

Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are established by God.

Truth to Learn

We Christians are to submit to those in authority over us.


Behind the Words

The verb translated, “be subject to” is hupotassō, which is made up of hupo or hypo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and tassō, meaning “to place in order.” Hence, this means to place under in an orderly fashion. It is a military term referring to the submission of a soldier to one who out-ranks him.

The word translated “higher” is huperechō, which is made up of huper or hyper, meaning “above” or “higher,” and echō, a verb meaning “to have or hold.” So huperechō means “those who are held over, or who have prominence over, others.”

“Authorities” is the Greek word exousia, which refers to “one who has authority, permission, right, or power.”

“Established” is from the Greek word, tassō, which we just looked at, meaning “to place in order.” It is often translated as “ordained or appointed.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense indicating a past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the ongoing effect.


Meaning Explained

Paul has just taught Christians how to live in relation to others within the church. He now turns his attention to how we should live in the world. The church members in Rome to whom Paul is writing this letter were predominantly converted Jews, and the Jews had a long history of resisting the rule of any foreign king. They believed that God alone was their king, which is why the Emperor Claudius had previously banned all Jews from Rome (see Acts 18:2).

When Paul wrote this letter, Claudius had already been assassinated, and his son Nero was the Emperor. But, even though Nero had welcomed the Jews back into Rome, he had no love for them. This was particularly true for Christians, who many of that day considered to be members of a sect of Judaism,.

In light of these facts, it is amazing that Paul would admonish us all to be subject to higher authorities. The authorities that Paul is talking about can be those in the workplace, where we are to submit to our bosses and upper management, or to civil government, whether local, regional, or national. Whoever they are, we are to place ourselves under the control of those in positions of authority over us. That means that they have the right to tell us what to do, and we are to obey what they tell us. Also notice that those who are in positions of authority over us, whether on the job, in a church, or in civil government, have been put there by God. The only situation in which we are not to submit to them is when that authority commands us to do something contrary to what God has specifically commanded us to do, such as preaching the Gospel. Paul also teaches us in his first letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 2:1, 2), not only are we to submit ourselves to all authorities, we are to pray for them as well! And Peter tells us that this applies whether they are good and gentle or harsh (1Peter 2:18).



It doesn’t matter if we don’t like those in authority over us; we are to submit to them nonetheless. In doing so, we are submitting to the will of our Father in Heaven.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 3:22 – Our Exalted Example

who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven and, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

Truth to Learn

The result of Christ’s patient, faithful suffering is exaltation.


Behind the Words

The words “right hand” are translated from the Greek word dexios, meaning “the right hand” or “the right side.” The use of this expression is of extreme significance since a person of high rank who puts someone on his right hand gives him equal honor with himself and recognizes him as of equal dignity. Therefore, this word when used as it is here means that Jesus Christ has equal honor and authority with God the Father.

“Authorities” is translated from the Greek word exousia. This word is based on the word exesti, meaning “it is allowed” or “it is permissible.” Exousia, therefore, carries the meaning of “permission, authority, right, or power to do something.” Here it refers to those who have authority.

The word “powers” is from dunamis, from which we get our English word, dynamite. It refers to “power” or to those who have “power.” The expression “authorities and powers” refers to all, both earthly and heavenly, who have positions of power and authority.

The expression “having been made subject” is translated from the word hupotassō, which we have learned means “to place in an orderly manner under.” Hence, it refers to the submission of angels, authorities, and powers to the person of Jesus Christ.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we talked about baptism not being a means of, or requirement for, salvation, but rather an act of obedience demonstrating a faith that has already occurred. At the end of yesterday’s verse Peter stated very briefly what that saving faith is in,

the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Yes, our faith requires that we believe that Christ died for our sins, but the proof that He was sinless himself, the proof that He alone is God, is in His resurrection from the dead.

Peter now finishes that thought, declaring that Christ has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God (the position of preeminence and power) with all angels and authorities and powers having been made submissive to Him.

Remember what Peter has been telling us. He has been saying that we need to be patient under suffering especially if it is the result of us being obedient to God. Here, Christ is given as the supreme example. The result of His obedience was exultation to the highest position in all of creation. Those who have been His enemies will cringe when they see His exalted position. Those who have willingly submitted themselves to Him will glorify Him.



Peter’s teaching here is that just as Christ was rewarded for His obedient suffering, so we shall be if we are faithful and patient during times of suffering. Are you suffering for Him today? Do it patiently and give God the praise.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 3:9 – Christ-like Selflessness

not because we do not have authority, but that we might give ourselves as an example for you to imitate us.

