2 Peter 2:9 – Lord and Master?

the Lord knows to rescue devout ones from trials and to keep the unrighteous for the day of judgment, being punished.

Truth to Learn

If you’re a Christian, God is your master and you are his servant.


Behind the Words

The word translated “Lord” in the first verse of this chapter is despotēs, from which we get our English word “despot.” It means “one who possesses supreme authority.”

 “Trials” in this verse is from peirasmos, which means “a putting to the test.” This word is only used in the New Testament with regard to people.

The word “judgment” is from the Greek word, krisis, which means “a tribunal.” It most often refers to condemnation.


Meaning Explained

Peter now returns to his message about false teachers. In the preceding few verses he gave us examples of how God dealt with people who rejected His lordship like the false teachers have. Now he makes a summary statement about this notion.

Before we look at it, though, let’s spend a minute talking about what it is that the false teachers have done wrong. The answer is back in verse one, “denying the Lord who bought them.” The root of their problem, Peter says, is that they refused to submit to the Lordship of the One who paid for their sins. Rather than believing that God is all powerful and able to do as He pleases, these teachers tried to bring God down to their own level.

This is nothing more than “big man, little god” theology which has been espoused by churches throughout the ages. It has been expressed in many ways, most of which sound reasonable, some of which are well intentioned, and some are out and out heresies. Whatever the case, the ultimate result is to draw people away from the type of relationship that God wants into the type of relationship that man thinks he wants.

One of the subtle points that Peter is making is that God is the one in control, not man. We are not able to control these false teachers, but God is able. That’s what these examples that Peter has just given us are all about. He now makes the summary statement, not only does God know how to deliver the godly out of temptation, but He also knows how to keep the ungodly from escaping. They will be judged and they will be punished!

It’s interesting that this verse does not say that God will keep us from being tested; it says that when we are tested God will deliver us out of it. He will deliver the Godly out of their time of testing, but He will not allow the unjust ones, those who deny His lordship, to escape the Day of Judgment. That is, the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of days where all the ungodly will be cast into the lake of fire.

The point is that these false teachers, who are teaching a theology laden with humanistic ideas and subtly denying who is really in supreme control, will eventually be judged by the Master himself.



God is not looking for eloquent leaders; He is looking for submitted and committed followers. He is the Lord and Master and He wants His followers to recognize Him as their Master and to proclaim this truth. Is that what you do?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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