Ephesians 6:23 – Peace, Love, and Faith

Peace to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Truth to Learn

You can experience peace and the love of God through faith.


Behind the Words

The word translated “peace” is eirēnē. It can refer to an absence of war and dissention, that is, harmony among individuals. However, it can also refer to peace of mind and mental tranquility. This seems to be Paul’s intent here.

The word “love” in this verse is our old friend agapē, referring to a self-sacrificing love demonstrated by our actions.

“Faith” is translated from the Greek word pistis. It is derived from the verb peithō, meaning “to persuade” or “to win over.” Therefore, faith refers to “a firm persuasion, conviction, or belief in a truth.”


Meaning Explained

Having finished his teaching and having informed his readers that Tychicus would relay to them all that has been transpiring with Paul and his associates; the Apostle now makes his final closing benediction. A benediction (from the Latin bene, meaning “well” and dicere, meaning “to speak”) was a common form of closing a letter like this. The practice may have been derived from the ritual benediction that the Jewish High Priest proclaimed:

"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD cause His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His face to you, and give you peace."  (Numbers 6:24-26)

This particular benediction is still recited today at the end of many protestant church services. Paul’s use of the benediction, however, is not simply a ritualistic blessing. If you look carefully at this verse you will see that there are three things that Paul offers for his readers: peace, love, and faith. These are actually three themes that occur throughout this letter.

Peace (Ephesians 1:2; 2:14, 15; 2:17; 4:3; and 6:15) comes from God the Father. It is delivered in the person of Jesus Christ, who established peace between Old Testament believers and New Testament believers. Our peace with God was purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ and it is the bond that unites all Christians. Finally, as part of our battle armor, peace with God is that which allows us to stand firm against all the attacks of our enemy.

Love (Ephesians 1:15; 4:2, 4:15-16; 5:25, 5:28, and 5:33) is the central characteristic of the Christian faith. It is what allows us to bear one another’s burdens and to gently encourage each other so that we can work together to build up the body of Christ. It is that which a husband demonstrates to his wife, portraying a picture of God’s love for us.

Faith (Ephesians 6:16; 1:15; 2:8; 3:12, 3:17; 4:5, and 4:13) is the essence of Christianity. Without it we cannot please God. Through faith we can quench the fiery arrows slung against us by our spiritual enemy. It gives us boldness as we approach our Almighty God in prayer. And, because of this faith, Christ lives in our hearts and unites us as His body and His bride-to-be.



You, too, can experience the love of God and know the peace that exceeds all understanding. However, these only come through faith in the blood of Christ. You can’t earn them, you can only accept them as part of God’s gift of salvation.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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