Truth to Learn

Our love for others is shown in what we sacrifice for them.


Behind the Words

“Authority” is translated from the Greek noun exousia, which is derived from the verb exesti, meaning “it is permissible.” Thus, exousia refers to “permission, authority, or the power to do something.”

The wordx translated “we might give” is a form of didōmi, meaning “to give something of one’s one accord,” that is “to freely give a gift.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of giving. So, literally, Paul is saying “that we might freely give ourselves as an example …”

“Example” is from the Greek word tupos, from which we get our English word “type.” It refers to an object that is struck with a blow to produce a specific mark or impression. In common usage it refers to an example that is to be followed or imitated.

The word “imitate” is from the verb mimeomai, which we saw back in verse seven, meaning “to imitate” or “to follow as an example.”


Meaning Explained

As we learned in yesterday’s verse, like every other faithful preacher of God’s word the Apostle Paul had the right to receive compensation from those to whom he ministered. However, he didn’t receive anything from the people in Thessalonica because he didn’t want to be a burden to them. Here he tells us that he also wanted to be an example of what it means to sacrifice for the good of others.

He taught the Galatians:

But the one who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. (Galatians 6:6)

And to the Corinthians, he said:

Do you not know that those who minister the holy things eat the food of the temple, and those who serve at the altar partake of the offerings of the altar? Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should get their living from the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:13-14)

Nonetheless, Paul had another lesson to teach the Thessalonians (and us). If we are to become more like Christ, we need to be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others. Paul did not take any type of compensation from the Thessalonians, not because he didn’t deserve it, but because he was showing his own Christ-likeness by sacrificing himself for their sakes. And, he was not behaving this way just to please God; he was giving them (and us) an example that we can observe and mimic. Here’s what he said to the Philippians:

… but in humility of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3b, 4)



The Christian walk is all about love. Not just the love we have for God, but also the love we have (and show) for others. Are you willing to sacrifice for God? Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of other Christians? That’s what Paul did.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:12 – Spiritual Wrestling Match

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world system, against spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places.

Truth to Learn

We are in a spiritual battle against powerful wickedness (but we are on the winning side.)


Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “wrestling” is palē. This is derived from the verb pallō, meaning “to shake” or “to vibrate.” Palē refers to “struggling,” “wrestling,” or “hand-to-hand combat.” It is specifically a reference to a struggle between individual opponents rather than entire military forces.

 “Authorities” is from archē, which literally means “a beginning.” However, this word can also refer to persons, indicating their priority or preeminence. It can also refer to a position of authority, indicating the first position in power or dominion. This is how the word is used in today’s verse.

Exousia is the Greek word translated “powers.” It refers to “permission, authority, or power to do something.” When used as it is here it indicates someone with power or authority.

The word “rulers … of this world system” is from kosmokrator, which is made up of kosmos, meaning “world system” and a form of krateō, meaning “to have control by virtue of strength.”

“Spiritual” is from pneumatikos, based on pneuma meaning “a spirit.” It refers to “spirit beings” or “angelic beings.”

The word “evil” is translated from ponēria, which refers to “badness,” “wickedness,” or “malicious evil.”


Meaning Explained

Paul now tells us why it is so important for us to put on our battle armor. The opening part of this verse literally reads, “because to us the wrestle is not against …” Word order is very important in Greek, with the most important idea presented first in a sentence. Paul wants our focus in this lesson to be on us and our preparedness, not on the enemy. At the same time, however, he wants us to know what kind of enemy we are battling with.

The descriptive words translated “authorities … powers … rulers of this world system … spiritual powers” indicate an organization of wicked angelic beings, who exist in the spirit world but who have great power and influence in our physical world as well. In his apocalyptic writing, the Apostle John described a vision of Satan (the dragon) gathering one third of all the angels to his side in his battle against God and His people:

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. (Revelation 12:3-4a)

It is these “fallen angels,” organized by Satan into positions of power and authority, which are bringing the battle to us. It is a spiritual battle and we can either roll over and “play dead” or we can engage the enemy and stand firm with all the power and ability that our God has given us.



Every Christian who has ever committed himself or herself to serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has experienced spiritual battles. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, but we must never give up. Remember, we are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from victory! Our leader, our Savior, our God has already overcome the enemy. He is the Victor and we are on His side, the winning side!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 1:21 – Powerful Proof

far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Truth to Learn

Jesus’ resurrection is the proof of God’s resurrection promise.


