Romans 7:25 – He is Lord!

I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself truly serve the law of God, but with the flesh I serve the law of sin.

Truth to Learn

Submitting to the lordship of Jesus Christ is the only way to win the battle against our sin nature.


Behind the Words

“Thank” is translated from the Greek word eucharisteō, which means “to express gratitude” or “to give thanks.”

The word translated “through” is dia, which can imply “motion through something” or “through the instrumentality, or by means of someone or something.” The latter is the meaning as it is used here.

“Mind” is from the Greek word nous, which refers to “intellect or mental perception.”

The word translated “flesh” is sarx, which refers to the flesh of an animal, but it is used metaphorically to refer to our physical being.


Meaning Explained

Paul’s initial conclusion of this entire battle between his desire to obey God and his tendency to commit sin, is now expressed in the current verse. His conclusion is that with his mind, that is, his intellect, Paul serves the Law of God. As he said back in verse 22, he (his “new man’) delights in obeying the Law of God. The regenerated part of him wants to do God’s will. But with his flesh, that is his “old man” or his sin nature, Paul says he serves the law of sin.

Paul recognizes that the part of him that he has control over is focused on serving God, but the part of himself that he cannot control is a captive slave to sin. Again, let me point out that this does not absolve Paul of the responsibility for his sin. He is still guilty of violating God’s Law and of sinning against God. The difference, as we will see in the next chapter of this epistle to the Romans, is that God has provided a way for him (and us) to be free from the condemnation of sin.

That’s why he opens this verse with, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” You will notice that it is not Jesus to whom he is thankful, but to God (the Father) and his thanks is through, or by means of, Jesus Christ. Paul recognizes that it is because of what Jesus did for him on the Cross and by his resurrection from the dead that he is able to be freed from the dominion of his sin nature. By God’s grace the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us of all unrighteousness. Hence, he thanks God through Jesus Christ. But he doesn’t stop there. You will notice that he says “through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Paul recognizes that it is through the lordship of Jesus that he is able to overcome the lordship of sin that he is battling. In other words, he recognizes that it is only through submitting his will to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Master that he finally overcomes his slavery to his own sin nature.



Too often we hear of people who have “accepted” the gift of salvation, the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross to pay for their sins, but they have never really submitted themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you have never submitted to Him as Lord and Master of your life, you have not been saved.

Are you submitted to His will? Is He truly your Lord and Master?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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