Tag: ergadzomai

Ephesians 4:28 – Give or Take

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.

Truth to Learn

Overcome the problem of stealing by giving to others.

Behind the Words

The words “stole” and “steal” are from kleptō, from which we get our English word, kleptomaniac. It means “to take something that belongs to someone else without permission or legal right.”

Labor” is translated from the Greek verb kopiatō, which basically means “to feel fatigue, especially from hard labor.”

Working” is from ergadzomai, meaning “to be engaged in labor.” It usually refers to a specific trade or profession.

The word translated “hands” is cheir, which originally meant the entire arm from the shoulder to the end of the fingers. Later, it referred only to the hand.

Good” is from agathos, which refers to “the general characteristic of goodness or usefulness.”

Give” is translated from metadidōmi, which is made up of two words. The first is meta, indicating accompaniment (being with someone or something). It is different from sun, which implies a joining or a union between people or things, whereas meta implies simply being in the presence of someone or something. The other word is didōmi, meaning “to give.” Thus metadidōmi implies sharing something with those around you.

Meaning Explained

Back in verse seventeen Paul began teaching us how we are to behave as members of the body of Christ. First, he told us not to behave like the Gentiles who do not believe in God. Then, in verse twenty-two he began giving us guidelines on what our behavior should look like. We are to take off our sin nature and put on our new nature that God created for us. One of the characteristics of taking off the old man and putting on the new man is to stop lying and tell the truth instead. Other characteristics of putting on the new man are getting angry for the right reasons and not letting anger last, leading you into sin.

Now he teaches us another characteristic of putting on our new nature. Literally, the Greek reads, “Let the one stealing, steal no more …” Not every Christian has an obvious problem with stealing any more than every Christian has an obvious problem with anger. We all have issues with these things to some degree, but some of us have an especially severe case of one or more of these. Some people have little respect for the property of others and take whatever they can, even though it doesn’t belong to them. Paul is speaking directly to these people, telling us that the solution is to create things ourselves that we can share with those who have greater needs than we do.

There are many excuses for stealing, from feeling like we deserve to have something more than someone else to simply wanting something and believing the owner doesn’t need it or won’t miss it. Whatever the excuse, Paul says, “Stop doing it!”


If you have a problem with “borrowing” things from others (with no intention of returning them), you need to develop the habit of giving things to others who have less than you or giving your time to help the less fortunate. Can you do that?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 16:12 – Hard Working Women

Romans 16:12 – Hard Working Women

Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, who have labored in the Lord. Greet the beloved Persis, who labored much in the Lord.

Truth to Learn

There are many hard working women in the church!

Behind the Words

The names “Tryphena and Tryphosa” are Greek and are both derived from the verb truphaō, meaning “to live luxuriously.”

Labored” is translated from the Greek word kopiaō, which we saw back in verse six means “to work hard to the point of feeling fatigued.” There is another Greek word, ergadzomai, which is usually translated “work.” Kopiaō, however, implies long, hard labor, much greater than simply ergadzomai.

The name “Persis” means “a Persian woman.”

Meaning Explained

The next three people to be greeted by the Apostle Paul are all women who worked for God in some capacity. The first two, Tryphena and Tryphosa are believed to be sisters and may, in fact, have been twins. They are said to have been noble women of Iconium and may likely have been converted under Paul’s ministery there. Paul tells us that these two women were not simply workers in the ministry with him, they were laborers, that is, they worked hard. The other woman mentioned in this verse is Persis who, he says, labored much in her service to God. She apparently worked hard for many hours.

Some commentators have gone to great lengths to assert that these women did not preach. Such a waste of time and effort! Nowhere in the Scriptures are we told that women can’t preach. Paul does give specific instruction regarding elders (probably pastors) and bishops (senior pastors) in his letters to Timothy and Titus:

For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you—if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. (Titus 1:5-6)

This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; (1Timothy 3:1-2)

The word translated “husband” is specifically male and the word for “wife” is specifically female. So a woman is not to be an elder or a bishop. Paul is also very specific about women not teaching men or having authority over a man in the church:

And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. (1Titus 2:12)

But, the Bible does not tell us that women are not to preach the Gospel message. And, Paul tells Titus very specifically that the older women are to be teachers of other women (Titus 2:3, 4).


God knew that Paul would need help from some very hard working people. We see here that a number of those hard workers were women. The church today would not be nearly as effective as it is except for the many hard working women who commit their time and effort to God in the local church. Thank you ladies for your hard work!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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