Behind the Words

“Far above” is translated from the Greek adverb huperanō, which is made up of huper, meaning “above or over” and anō, meaning “upward” or “on top.” Thus, we can see that huperanō means “above the top” or “far above.”

Archē is the Greek word translated “principality.” The basic meaning of archē is “beginning” or “commencement.” As it is applied to people, it refers to “the first in a series,” that is, “the chief” or “the leader.”

The word translated “power” is exousia, which is based on exesti, meaning “permissible.” Exousia refers to “someone who has permission, authority, or power to do something.”

“Might” is from dunamis, which we saw in verse nineteen. It refers to “someone who has the capability or power to do something.”

The word translated “dominion” is kuriotēs. It is based on the noun kurios, meaning “lord or master.” Thus, kuriotēs refers to “someone having lordship or civil authority over others.”

“Age” is translated from aiōn, which properly refers to “duration or continuance of time.” Here it refers to “a long period of time.” Aiōn is sometimes translated as “world” where it refers to the time that this world exists.


Meaning Explained

In the past couple of verses, Paul has been talking about God’s power, which has been demonstrated toward those of us who have believed His promises. This power was demonstrated when He resurrected Jesus from the dead, giving eternal life to his resurrected body. As we pointed out in the previous verse, not only has Jesus been raised from the dead, He has been seated (a sign of completion of the Father’s work of resurrection) at the Father’s right hand. This is the seat that declares the most honor and prestige among those who are seated.

But Paul is not finished with his description of the glory and honor of our risen Lord. Not only has He been seated in the position of the most honor, this position is above every created being. Not just above, mind you, but “far above” them all. Most biblical scholars agree that the words translated “principality” and “power” are references to angelic beings. Therefore, Paul’s designation of “all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named” is a description of every created being, whether human or spirit (angelic). And, it includes not just all beings that have ever been, but any that might exist in the future.

There is no question that Paul has just described the position of highest honor, power, and authority in all of God’s creation. It might seem obvious that the Son of God should have such a position, but this is a description of the man Jesus Christ.



God has demonstrated His awesome power in raising Jesus to the highest position of all to assure you and me that He can, and will, raise us from the dead as well. Do you believe it?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 3:9 – Christ-like Selflessness

not because we do not have authority, but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.

Truth to Learn

Our love for others is shown in what we sacrifice for them.

Behind the Words

Authority” is translated from the Greek noun exousia, which is derived from the verb exesti, meaning “it is permissible.” Thus, exousia refers to “permission, authority, or the power to do something.”

The word translated “make” is a form of didōmi, meaning “to give something of one’s one accord,” that is “to freely give a gift.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of giving. So, literally, Paul is saying “that we might freely give ourselves as an example …”

Example” is from the Greek word tupos, from which we get our English word “type.” It refers to an object that is struck with a blow to produce a specific mark or impression. In common usage it refers to an example that is to be followed or imitated.

The words “should follow” are from the verb mimeomai, which we saw back in verse seven, meaning “to imitate” or “to follow as an example.” This word is also expressed in the subjunctive mood, indicating possibility or probability.

Meaning Explained

As we learned in yesterday’s verse, like every other faithful preacher of God’s word the Apostle Paul had the right to receive compensation from those to whom he ministered. However, he didn’t receive anything from the people in Thessalonica because he didn’t want to be a burden to them. Here he tells us that he also wanted to be an example of what it means to sacrifice for the good of others.

He taught the Galatians:

Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. (Galatians 6:6)

And to the Corinthians, he said:

Do you not know that those who minister the holy things eat of the things of the temple, and those who serve at the altar partake of the offerings of the altar? Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:13-14)

Nonetheless, Paul had another lesson to teach the Thessalonians (and us). If we are to become more like Christ, we need to be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others. Paul did not take any type of compensation from the Thessalonians, not because he didn’t deserve it, but because he was showing his own Christ-likeness by sacrificing himself for their sakes. And, he was not behaving this way just to please God; he was giving them (and us) an example that we can observe and mimic. Here’s what he said to the Philippians:

… but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3b, 4)


The Christian walk is all about love. Not just the love we have for God, but also the love we have (and show) for others. Are you willing to sacrifice for God? Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of other Christians? That’s what Paul did.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Ephesians 6:12 – Spiritual Wrestling Match

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Truth to Learn

We are in a spiritual battle and we are on the winning side.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “wrestle” is palē. This is derived from the verb pallō, meaning “to shake” or “to vibrate.” Palē refers to “struggling,” “wrestling,” or “hand-to-hand combat.” It is specifically a reference to a struggle between individual opponents rather than entire military forces.

