Romans 11:5 – The Chosen Remnant

Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

Truth to Learn

We are the remnant, chosen to be God’s children, by His grace alone.


Behind the Words

The word translated “election” is the Greek word eklogē. This is a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out” and a form of legō, meaning “to choose” or “to select.” Thus we see that it literally means “to choose out” or “to select out.” According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary, “this word refers to the benevolent purpose of God by which any are chosen unto salvation so that they are led to embrace and persevere in Christ's bestowed grace and the enjoyment of its privileges and blessings here and hereafter.”

“Grace” is translated from charis, which is based on the verb chairō, meaning “to be calmly happy or well off.” Charis specifically refers to “the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life producing happiness and peace.” It is often thought of as “our undeserved favor from God.”


Meaning Explained

Paul now brings his readers back to the present (meaning both the present at the time this letter was written and the present time today). He says that it is just the same in the present, that a remnant has come into being. The remnant he refers to is a concept that Jews well understood. God promised the Jews that He would preserve a remnant out of Israel who would be saved. They have always believed that the salvation of the remnant refers to them being saved from the ravages of their oppressors and that the remnant would finally inherit the land and reign with the Messiah. Paul’s point, however, is that the remnant in his day is composed of those whom God has chosen “according to the election of grace.”

I know that election (God’s choosing those of us who are to be saved independent of any act or action on our part) is a difficult doctrine for many Christians to grasp. Many Christians reject it outright (in spite of what Scripture teaches) because it isn’t fair! However, Paul states it so clearly and so often that, if you believe the Bible is truth, it is even more difficult to deny it than to believe it. Paul believed in and taught election as a fact. Therefore, we should simply accept it as truth, even if we don’t completely understand it. And – regarding God being fair, if He were fair, we would all be going to Hell because that’s what we all deserve.

Paul calls it “the election of grace” because he understands that election is not by choice on our part, it’s an undeserved gift from God. We don’t choose to be saved. We don’t simply decide that we will get saved and then say the sinners prayer. Before the foundation of the earth, God chose those who would be saved. It involves the sovereign hand of God which removes the blindfold from the eyes of the elect. Only then can we see, and understand, the truth of the gospel so that we may become saved. It is all God’s work and it is all by grace (totally undeserved by those who receive it) so God is the only one who can receive the glory for it. In the next verse Paul will make the specific point that this election is not by anything that we have done (works); it is strictly by His grace!



God, thank you for your gift of salvation. I didn’t, don’t, and won’t ever deserve it! You deserve all the credit, all the glory, and all the praise. In thanks to you, I humbly submit my will to yours and ask that you use me in whatever way you determine, to bring praise to Yourself. Wonderful is your grace!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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