1 Thessalonians 2:12 – Walking Worthy

and testifying that you walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.

Truth to Learn

Encouragement and instruction help us to become more godly.


Behind the Words

“Testifying” is from the Greek verb marturomai. This word is derived from martus, meaning “a witness.” This is the word from which we get our English word martyr, meaning someone who gives their life as a witness, or testimony, of their faith.

The word “that” is translated from a form of idiom that Paul uses frequently. It consists of eis to and the infinitive of the following verb. A literal translation would be “unto this thing.” The effect of this idiom is to tie what was just said to what is about to be said. In effect, Paul is saying, “the reason I encouraged and comforted every one of you is so that you might …”

“Walk” is from the Greek verb peripateō. This is made up of peri, meaning “around” or “about” and pateō, meaning “to walk.” So you can see that this verb literally means “to walk around” or “to walk about.” Figuratively, it refers to the manner in which a person lives his or her life.

The word “worthy” is from axiōs, which is derived from agō, meaning “to weigh.” It is a picture of an item being put on a scale to determine its worth or worthiness.

“Calls” is translated from the verb kaleō, which means “to call or to hail someone.” In its primary sense this verb refers to calling someone so that he or she might come or go somewhere.

“Glory” is translated from doxa, which is derived from the verb dokeō, meaning “to think” or “to recognize.” Doxa refers to favorable thought or opinion. In a secondary sense it means “reputation, praise, honor, glory, or splendor.”


Meaning Explained

Paul says that he performed the functions of a father figure to the Thessalonians so that their lives might measure up to what one would expect from a child of God. In performing the fatherly function, he sometimes had to do the difficult things. Things like scolding and correcting wrong actions and attitudes have to be done if a child is to learn proper behavior. Back in verse eight he informed the Thessalonian believers that they had become dear to him. We noted that the word translated “dear” in that verse is agapētos, indicating a strong motherly or fatherly love for the people. So, like a loving father, Paul did what was necessary to raise them up spiritually.

We find out now that Paul’s motives were not selfish. He was not seeking his own glory. He fathered the Thessalonian church so that these Christians would be able to live their lives in a manner that is worthy of a child of God. We also learn something here regarding how God is treating all of his dear children. There are numerous verses in the New Testament indicating the fact that we have been called to salvation and service by God. Here we learn that he is continually calling us. This is like a father at a soccer game giving a son or daughter instructions and encouragement from the sidelines. Why does God do this? Because He wants us in His kingdom, and He wants us to experience His glory.



Do you have an earthly “father in the Lord,” someone who teaches you, comforts you, and challenges you? When was the last time you thanked him for being a godly example to you? Why not send him a note. It might just be the encouragement he needs today.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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