 “Principalities” is from archē, which literally means “a beginning.” However, this word can also refer to persons, indicating their priority or preeminence. It can also refer to a position of authority, indicating the first position in power or dominion. This is how the word is used in today’s verse.

Exousia is the Greek word translated “powers.” It refers to "permission, authority, or power to do something." When used as it is here it indicates someone with power or authority.

The word “rulers” is from kosmokrator, which is made up of kosmos, meaning “world system” and a form of krateō, meaning “to have control by virtue of strength.”

Spiritual” is from pneumatikos, based on pneuma meaning “a spirit.” It refers to “spirit beings” or “angelic beings.”

The word “wickedness” is translated from ponēria, which refers to “badness” or “wickedness.”

Meaning Explained

Paul now tells us why it is so important for us to put on our battle armor. The opening part of this verse literally reads, “because to us the wrestle is not against …” He wants our focus in this lesson to be on us and our preparedness, not on the enemy. At the same time, however, Paul wants us to know what kind of enemy we are battling with.

The descriptive words translated “principalities … powers … rulers of darkness … spiritual hosts” indicate an organization of wicked angelic beings, who exist in the spirit world but who have great power and influence in our physical world as well. In his apocalyptic writing, the Apostle John described a vision of Satan (the dragon) gathering one third of all angels to his side in his battle against God and His people:

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. (Revelation 12:3-4a)

It is these “fallen angels,” organized by Satan into positions of power and authority, which are bringing the battle to us. It is a spiritual battle and we can either roll over and “play dead” or we can engage the enemy and stand firm with all the power and ability that our God has given us.


Every Christian who has ever committed himself or herself to serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has experienced spiritual battles. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, but we must never give up. Remember, we are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from victory! Our leader, our Savior, our God has already overcome the enemy. He is the Victor!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 1:21 – Powerful Proof

Ephesians 1:21  – Powerful Proof

far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Truth to Learn

Jesus’ resurrection is the proof of God’s resurrection promise.

Behind the Words

Far above” is translated from the Greek adverb huperanō, which is made up of huper, meaning “above or over” and anō, meaning “upward” or “on top.” Thus, we can see that huperanō means “above the top” or “far above.”

Archē is the Greek word translated “principality.” The basic meaning of archē is “beginning” or “commencement.” As it is applied to people, it refers to “the first in a series,” that is, “the chief” or “the leader.”

The word translated “power” is exousia, which is based on exesti, meaning “permissible.” Exousia refers to “someone who has permission or authority to do something.”

Might” is from dunamis, which we saw in verse nineteen. It refers to “someone who has the capability or power to do something.”

The word translated “dominion” is kuriotēs. It is based on the noun kurios, meaning “lord or master.” Thus, kuriotēs refers to “someone having lordship or civil authority over others.”

Age” is translated from aiōn, which properly refers to “duration or continuance of time.” Here it refers to “a long period of time.” Aiōn is sometimes translated as “world” where it refers to the time that this world exists.

Meaning Explained

In the past couple of verses, Paul has been talking about God’s power, which has been demonstrated toward those of us who have believed His promises. This power was demonstrated when He resurrected Jesus from the dead, giving eternal life to his resurrected body. As we pointed out in the previous verse, not only has Jesus been raised from the dead, He has been seated (a sign of completion of the Father’s work of resurrection) at the Father’s right hand. This is the seat that declares the most honor and prestige among those who are seated.

But Paul is not finished with his description of the glory and honor of our risen Lord. Not only has He been seated in the position of the most honor, this position is above every created being. Not just above, mind you, but “far above” them all. Most biblical scholars agree that the words translated “principality” and “power” are references to angelic beings. Therefore, Paul’s designation of “all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named” is a description of every created being, whether human or spirit (angelic). And, it includes not just all beings that have ever been, but any that might exist in the future.

There is no question that Paul has just described the position of highest honor, power, and authority in all of God’s creation. It might seem obvious that the Son of God should have such a position, but this is a description of the man Jesus Christ.


God has demonstrated His awesome power in raising Jesus to the highest position of all to assure you and me that He can, and will, raise us from the dead as well. Do you believe it?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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